posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 01:55 PM
a reply to:
Agree'd, we could do with more old fashioned farm shop's, more home grown organic produce and cheaper home grown good's but the main problem is
supermarket's these day's.
Also despite there solicitor like explanation of why universal credit is good for claimant's when in fact it is not it is also very bad for the
economy, we all hated the smack head's that were bragging about spending THERE money on drug's and living in squalor while there kid's were left to go
feral up and down the country as they were not only sickening on a personal level they were a disgrace to our society despite being actually the
extreme minority of claimant's that the Tory's loved to blow out of proportion, same for abusers of the blue badge and disabled schemes but still
austerity was not only unnecessary it was a mistake.
The Tory's actively tried to deflect from the harm there reform's did to the high streets by claiming it was down to the rise in online shopping -
conveniently ignoring the fact that the weekly payment's to the poor were an indirect stimulus to the retail sector and in affect an unofficial
subsidy of the retail sector were the high street's saw it as a lifeline so that every time the benefit claimant's got there dole they would then
spend it almost in it's entirety on food and other cheap good's and very seldom did they do any of that spending online, no they actually went to
those high street's in there droves, suddenly as soon as the ConDem's cut the benefits the money into those shop's stopped, suddenly shop's up and
down the nation closed, the stock guy's whom worked logistics for those shop's, the checkout operators etc all lost there job's and then the Tory's
hid the real unemployment figures forcing there victim's because that is what these people really were - to work on zero hours contract's and if they
had even a part time position they were then claimed to be not unemployed even if they had some help from the government in the form of financial
support, they also implemented the utterly inhuman and wretched policy of Sanctioning were they would refuse to pay benefit's if THEY deemed a person
was not looking for work or was ill but THEY said that person was well, these people too vanished from the unemployment numbers while the Tory's
massaged - nay beat and battered and lied about the true figures of unemployed in our nation while homelessness also helped them hide those figures
since if you don't have a home you can't be recorded.
Now make no mistake some of these same Tory's we lemming's have somehow allowed back into control of our nation not once now but twice are hoping
that this disease kill's off the elderly because they see it as a ticket to allow them to cut back in state pension etc, to kill off the poor and sick
because they see them as a burden to the taxpayers etc and want to privatize the NHS even if they say they don't as quickly as they can do so.
So there is in reality without the obvious joking point's to be made not very much good about the virus BUT that all depend's on your perspective, if
you are one of the ultra wealthy that own the Tory's and probably have access to state of the art anti viral agent's among other treatment's that we
peon's will never get then it is a gift horse because it thin's out the useless sheep, of course it can backfire on them as well so maybe it will turn
out to have a bright ray for the sane people after all if we get the Tory's out of power next election even if that is a very long way off now barring
a major government crisis that is not going to happen without cumming's the puppet master pulling his hand out of Boris arse any time soon.
edit on 16-3-2020 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)