posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 04:32 AM
hey - a chance to talk about something other than emergent pandemics
i shall start :
i was once [ 1997 ~ 2000 ] an apollo moon hoax believer
i realise that many ATS members may be bemused by this - so a clarification :
i always accepted that the appollo program was real - and 12 men walked on the moon - but at the time i belived that the majority of the " epic "
images - ie the < 50 of the tens of thousands - that are always reprinted in books magazines etc - were injected into the ALSJ post mission - and were
actually taken by proffessionals on earth - using training envirnments and props
part of this was due to my utter ignorance of photography - at the time -
i never owned a camera untill 2003 - and prior to that had mrobally taken more pictures of couples at tourist hotspots who asked - " you take picture
of us ? " - and thrust a camera at me - than any other prhotography
so - thats my background
ETA - it was actually david percy - who persuaded me that i was wrong - because - i bought his book - and quickly asscertained that all his none
photgraph claims were utter bollox [ engineering etc ] - so i then started to use my precious 4 pence a minuite internet time - to look at his
photography claims - critically - and ultimately rejected them too
so - thats me - who else - has a CT belief that they now renounce - lurking in thier past ?
edit on 16-3-2020 by ignorant_ape because: (no
reason given)