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IL response to Corona virus is now boarding on martial law...

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posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 02:10 AM
To those who dont live in IL let me update you on some downright scary developments.

Our governor last week made an emergency order that ALL SCHOOLS be closed until march 30 starting on march 17.

This is in addition to banning all public activities (of 25 people or greater) state wide.

Now he has banned restaurants , bars, ect from having people eating/drinking on site.
For now (key words FOR NOW) drive though, take out, and delivery is OK.
for now does not apply to bowling alleys, movies, stores , ect.

all with "promises" of state aid (ironically paid for in part by feds) of all types to "help with the loss"

but what has me truly worried (and admit scared) is he is using THE POLICE to enforce this..
first it was only announced that CHICAGO (ironically, not) PD would be checking and in reality ENFORCING this.

though my contacts I found out that not only is chicago but rockton is immediately doing the same thing.
with the result is they COULD shut down anyone who defies it.
which means if one continues to resist be arrested.

I dont know how many more jurisdictions are following this but two already and one being one of the biggest in the state (btw I dont believe chicago is only one within cook county ) .

one friend of mine said off the record there was no order in his.

im sorry but how can anyone not think that given what has already been ordered under "state of emergency" and the speed (less than two weeks) , and that no major outbreaks had happened nor still have not that it will stop there.

How much of "keeping it contained/ us safe" would be necessary to restrict even further?

forced quarantine unless you have PROVEN you not infected?
random road checkpoints?
requiring all "non necessary" travel to be stopped and unless approved you must stay home?
restricting gas stations open to force limited travel?
Many other nightmare situations run though my mind and given what has already happened (that no one ever expected) that it is no longer a paranoid / tin foil hat theory.

Am I alone in being worried not only about IL but everywhere in the US ?


posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 02:27 AM
It isn't happening in your area only. Pretty much the same in the rest of the world.

Yeah, these are martial law type measures, not a moment to complain about it. Just survive #1 the virus and #2 the man against man situation.

#2 is going to be worse and harder. #1 is incidental and shows the real person inside each one.

posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 02:29 AM
a reply to: scrounger

If you don't have the police enforcing it, then who else would, city officials, the national guard?

In reality you would need an enhanced police presence to keep crime down due to all of those empty businesses.

posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 02:30 AM
a reply to: scrounger

Welcome to the party , # just got real..

I hope you stocked up while you had the chance.

posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 04:04 AM
Another thing I forgot to add is that each measure went from announcement to implantation to enforcement faster than the last.

the closing of ALL SCHOOLS was announced on wed to be implemented on tuesday (in realism monday)

then before the "official" start time of closing schools and only 3 DAYS after the initial announcement they announce the MANDATORY closing of businesses having on site food/beverage to take place 24 HOURS (at best) after announcing it.

with ENFORCEMENT within hour of required implementation (give or take) .

note this is faster and implemented BEFORE the school one is to take place.

Note the biggest and most frightening thing there has been NO TIME TO SEE IF ANY OF THE ACTIONS have had any effect on the spread of corona.. be positive or negative.

IMO it looks like they had the previous two ready to go no matter what happened and to hell if they were needed or would work .

I wonder if they have more draconian actions "to protect people" ready to go and just waiting to see either ....

a. what the people will tolerate
b. when they have ENFORCEMENT ready in case of resistance.

In an ironic twist they took these actions BEFORE the new cases were announced .

I know I work with some people that are really ok with this..
including one that has had training in pandemic responses.

that is the more frightening thing to me than the actions to date.

they are CONVINCED that this is needed.
inspite of me pointing out with each passing confirmed case the "percentage of fatalities to infected" is dropping .

am I crazy or are we witnessing how tyranny is implemented, gets entrenched and is accepted by the people.

the "cure" seems to be more deadly (figuratively and heading to litterally) both in physical , economic and to our rights than the disease

when are or should be start to stand up and resist .


posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 04:31 AM

originally posted by: hopenotfeariswhatweneed
a reply to: scrounger

Welcome to the party , # just got real..

I hope you stocked up while you had the chance.

Yup. I warned everyone a month ago to stock up!

posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 04:42 AM
a reply to: Alien Abduct

Anyone that has not at this point likely will not for your own, the rest will have to deal with whatever comes their way...
edit on 16-3-2020 by hopenotfeariswhatweneed because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 05:23 AM
a reply to: scrounger

Well, in a press conference this weekend Trump was asked if he was considering European style lockdowns. He replied "regional lockdowns".
His advisor did a couple of interviews this weekend where he said regional lockdown at a minimum.
I don't know what a regional lockdown looks like, but they are going to happen.

posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 05:24 AM
There is nothing stopping anyone from taking a nice, leisurely stroll in nature at a local park or even just around the block. I suppose that I am more of an introvert so none of this stuff bothers me in the least.

posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 05:33 AM
Well, I'm from the Quad Cities and I haven't heard anything today about food shortages or panic. That was this morning when I talked with my brother. He was quite shocked when I told him about our situation here in our town in Japan. He did say he would start stocking up on food tomorrow. I can't believe people in America are so wacked out on the BS that they are being feed on TV. Like its only the flu. Sorry people, that is no longer true. You don't quarantine a city of 11 million people because of the flu and build hospitals in 7 days with over 4000 people working on it.

posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 05:38 AM

originally posted by: Metallicus
There is nothing stopping anyone from taking a nice, leisurely stroll in nature at a local park or even just around the block. I suppose that I am more of an introvert so none of this stuff bothers me in the least.

Yep. I take my dirt bike out to the woods every few days. Other than that I am fortunate enough to not have to go to work. I just stay home exercise here instead of the gym, listen to music and cook and watch movies. I'm well stocked and ready for a many months of quarantine.

And after this is over when the market bounces back my pockets will be fat!

posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 08:34 AM
a reply to: scrounger

When did all this go down in Rockton? I was just there on Saturday morning making a dog food run at Farm & Fleet. Main Sreet was busy and the Wal-Mart was insane busy but I didn't see any police presence.
edit on 3/16/2020 by Cheddarhead because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 09:16 AM

originally posted by: Metallicus
There is nothing stopping anyone from taking a nice, leisurely stroll in nature at a local park or even just around the block. I suppose that I am more of an introvert so none of this stuff bothers me in the least.

Southern Il here.

The state closed all parks and lakes. Every single state run place is closed. We cant even go fishing.

I am worried. I got into it with the wife. She keeps saying there is nothing to worry about.

I see the big picture. This can go 100 different ways, some people are only focusing on one way.

posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 09:20 AM
a reply to: Metallicus

Now they are figuring out that Illinois is a state that squashes freedom...

Ohio has all that going on plus, indefinite closure of bars and restaurant dining, no visitors at nursing homes, only immediate family over 14 at hospitals at one visitor per day and schools were out until April 6 with and option to be indefinite.

Heard something about waving at a person was grounds for the death penalty, but that might have been an exaggeration.

posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 09:30 AM
a reply to: musicismagic

Yes, you can. I don't understand what people don't get about this. It's the math and the way herd immunity works.

We have no herd immunity to this virus, so everyone gets it. The tendency in an unchecked situation will be for every infection curve to be the red one. Most people get it all at once and almost everyone will get it. It doesn't take high numbers in terms of severe cases or fatalities to overwhelm the systems and make those numbers worse.

Wuhan got it bad because they were the first and got caught with their pants down. They let it go without any control for far too long there, and we see what a really bad situation looks like.

Italy is another place where the infection curve went red -- not enough control, not soon enough, and everyone is sick all at once and the system is overwhelmed. Death numbers go up in those situations.

In places where they get out ahead of it and keep controls in place, the numbers are much lower, more in line with seasonal flus in bad years. We see that in South Korea and in the rest of China when removing Wuhan from their stats or Taiwan. Those places are following the gray curve where the spread through the population is slowed. The same numbers of people are going to get it, but the pace at which they do, is controlled by the sorts of measures we see countries taking.

The hope is that we stay more toward the gray curve and less toward the red, and part of that is attempting to keep people apart.

But ... people keep thinking this is all because we're going to fall over dead if we get it. That's just not true.

posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 10:07 AM
New York is now following the glowing examples that IL and OH have given. I guess it is really bad when NY didn’t want to look like the bad guy by going first.

posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 10:11 AM

originally posted by: hopenotfeariswhatweneed
a reply to: Alien Abduct

Anyone that has not at this point likely will not for your own, the rest will have to deal with whatever comes their way...
Absolute fear mongering, keep your foolish opinions to yourself.

With the exception of TP, Rice, Beans, Ramen and Hand sanitizer, you can still get fresh fruits, boxed dinners and even fresh steaks at the local grocery store.

Infact, I went to HEB this morning and while crowded and busy to snagged the initial small stocks of those listed items, we ended up grabbing eggs and some steaks for a nice Steak and Eggs breakfast.

People, you will be fine, isolate if needed, only go to the stores if need be, otherwise, don't fall for the fear mongering people are pushing onto others.

posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 10:36 AM
Seems like Michigan is starting to follow suit with Illinois. I wasn't too concerned at first, I'm getting worried now.

I've sent a group email to my closest relatives asking them, "Is it time to be concerned yet?" Only two responses so far, my oldest brother (Tennessee) called me directly and we discussed it at length and my youngest brother (Michigan) replied with a joke. After elaborating on my first group email he gave a reasonable reply about his situation at work.

I called my stepfather (Michigan) and he was up on the situation and had a lot to say, much I agreed with.

It's time to get in gear for the SHTF scenario, for at least a month, if not more.

posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 10:43 AM
The global elite's apparatus of scientific dictatorship, political & societal
control continues to work through crisis events.

“We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right
major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order.” -David
Rockefeller at a UN Ambassadors’ dinner, Sept. 23 rd , 1994

"[The New World Order] cannot happen without U.S. participation, as we
are the most significant single component. Yes, there will be a New World
Order, and it will force the United States to change its perceptions." -Henry
Kissinger, World Affairs Council Press Conference, Regent Beverly Wilshire
Hotel, April 19th 1994.
edit on 3/16/2020 by MrBlaq because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 10:55 AM
Illinois: Zero Covid-19 Deaths / 7 in Hospital / 4 Released.

Notice how crappy the llinois Corona Virus Website:

I can't wait for "the people" to get angry, rebel, and begin demanding answers as to why such an extreme overreaction to 70 Covid-19 deaths nationwide since January, with 99% of all cases being classified as "mild".


Your local media will scream about the number of cases in specific counties, but rarely mention that the individuals are not in the hospital. In the absence of violence or blood, the media (all media) gets off with spreading fear...even the weather people here in Chicago do that.

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