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Covid-19: definitely a conspiracy

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posted on Mar, 17 2020 @ 11:21 PM
If you notice, the media (for the most part) is not reporting that the U.S. House is not coming back to Washington on March 23rd. Pelosi has told members to stay away, due to CoronaVirus. The real reason is to prevent voting on items that make the Trump Admin look the $1,000 per person stimulus payment.

posted on Mar, 18 2020 @ 01:10 AM

originally posted by: Bloodworth
I got a feeling that this whole thing is a social experiment....

This was probably purposely released and they want to study and test the limits of control.

Very very strange
“Berkeley Prison Experiment”, meet the World...

posted on Mar, 18 2020 @ 01:21 AM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

When I got home tonight I loaded up CNN, Fox, ATS, the Guardian, RT, and a few other alternative sites to get a barometer of what's out there and noticed something on CNN about Biden's candidacy...

"Now it's up to Bernie Sanders to turn his guns -- and his millions of energetic, committed supporters -- away from the battle and toward the war. Sanders has won in many important ways: there is no doubt his candidacy has pushed the Democratic Party in a more progressive direction. But at the end of the day, as Biden said, voters want results, not a revolution.

The coronavirus pandemic has raised the stakes. Governing is no longer a reality show. Voters may no longer believe that politics is a mere spectacle. It is a life and death matter. So many of the qualities that some disparaged in Biden: his calm demeanor, his refusal to demonize, his insistence on unity, his moderate instincts, his decades of experience -- they now appear tailor-made for the current crisis."

That last part... " -- they now appear tailor-made for the current crisis." made me think of the Gulf of Tonkin, Iran/Contra, 9/11, COINTELPRO, the Reichstag fire, etc. and that maybe his entire campaign was "tailor-made" for the current crisis...

posted on Mar, 18 2020 @ 05:22 AM
This site is completely much disinformation here....most of u guys r suspect agents..

Not 1 person in this thread has mentioned the 5G rollout. It started in Wuhan. Same time as this fake virus.

Just a coincidence right? No correlation there, huh?

U guys ignore my post about proof of the virus. No talk about how they test for it. Just more fear mongering based on "reports"

I'm out. F this lame ass site.

posted on Mar, 18 2020 @ 06:47 AM
It's really a combination of several things adding up to a catastrophe. The government doesn't really do anything, no planning, kick the can down the road to next guy. Once something does happen the help is to late. The gov lies about the economy, spout bs of how great it is. It's been 3 years in the making of +3000 Dow and it came crashing down in less than a months time. That shows how fragile it really is. Inflating bubbles inside bubbles. One wrong move and the balsa wood floor drops out from under your feet into the abyss. The US economy is tied at the waist with China. What's going to happen when convid-19 reaches the same level the normal flu virus is at every year? Much higher exponential mortality rate that's what and huge stress on the medical system. It's like flipping a coin. The dysfunction of the establishment is just staggering. It's like they want it to be this way. It couldn't all happen at a better time.

posted on Mar, 18 2020 @ 08:35 AM
Experts say to increase the numerator by 25 to 50 (at least) bc so few can be tested

4 nba nets players have “it” and only one has mild symptoms

Experts also say the death rate is likely lower lol but politically they don’t want people not taking this seriously

Do the math , we capture the (severe cases / deaths) so now increase the numerator by a factor of 25 to 50 (to ONE) and now calculate the likely death rate

Every infectious disease expert will say the case number is horrificly under reported bc only severe cases have priority

That would mean death rate is what ...increase the numerator by a FACTOR of 25-50

.2 of 1 %

Now tons will contract this , many will not even know they had it

It’s also been here and spread already

The business nature of hospital system is ill prepared to to handle a slight to moderate increase of ventilators during flu season . It doesn’t take that much to go from operating normally to “Italy” bc we have a severe lack of ventilators this time of year .
edit on 18-3-2020 by Cpick1223 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 18 2020 @ 09:23 AM

originally posted by: LookingAtMars
a reply to: Phage

Which "media" would that be?

Glad to see you have reappeared!

All of the American media was playing it down at first.

It was "just the flu", "The flu is worst" and "wash your hands".

Haha they did! Of course, as soon as Trump said the same things they reversed course and mocked him over comparing it to the flu.

posted on Mar, 18 2020 @ 09:32 AM

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: LookingAtMars

People whipped themselves into a frenzy. It's what we do when surrounded by ignorance and fear from social media and our peers.

Show me an example of what you claim.
Turn on the TV. There's your example.

If I had a source to it I'd provide it, but one of those cruise ships a while back was headlined with some ridiculously sensationalized wordplay. If media news could forgo the sensationalism and strictly report the facts, then people wouldn't panic nearly as much.

posted on Mar, 18 2020 @ 09:36 AM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: zatara


The Netherlands, along with all other countries, report those who died, and recovered, from amongst those who were HOSPITALIZED due to the severity of the illness. Most recover at home. Those are not reported.

As from today, march 18 we have 2056 cntaminated and still 2 recovered. If you'd ask me this figure doesn't make any sense even if people have been recovering at home.

Source INFO

posted on Mar, 18 2020 @ 01:46 PM

originally posted by: LuckyCharmz
This site is completely much disinformation here....most of u guys r suspect agents..

Not 1 person in this thread has mentioned the 5G rollout. It started in Wuhan. Same time as this fake virus.

Just a coincidence right? No correlation there, huh?

U guys ignore my post about proof of the virus. No talk about how they test for it. Just more fear mongering based on "reports"

I'm out. F this lame ass site.

LOL yeh no worries, 5G is causing a flu like respiratory virus.
Lets just blame it on aliens.

Aw, you're quitting the site because your posts didn't get you enough attention that you were seeking? Boohoo.

Jump on Youtube, there's plenty of other unrealistic, nonsensical conspiracy theorists who are out of touch with reality, whose theories have no basis and no credibility, let alone being factual.


posted on Mar, 18 2020 @ 01:55 PM
So far none of it is making sense, regardless we all need to do the best to relax and stay calm.

Ok, back to the ELE

originally posted by: zatara

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: zatara


The Netherlands, along with all other countries, report those who died, and recovered, from amongst those who were HOSPITALIZED due to the severity of the illness. Most recover at home. Those are not reported.

As from today, march 18 we have 2056 cntaminated and still 2 recovered. If you'd ask me this figure doesn't make any sense even if people have been recovering at home.

Source INFO

posted on Mar, 18 2020 @ 02:28 PM

originally posted by: BiffWellington
I think one of the key things is that there may be many more people in need of ICU treatment (ventilators and such) than can be accommodated by the health system in the US. So you’re going to have thousands of people struggling to breath and being totally on their own at home with no access to hospital care.

That scenario may well play out. What we are experiencing now is already a depressing display of the failure to public health that is our profit driven system.

The socialist system of China demonstrated its ability to come to terms with such a pandemic fairly quickly, even as our profit driven system is daily demonstrating its many deficiencies.

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 04:06 AM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

I think this whole thing is a conspiracy, especially the mass hsyeria from the main stream media. Just look at the breaking news headlines on your nationally broadcasted news. In Australia where i live its ABC, and every time someone does from Covid, its this:

BREAKING NEWS: ANOTHER PERSON HAS DIED!! (bringing the total dead to.........6)

or how about this


and this is not meant to induce panic amongst the public?
You may have seen footage of people in Australia flocking to supermarkets to buy an essential product to survice armageddon....toilet paper! I kid you not, here toliet paper is like gold.

Also, why is it that famous people, celebrities that test positive to it, when they are at home, live streaming to Youtube, they look perfectly healthy?? I have not yet seen one single celebrity look deathly ill at home, why is that?

Also is it just a coincidence but why are so many CEOs quitting from major companies lately?

I just think its all BS, especially the mass hysteria from the media.

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 04:41 AM
a reply to: Salander

The socialist system of China demonstrated its ability to come to terms with such a pandemic fairly quickly, even as our profit driven system is daily demonstrating its many deficiencies.

Haha... yes, dragging people off the streets, spraying streets with chemical fogs, sounds to me like utopia, who could argue with that approach.
edit on 19/3/2020 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 04:54 AM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

exactly, sign me up to being dragged to a hospital without my consent *sarcasm*

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 12:12 PM
I think that the most potent truth is rarely if ever discussed and never widely known. fear instills self-censoring. no one wants boots kicking in their door a few hours later...

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 08:01 PM
I know it sounds crackpot but been thinking if this could possibly be a false flag to put China under our foot. They have been building their military, this Huawei thing and all the other shady things they have been up to. They have been building themselves up for world dominance for a little while now...perhaps someone figured it’s time to put a stop to that.

Introduce this bug on there soil sit back for a bit and don’t do anything while it takes hold and causes global mayhem/deaths and all sorts of bad things. Blame it all on them most of the planet would back you on it and shut them down without a conventional war...done.

Again a little crackpot, but we’re on the topic of conspiracies.

I obviously have nothing else better to do with my time!

edit on 19-3-2020 by Slyder12 because: (no reason given)

edit on 19-3-2020 by Slyder12 because: (no reason given)

edit on 19-3-2020 by Slyder12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 21 2020 @ 11:01 AM

originally posted by: carewemust
If you notice, the media (for the most part) is not reporting that the U.S. House is not coming back to Washington on March 23rd. Pelosi has told members to stay away, due to CoronaVirus. The real reason is to prevent voting on items that make the Trump Admin look the $1,000 per person stimulus payment.

It is time for our government to join the modern society.

All congress critters should be required - mandated - to work directly from their districts, permanently.

All votes on house and senate bills should be done remotely, via secure process, with open and transparent checks and balances, and all critters should be required to vote either yeh or nay (no more 'present' BS).

Imagine how much money would be saved - no more office maintenance, travel, etc etc, much hard for bribery (lobbying) to take place, and dramatically reduces the chances that some kind of single event could take out a huge number of law makers in one fell swoop.

posted on Mar, 21 2020 @ 11:10 AM
a reply to: marty344

Bottom Line - This is what the 2020 campaign is being set up as..

Who got America out of the Bush Recession? - obama-BIDEN!

Who will get America out of the Trump Recession? - BIDEN-(---)!

That is being setup by the "Democrat Complex" right now. Started with the MSM and Trump-hating NBA. Now, the Democratic Governors of CA/NY/IL are implementing their part of the plan to cause a recession.

posted on Mar, 22 2020 @ 10:59 PM
The first few moments of this Australian Youtube broadcast might look a little familiar to some. I've tried all kinds of combinations of numbers to use in a YT link here and I don't know why I can't this one working.

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