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What will you do when people start asking for help?

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posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 11:08 PM
a reply to: blueman12

I think that would be a good idea. It's going to get worse I'm afraid, especially if state and local governments implement lockdowns in certain areas of the country. People are already acting irrationally and I doubt their behavior is going to change anytime soon.

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 11:09 PM
a reply to: ZapBrannigan3030

I’m exactly the opposite, our kids ride bikes in the neighborhood, everyone knows us. We drive nice cars, not because we are rich or anything, we just like nice cars. Most of the driveways are gravel but I sprung to asphalt ours years ago (snow removal not because we are just swimming in money). If people in my neighborhood get to rough times I think they are going to come over.

I might just say up front, you can have a few rolls of TP or a few cans of food but that’s it. Don’t come back.

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 11:12 PM
a reply to: ZapBrannigan3030

I hope your not serious. No way I'm taking my guns, ammo, or valuables out of my gun safe to store toilet paper. Chill out, this isn't exactly a zombie apocalypse for crying out loud!

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 11:13 PM

originally posted by: litterbaux
a reply to: ZapBrannigan3030

I’m exactly the opposite, our kids ride bikes in the neighborhood, everyone knows us. We drive nice cars, not because we are rich or anything, we just like nice cars. Most of the driveways are gravel but I sprung to asphalt ours years ago (snow removal not because we are just swimming in money). If people in my neighborhood get to rough times I think they are going to come over.

I might just say up front, you can have a few rolls of TP or a few cans of food but that’s it. Don’t come back.

Don't misunderstand, I certainly wouldn't GIVE just about all I have away. But I'm all by myself and can fend for myself.

So if I know the family next door with a few young kids really needed it, I'm fine with giving them a few cans of food and some water from time to time and keeping an eye on them and the rest of the neighborhood if need be.

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 11:14 PM

originally posted by: shawmanfromny
a reply to: ZapBrannigan3030

I hope your not serious. No way I'm taking my guns, ammo, or valuables out of my gun safe to store toilet paper. Chill out, this isn't exactly a zombie apocalypse for crying out loud!

I'm 2 ply, name brand, quilted ultra strong serious.

It's the cadillac of TP.

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 11:15 PM
a reply to: blueman12
I noticed after seeing empty shelves in Walmart, I was buying an extra jar of spaghetti sauce, an extra jar of peanut butter, an extra this and extra that. Made me wonder the next time I go to buy something, if it will be available. I did buy some bottle water today but only because I had a boil water advisory in the county where I'm moving to an E. coli test report and county alert. I found out later it did not apply to my water but it was a close call. I don't have a big water supply off the grid. Ive been trying to move, not prep for the end of the world.

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 11:15 PM
a reply to: ZapBrannigan3030

My fear with that strategy is like my feeding the stray cat example. Now they are coming back day after day, week after week.

Maybe I’ll get my squirrel traps out and offer that to them. That should turn them away to someone else.

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 11:18 PM
Anyone who comes to my door hungry and honest will not leave hungry.

Anyone who comes to my door dishonestly may not leave. Zombies and thieves beware.


posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 11:19 PM
a reply to: litterbaux

I will help, for all we know we may have been born for these moments. We may be helping already and not know it. I suppose during ww2 people had the same feelings, this current event does not scale up to ww2 but chances are this may be closest to ww2 then we will ever experience. So ya I will, do my best to help people.

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 11:19 PM
Not yet, it's not. That comes after stage three.

To the OP: I'll be helping as much as I can by keeping my family safe and healthy so my partner can remain effective at her job.

Wife+kids, homeboy. No trippin'.

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 11:20 PM
a reply to: ZapBrannigan3030

That’s what everyone is doing. You see canned fruit wiped out? You are going to buy the last 4 cans (true story). That’s how this all starts.

There’s no indication the water supply will turn off. Bottled water is just a convenience, not really needed, yet. Unless in your case the water table is compromised but most people are on city water (no offense Flint,MI)

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 11:22 PM
a reply to: 0zzymand0s

I’m glad to hear most posters saying the same thing. After reading the comments I will help more than I previously thought I would. Until I get to the point of needing to do the same. Then ration and hope I guess.

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 11:24 PM
a reply to: ZapBrannigan3030

My Grandmother used to cut the newspaper up into toilet sized thingys, use a paper hole thingy and string a load together in the outside loo. If you pull one off no pun intended, then sort of snap it a bit between two hands it softens up. Plus its free. She used to go into the public loo and unroll half a roll, now and then, the loos that cost a penny, you know "Spend a penny" were usually well stocked. They were for the inside Loo. They came through the depression and had a few tricks up their sleeves. Like keeping chicken and a good garden.

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 11:26 PM
if anyone comes to my door i may just lead them to the back room and and lock them in and save them for when i run out of food.

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 11:26 PM

originally posted by: litterbaux
This toilet paper run is really crazy and it made me think, what am I going to do if my neighbor or coworker asks me for help? Everyone knows someone that lives paycheck to paycheck, don’t pay attention to what’s going on and generally not someone, like us, the prepared for whatever. Those people are going to head off to the store and the shelves are wiped out. First it’s toilet paper (which I find odd) but next it’s going to be food.

If you don’t answer the door, you run the risk they try to get in on their own, eventually. If you give them some TP or food you know their gonna be back (like feeding an outdoor cat or birds). You could answer the door with a rifle and say you’re off your meds perhaps but then your just a crazy person.

I’m not sure what I’m going to do, people are obviously completely irrational right now. Having a plan is something to start thinking about.

I hope to God this thing blows over in a month but it seems to be spiraling out of control the past few days.

What say you ATS?

I'd tell them to run a shallow bath and sit in it after they poop. If your butt is dirty and you have no tp...use water you stupid *!^&...

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 11:27 PM

originally posted by: litterbaux
a reply to: 0zzymand0s

I’m glad to hear most posters saying the same thing. After reading the comments I will help more than I previously thought I would. Until I get to the point of needing to do the same. Then ration and hope I guess.

I'd help, mostly because one of two things will happen. The "stocks" will be enough to weather a short term upset, or, they will give most people enough time to realize/relearn what it takes for basic human survival.

I don't need 5 years worth of food(it always runs out) and I wouldn't give people food under any understanding that it won't, at some point, run out and you need to figure # out for yourself.

I have what I have, because it will give me time to adjust, if we were truly at a world changing event where humans have to go back to basic survival(we are not, this is so overblown). Thinking that you can buy buy buy in an attempt to avoid a natural step, should it arise, like being self sufficient off of nature is foolish, IMO. In the end it all runs out and you have to learn how to do what humans have done for thousands of years.

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 11:28 PM
a reply to: litterbaux

You do what feels right to you. My wang is already hanging waaaay out there because my SO is a nurse and it would take an act of congress to keep her home.

I'll do what I can to keep her upright. If I can help, I'll help. If I can't I'll say so and without apology. The world may be a rotten hellscape full of slobbering demons who can't do the math, but I'll be damned if I will deliberately make it worse.

Mr. Rodgers said, "Look for the helpers." You could die worse. I've seen it.

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 11:31 PM
a reply to: ZapBrannigan3030

This I a little embarrassing to admit but we are “couponers” we don’t prep for the end of the world. When you shop to save you just end up with a full pantry.

Makes times like these easier to sleep at night.

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 11:32 PM
I'd have no problem sharing with the neighbors, particularly those with kids. We're a good neighborhood with people who know and look out for one another. I'd much prefer to keep it that way, even if things get tight. I'd skip a meal or two for any of the kids on our street. There have been times where I've lived in neighborhoods that weren't close knit, and that'd be harder, but I'd still probably give something if possible.
We're set for awhile, like usual. This isn't the sort of thing that will likely lead to major infrastructure loss or loss of utilities. It should sort relatively quickly, although some people are going to end up relying on the government to feed them if this goes weeks, which won't be seamless. Could definitely be worse as disasters go.

edit on 14-3-2020 by RadioRobert because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 11:33 PM

originally posted by: litterbaux
a reply to: ZapBrannigan3030

This I a little embarrassing to admit but we are “couponers” we don’t prep for the end of the world. When you shop to save you just end up with a full pantry.

Makes times like these easier to sleep at night.

My parents were the same. They always had a pantry with almost a years worth of food, you actually had to make an effort to put a dent in it.

It's what most people should do, it's what people did in the past because even 50 years ago this current concept was much more of a reality for most homes.

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