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Quit wasting resources for Covid19

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posted on Mar, 13 2020 @ 10:14 PM
a reply to: Bluntone22

Anyone that doesn’t believe public pressure is forcing all this overreaction is just kidding themselves.

I think if it’s explain similarly to how I did above. Large percentage of the population would agree .

I keep using the phrase “ most of you are only going to get the flu “ ( paraphrased) over and over .

Because Trump said that early and he was right .

Which is why we are never going to hear or see anything along the line of my 0P .

posted on Mar, 13 2020 @ 10:28 PM

originally posted by: Fallingdown
a reply to: Liquesence

You brought up the hospitals being overwhelmed in Italy . The vast majority is old folks and concentrating on them would relieve that problem .

I know the initial infection rate was around 70%. They’re coming down on that now last I saw it was between 70 and 40 .

Plus apparently you’re oblivious of the fact that 80% of people infected .

GET THE FLU nothing more .

What do you have against old people anyway ?

Sound’s like you would prefer to Hayes and the odds of succumbing to Covid 19.

I guess it could be that logic thing we talked about before .

Not one person has ever in history contracted influenza from a corona virus if that happen we should all panic as that is one hell of a mutation ... like supernatural shapeshifter mutation

Now if you called it a really bad cold you would be correct

posted on Mar, 13 2020 @ 10:34 PM
a reply to: infolurker

I’m in my late 50s.

Enough so that I am at a higher threat .

For the age groups 0 to 40 there have been zero fatalities .

You can’t understand the simple logic behind my position ?

Flus go around every year and that’s all the vast majority of us are going to get .

Lets protect the people at risk of dying .

The 20 somethings have nothing to worry about.

I bet more will choke to death on their toothbrush then die from Covid 19.

Same link as above for Italy

posted on Mar, 13 2020 @ 10:37 PM
The US may not have as high a percentage of citizens over 60 as other countries where COVID-19 has shown high mortality rates.

But, advanced age is only one factor contributing to the severity of the virus’s expression; pre-existing health conditions also must be taken into account.

The US may have fewer elderly, but how many Americans are T1 or T2 diabetics?

How many are on statins for high cholesterol, which is often accompanied by heart disease?

And that’s not to mention the health effects of obesity, which is far more endemic in the US than elsewhere in the world.

“Mediterranean Diet” ring any bells? Hint: Italy is on the Mediterranean.

So anyone hoping to claim that “only old folks need to worry, cuz the rest of us will just get ‘the flu’”, should take a closer look at the results of their last physical.
edit on 13-3-2020 by Bhadhidar because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 13 2020 @ 10:40 PM
a reply to: markovian

Really ?

That was a off hand comparison in symptoms .

In no way did I mean it in the clinical sense .

Now what do you think about the rest of the OP ?

posted on Mar, 13 2020 @ 10:47 PM
a reply to: Bhadhidar

So anyone hoping to claim that “only old folks need to worry, cuz the rest of us will just get ‘the flu’”, should take a closer look at the results of their last physical.

What’s your position then ?

Just forget about the old folks and do nothing to help them because there are other sick people who they greatly outnumbered ?

I can’t believe how silly people are in the replies when they’re desperately clinging onto their doom .

Did you literally think I meant no one would die but old people? Or when I said everyone else would get the flu. Not one single person would die from it ?

HelI I put the statistics up there did you miss them ?

posted on Mar, 13 2020 @ 10:49 PM
The disease is not bad for young healthy people, they should not be worrying about it much. Not in this disease anyway. Some diseases cause harm in the young, some in middle aged people, and some are a problem for the old people.

Trouble is in this country we have to watch it, this is not China or Italy. Here doctors prescribe immune disrupting medicines way more than in some other countries. So the risk here will be higher on those who take those kind of meds. It basically is not going to be like it is in Italy or China here, it is going to include different ratios of individuals here because people here take medicines so they can continue eating foods they should not be eating. Metabolic intolerances are a major problem here, Metabolic syndrome can cause a real lot of seemingly unrelated issues which cause people to need medicines to control

Italians are very fussy with their ancestral diets, they evolved with their foods and live long here because they sort of stick to what their ancestors diet was generally like. I know quite a few Italians, they all seem to eat like other Italians if they are healthy.

I have a feeling we are going to have a much more diverse death rate here, but do you blame it on this virus or do you blame it on the disease? Or do you blame it on the meds used to treat the disease, a lot of the meds state one of the side effects is impaired resistance to diseases.

This is something everyone should think about, this is why there have been more and more deaths from the flu too. Never give up a medicine that you have been taking for a long time without discussing it with your doctor, it could be deadly. Ask the doctor if there is a way you could alter your diet to make it so you do not need the pills or ask the doctor if there is a less risky medicine alternative. I do not give medical advice, I want people to discuss things with their doctors, especially if you are on multiple meds and seem to be going downhill. There are special doctors to evaluate side effects, many times a pill is prescribed to fix a side effect, then another pill is prescribed to fix that pills side effect. There are other options and you may not get a side effect off a different metabolic pathway that is targeted by a different medicine.

I know half a dozen people who went to see a specialist about looking over their pills and discussed things with them, they all did way better except one, that person did not improve but not all people do benefit by this kind of thing. Sometimes a second opinion is good, especially from those who specialize in side effect evaluation.

posted on Mar, 13 2020 @ 11:02 PM
a reply to: Fallingdown

And you are missing MY point.

Yes, the elderly are at great risk from this outbreak.

And it will require a lot of resources to provide for their care if we are to save as many of them as possible.

But WE must be there to provide that care, regardless of the resources available.

And, unlike in the rest of the world, WE, because so many of us are, ourselves, not in the best physical condition, face increased risk from this virus.

To provide the care They need, We will require more of the resources that could/should be used on them, for ourselves.

When the oxygen masks drop down during an in-flight emergency, parents are instructed to place the mask on their faces first...So that they are conscious enough to place the mask on their children.

Hopefully, the plane has enough oxygen for everyone.

posted on Mar, 13 2020 @ 11:05 PM
a reply to: rickymouse

Now there’s a good point .

There are variations for every country as you mentioned for us anabiotic misuse .

I think a large factor in China and South Korea was population density . ( yes I know it happened in rule areas too )

I wonder if we can offset anabiotic misuse by lack of population density ?

Not sure what happened in Italy but I really haven’t looked into them or Spain yet .

Bottom line is the elderly are going to take the brunt of it in any country despite other contributing factors .

posted on Mar, 13 2020 @ 11:10 PM

originally posted by: Fallingdown
a reply to: markovian

Really ?

That was a off hand comparison in symptoms .

In no way did I mean it in the clinical sense .

Now what do you think about the rest of the OP ?

I pointed out what I disagree with

I'm annoyed with the flu thing everyone now calls it the flu This is pre highschool stuff everyone should know its like seeing someone mess up basic addition to me

posted on Mar, 13 2020 @ 11:15 PM
a reply to: Fallingdown

I just got done a 19 hr day spent mostly planning for, dealing with and reacting to different stages of Corona today in my capacity as a MSgt in the Marine Corps.

The bureaucracy in our Govt is mind numbing. I'll probably post about it further over the weekend but I'm out of F to give about it right now.

posted on Mar, 13 2020 @ 11:15 PM
a reply to: Bhadhidar

I think we both got crossed up .

Sure there are going to be people below 60 who are affected adversely . But there’s going to be beds available for them too. They aren’t going to kick them to the curb .

Preventative measures focused on the people most likely to take up that bedspace . Should reduce the number of patients reaching the intensive care stage in the first place.

posted on Mar, 13 2020 @ 11:20 PM
a reply to: markovian

I'm annoyed with the flu thing everyone now calls it the flu This is pre highschool stuff everyone should know its like seeing someone mess up basic addition to me

What solid information are you basing your opinion on ?

Not projections, not experts say and not main stream media panic .

Just cold data.

I’d like to discuss it with you.

I’ve already gone over a lot of that but hopefully you’ll have something I haven’t seen .

posted on Mar, 13 2020 @ 11:28 PM
a reply to: Fallingdown


Any way we look at it, this is not going to be a “walk in the park”.

And chances are very good that this period will leave an even more lasting mark on our psyches than perhaps even 9/11.

Be well.

posted on Mar, 13 2020 @ 11:41 PM

originally posted by: Fallingdown
a reply to: markovian

I'm annoyed with the flu thing everyone now calls it the flu This is pre highschool stuff everyone should know its like seeing someone mess up basic addition to me

What solid information are you basing your opinion on ?

Not projections, not experts say and not main stream media panic .

Just cold data.

I’d like to discuss it with you.

I’ve already gone over a lot of that but hopefully you’ll have something I haven’t seen .

Umm I posted links is there anything in particular in the link you want to discuss

posted on Mar, 13 2020 @ 11:43 PM
a reply to: watchitburn

I'll probably post about it further over the weekend but I'm out of F to give about it right now.

“Sweat dries, blood clots, bones heal.. Suck it up!”

I want to hear the chin-wagging.

edit on 14-3-2020 by Fallingdown because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 12:08 AM
a reply to: markovian

My bad I went back and checked them.

I originally expected them to be related to your it’s not a virus it’s more like a cold thing.


This is from the lancet, it’s a pretty good source. But they also preach man-made global warming .

Take it as you may .

I don’t know if they’re just playing with numbers or their calculation for fatality rates are right. But they’ve got China’’s at 5.6% as of March 1st.


posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 12:21 AM

originally posted by: Liquesence
a reply to: Fallingdown

The current mortality rate in Italy is 7%.

Not 0.7%, but 7%.

As of today, March 13, 2020.

And? Only people over 60 need worry. And, ha.. who needs old farts.. I will be able to get ON the lawn now.

ETA - I didn't comprehend the OP properly.. to that end I agree with it. Billy getting the sniffles will have his mum, Missy, down the hospital quicker than flies on crap, and clog the system up. But she's got loads of toilet paper and rice. While ol' mrs Wattle, alone in her home, can't get a doc appointment nor buy necessities...

priorities are all messed up.

edit on 14-3-2020 by TrustedTruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 12:44 AM
a reply to: infolurker

totally get it.

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 12:49 AM

originally posted by: Fallingdown
a reply to: markovian

My bad I went back and checked them.

I originally expected them to be related to your it’s not a virus it’s more like a cold thing.


This is from the lancet, it’s a pretty good source. But they also preach man-made global warming .

Take it as you may .

I don’t know if they’re just playing with numbers or their calculation for fatality rates are right. But they’ve got China’’s at 5.6% as of March 1st.


I see no reason to assume that's inaccurate I dont trust china but there not stupid if I wanted to play with the numbers I wouldent change the outcome statistics just the input to get the statistics that way in the future my lie would add up and no one would question it

So theres 2 factors right now with lethality

1 is ace 2 receptors the event is still unfolding but so far it dose seem genetics play a role in lethality maby less so Than other factors but it's to soon to know

2 is strain and mutation they are not the same (it's way above my head as to why) the virus is mutating at a normal pace but it makes eatch area slightly diferent

it's a new strain of corona virus to humans and it will mutate accordingly with the most likely outcome it being less lethal corpses dont spread or replicate viruses

I suspect these 2 factors combined is why the mortality rate will not be the same everywhere

There is a mutation tracker out there I dont have the link on hand along with ace 2 data related also dont have the links

The 2 things needed to save people in critical condition are ventilators and Anesthesiologists 1 is in short supply and 2 is needed all over this weakness in the system really increase mortality rates even if the condition is otherwise treatable it will not be listed as medical failure but as corona virus related death

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