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Corona Virus Updates Part 5

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posted on Mar, 23 2020 @ 04:13 AM
You think 21 million people died in China?

posted on Mar, 23 2020 @ 04:14 AM

originally posted by: carewemust
You think 21 million people died in China?

Look at the live cams there's nobody there, go to zaphods thread about the airlines and have a look at Hong kong airport report on page 3...
edit on 23-3-2020 by hopenotfeariswhatweneed because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 23 2020 @ 04:16 AM
a reply to: hopenotfeariswhatweneed

Maybe they have all moved to the ghost cities...🤔

posted on Mar, 23 2020 @ 04:21 AM
a reply to: carewemust

5G numbers for China Mobile went up 9M in just 1 month in February, do the total numbers include new 5G?
edit on 23-3-2020 by DavidMK because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 23 2020 @ 04:34 AM
Is it true that Pence said "only 1 in 10 Americans" have it regarding some 200K tested for coronavirus? I can't bring myself to watch a 3-hour White House briefing.

edit on 23-3-2020 by drussell41 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 23 2020 @ 04:37 AM

originally posted by: 727Sky
I reported yesterday Thailand was claiming a jump to 599 cases. Today they are reporting an additional jump to 721 (122 increase).

Like I said in the previous post many of the tourist spots are shut down to include Bangkok which closed just about everything except grocery stores and malls. Millions can not work so instead of starving they are returning to family who live outside the shuttered areas. I expect the reported infected to really start to increase all over the place.. We just had three cases reported in my part of the country. Governor told everyone to shut their businesses except for the Mall and major grocery stores. They even shut down my 5 local golf courses "Mayday Mayday !"

I really do worry about all the people who already lived day to day on their meager earnings who will now have absolutely nothing as far as money to survive on.

hey I wonder if one is owned by Ube Kosan Japan

posted on Mar, 23 2020 @ 04:38 AM

originally posted by: anonentity
a reply to: MonkeyBalls2

I have been following this since the onset, and reading between the lines about a million people in Wuhan copped it .That would be about right with regards to the Italian numbers. I think to get vids pulled from U Tube has to have been done with the agreement of the Western Governments...

I took the first part out of context to address this. While some governments (Italy, Iran etc.) have specific agreements to bend over in exchange for favors, the censorship from twitter, youtube, etc. is typically a combination of a massive effort of online trolls flagging posts, making triggering comments to get users banned, posts removed etc. They are well-trained in infiltrating online platforms.

A secondary factor is the overarching social media entity and their relationship with doing business in/with China. The consulates routinely send threatening letters or phone calls saying you need to control such and such "misinformation" or suffer massive business setbacks with respect to China and they adjust their policy accordingly.

My point is, though Western government bodies have some influence on this, most are pretty steadfast against it. There may be factions or individuals within a government who make phone calls etc though. This happens largely through a massive propaganda wing of the CCP, paid internet "trolls", and Chinese consulates though.

posted on Mar, 23 2020 @ 04:44 AM

originally posted by: carewemust
You think 21 million people died in China?

To be fair, they are not reporting that 21 million died. They are showing some data that doesn't add up and trying to understand the implications. It's real data and clearly explained as speculation as an indicator of possible higher death count. It could also be partly due to how they shut off communication with the outside world since they can't actually shut off the internet without cutting themselves off from control.

This (below) on other hand has actual leaked documents showing they are lying (same source)

Chinese Authorities Underreporting New Infections in Epicenter of Wuhan: Leaked Documents
edit on 23-3-2020 by Halfswede because: added link

posted on Mar, 23 2020 @ 04:44 AM

originally posted by: carewemust
You think 21 million people died in China?
This would be inline with my initial projection of 32m dead in 90 days.

posted on Mar, 23 2020 @ 04:48 AM
Well according to Coronavirus COVID-19 Global Cases by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University (JHU) NY is up to 16916 this morning.
Has NY at 16900

posted on Mar, 23 2020 @ 05:00 AM

originally posted by: Asgaard
Netherlands: Policesecurity at COVID-19 medicine manufacturor 'Ace Pharmaceuticals'.

The police are guarding drug manufacturer Ace Pharmaceuticals in Zeewolde. The company makes chloroquine, which is used in the treatment of corona patients.

According to the police, there is a "suspicious situation". A spokesman does not want to say more. The company has a recognizable armored police car. There are also three civilian cars with agents, Omroep Flevoland writes.

Chloroquine is a malaria medicine that is used in the fight against corona. The drug can suppress the symptoms of the virus, but RIVM is still embraced.

The police say that the property is under surveillance because of a suspicious situation that has arisen. The police do not want to say exactly what that means. The Ministry of Security and Justice does not want to say anything about the police deployment for the time being. A spokesman for the municipality of Zeewolde says he does not know why there is a police force with the company.

Little update on this situation around the pharmaceutics producer from Zeewolde:

Ace Pharmaceuticals director Jan Willem Popma has been threatened and approached by shady people in the last weeks to sell them chloroquine pills. He has been placed under 24 hour police surveillance. Popma told the press that he already distributed all of the medication across the country and every day they distribute what they produce. (Dutch newssite)


posted on Mar, 23 2020 @ 05:06 AM
Military being deployed to ny, California and Washington.

Feel comfortable with that Democrats? Trump sending in his military.

posted on Mar, 23 2020 @ 05:28 AM

originally posted by: missed_gear
originally posted by: tanstaafl
originally posted by: Arbitrageur
The acronyms (CFR) also can reference a "Crude Fatality Rate". Dont get them confused.

I'm not, but I wasn't trying to give an authoritative talk on the CFR either - and, I'm not qualified to do so, so wouldn't try...

USA Updated numbers below...

Without knowing the true number affected/infected and true reported causes of death; using stats will mean next to nothing until the epidemic is close to

Of course - but what the rolling numbers can do is show us the trend... which is very important in assessing risk, which is very important when trying to gauge the cost of possible containment efforts.

Current comparisons do not consider a sliding "t"=time.....among many other facts.

I'm not a mathemetician. Maybe you could develop one that takes into account every variable.

I reccomend this link I posted earlier this month...I suggest reading through the paper entirely to make any more assumed "math" comments.

I perused it. Did you catch the one significant statement that supports my position? It is:

"However, simple estimates of the case fatality ratio obtained from these reports can be misleading if, at the time of analysis, the outcome is unknown for a nonnegligible proportion of patients."

Of course, I am ass-u-me-ing that the numbers on the Worldometers site are at least reasonably close to accurate for the USA, as far as they go.

I have been closely watching the very significant 'Active Cases' info, and the USA has very consistently shown the overwhelming majority of unresolved cases to be minor - at between 95-99% (it has even shown 100% for days, although it was being rounded, because there were a few critical still showing).

For example, todays Update for USA:

35,070 confirmed cases
458 deaths
178 recovered
34,434 unresolved
--- 33,639 (98%) mild, no hospitalization required
--- 795 (2%) in critical condition

This comes to a CFR still around 1.3%, so didn't continue its drop, but that is likely because of the large number of new cases over the last 2 days.

But more importantly is that the overwhelming majority of the unresolved cases are mild, requiring no hospitalization, vs 795 (2%) in critical condition. This last number (critical) was remaining well below 100 until yesterday (or was it Saturday?), when it jumped up to 300+ at about 5%, along with the number of confirmed cases. Again, likely due to the increased testing.

Again - in an emerging situation like this, it is the rolling trends that we should be watching closely. I got a little nervous when the number of unresolved>critical jumped over the weekend, but then saw the corresponding jump in confirmed cases, and now it is back to following the original trend, thankfully.

The point is, if you look at the whole picture - including the rolling trend- it is clear - either this isn't the bugaboo we're being told it is, or, it has some known/secret super deadly hidden secondary payload we haven't started seeing yet here.

Now consider adding in at least two known strains. One known now as deadlier than the other.

Has this actually been proven yet? From memory, this is based on one single unreviewed paper. So, to ass-u-me that it is factual would be just as grave an error as saying the current rolling CFR estimates will be the final CFR.

posted on Mar, 23 2020 @ 05:28 AM
Just heard on BBC News that China has already supplied the genetic code for this virus. Does that in anyway suggest/indicate that it was the Chinese who designed/made this virus?

Does it also suggest that they may actually have their own vaccine already?

And if so, did they do this on purpose once they had a vaccine? Knowing how long it will take for the west to develop one?

Apparently the UK already has a vaccine ready for testing and clinical trials according to spokeswomen of an establishment in Wiltshire. She says it will likely be the end of the year when a vaccine will be ready for use.

posted on Mar, 23 2020 @ 05:55 AM
Update: Tokyo March 23, 2020 Monday 8 pm

1. Schools might start in early April. The govt. plans to reveal something regarding this Thursday
2. 1109 cases of infection ...1821 including the Diamond Princess
3. 42 deaths reported ( I'd say this is a bit misleading at the present time )
4. USA has reported well over 30000 cases on March 22, 2020
5. For those flying into Japan, there is a quarantine for 2 weeks ( 2 places are designated at ports of entry ) I don't know the whereabouts though
6. Japan is still allowing flights to come in from China ( wow, unbelievable )
7. Been reported of over 80000 cases of infection in China
8. Soft Bank is selling now some of it assets

9. IOC will decide in 4 weeks what to do with the Olympics
10. 1.35 trillion yen was so far spent on the Olympics
11. There are over 80000 volunteers for the Olympics
12. 4.4 million tickets have been sold (something like that, went to fast for me to catch it )

13. As the spread of the new coronavirus spreads, Kanagawa Prefecture has announced that it will use a new test method developed by RIKEN that will greatly reduce test times from March 25th. According to Kanagawa Prefecture, what is newly introduced is a test method called “smart amplifier” developed by the prefecture and RIKEN.
14. Tokyo now has 138 cases ( I still think this isn't very accurate )
15. The Philippino that came back to Japan tested positive had contact with other people (well, I guess we'll see a small cluster now in Yamaguchi Pref. ( Remember it only took one Chinese lady to do all the damage to Hokkaido ) Currently Yamguchi Prefecture now has 4 cases

tomorrow is hospital and a doctor visit day, so maybe I'll find out about the situation what is like at the hospital. this hospital is the largest in the prefecture also. University and research hospital.

posted on Mar, 23 2020 @ 05:59 AM
Spain Update:

33000 infected and 2170 deaths

edit on 23-3-2020 by RP2SticksOfDynamite because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 23 2020 @ 06:36 AM

originally posted by: carewemust
You think 21 million people died in China?

I don't think 21 million died but I do remember seeing a video of a massive pile of phones from the dead outside of a hospital. (It was translated that it came from the hospital).

I've been searching for the video and will post if I find it.

posted on Mar, 23 2020 @ 06:49 AM

originally posted by: tanstaafl

Has this actually been proven yet? From memory, this is based on one single unreviewed paper. So, to ass-u-me that it is factual would be just as grave an error as saying the current rolling CFR estimates will be the final CFR.

Yes it has been confirmed by Russian specialists that there are 2 covid 19 strains -

Type S and Type L, i read it a few days ago but cannot find the articles now, it was stating Russian specialists on their way to italy with respirators and other essential equipment etc.

Apparently type L is the common strain but type S is the ANCIENT and deadly strain (alot less common) and the one that killed the 23 year old in italy last week blowing out of the water the elderly angle.

But i have read it quite a few times from different news outlets. And i think from memory the article also stated that covid 19 was actually the technical name for a bi strain.
edit on 23-3-2020 by CthruU because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-3-2020 by CthruU because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-3-2020 by CthruU because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-3-2020 by CthruU because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 23 2020 @ 06:54 AM
Friday 20th of March - In Australia the Sydney Community gave a big F.U. to the BS Covid-19 frenzy by packing Bondi Beach.

Bondi Beach

We need more of this.

The beach is now closed because of this, to hell with them, what will they do if we continue to go?

Fight Back People!

posted on Mar, 23 2020 @ 07:03 AM

originally posted by: Jamie2018

The beach is now closed because of this, to hell with them, what will they do if we continue to go?

Fight Back People!

Bring in more stringent lockdowns, implement fines, imprisonment and maybe even martial law.

Which -

You'd deserve for your selfish ignorance and disrespect for others and human life.

Shameful attitude indeed.

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