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Covid 19 Family wont listen!

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posted on Mar, 11 2020 @ 11:20 PM
a reply to: sirlancelot
I just tell people to cut through all the "noise" (mostly MSM fear-mongering) and look at the stats, along with what their daily life routine reveals.

Stats: 99% of the CoronaVirus cases in the USA are medically classified as "mild". Over the past 2 months, 38 Americans have died from CoronaVirus.

Observation: How many CoronaVirus patients are in your local hospital?

posted on Mar, 11 2020 @ 11:22 PM

originally posted by: infolurker
a reply to: sirlancelot

My wife just doesn't want to hear it.

I know plenty of people that think it is no worse than the flu and it will go away in warm weather.

Surprise, it is summer in Australia and pretty hot in Qutar and it is spreading.... so, you know.

That's because people arrived there with it from travelling shortly after the virus starting spreading through travel from China to begin with. Once the travellers are no longer carrying it -- or arriving through travel restrictions -- as well as quaranteening existing cases -- AND the climate becoming less hospitable to the virus as the year progresses -- it will go the same way that SARS did.

All of the stock selloff and market crashing will be in vain, trillions will have been lost, and buyers will eat up the low prices on stock. The economy will recover and people will go back to normal.

As for the lethality of the virus, for people who are healthy cardiovascularly and under 60, there's a 93% or so recovery rate. For many, it would literally just be like catching the flu, possibly less bad, who knows exactly. I've read of extremely mild cases from people who are posting to social media from quarantine.

Even though they tested positive and it had been quite a few days, they felt fine. What's with testing positive for the virus and not getting sick? The way it's portrayed, a positive result after travelling and subsequent quarantine would be one step from the hospital and possibly the grave.

posted on Mar, 11 2020 @ 11:23 PM
My husband went on a freak-out last night. He was worried about water plants shutting down, and nobody to maintain the dam operations and electrical lines.
We had a serious talk about the severity of covid 19 for the ages of the working population and how life should shut down every year because of the flu by his reasoning.
Severe flooding in our area made roads impassible in 1996 for two weeks, so we have always been ready to 'shelter in place' for a decent amount of time.
I think he feels a little better,

posted on Mar, 11 2020 @ 11:26 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: sirlancelot
I just tell people to cut through all the "noise" (mostly MSM fear-mongering) and look at the stats, along with what their daily life routine reveals.

Stats: 99% of the CoronaVirus cases in the USA are medically classified as "mild". Over the past 2 months, 38 Americans have died from CoronaVirus.

Observation: How many CoronaVirus patients are in your local hospital?

I believe the answer to that would be zero.

I just read that a couple in a city 20 miles from here tested positive and is in quarantine now.

posted on Mar, 11 2020 @ 11:29 PM
a reply to: FlyingSquirrel

And then you wont even get the hospital because they are over capacity, so even if you develop serious life threatening issues, you wont be able to get treatment.

People keep forgetting this, not saying you are as a poster but.

People are not thinking ahead

"oh if i get lung issues or pneumonia il just go in and get treatment" no you wont because they wont have room

"im having cardiac issues" sorry we have no place for you

"this fever wont break" We feel for you , but we have nothing more to treat that.

People...........dont.........THINK about the bigger isssue with this.

Again it doesnt HAVE to be deadly in itself, if the hospitals are over run they CANNOT TREAT YOU.

Thats the worry.

Thank you for your post btw bud

posted on Mar, 11 2020 @ 11:30 PM

originally posted by: SailorJerry
a reply to: Oaktree

End of the world power outages, water shortages, etc. just aren’t going to happen

Until it does

not saying this is, but your previous statement about being "too prepared" is BS

Im 68 years old

My father and my grandfather all had YEARS of prep ready just in case

For my Grandfather when the "end of the world" Depression hit, they thrived, and were able to help people around them because they were "over prepared"

No offense, but your statement is foolish and not true

For what it’s worth, I went back and added an edit to my post.
I didn’t say “too prepared” as you quoted, I said “overboard”.
Literal truck loads of toilet paper and 1000’s of n-95 masks is overboard.

I still do not believe that this virus will knock out power, water, etc.
But to each their own.

edit on 11-3-2020 by Oaktree because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 11 2020 @ 11:34 PM

originally posted by: KKLOCO
a reply to: liejunkie01

We will see.

One thing I know — this will never live up to its hype.

If you hope otherwise, I feel sorry for you.

Me, you, everyone else, will not live a short life because of this ‘virus’.

And a HUGE 🍻 to that!!!

What a jerk

posted on Mar, 11 2020 @ 11:35 PM

originally posted by: sirlancelot
So I have been following this virus and threads from the beginning. My GF who is a health insurance underwriter is in denial.

When I told here a month ago to move here 401'k money to cash/money market she blew me off.

When I went out and bought supplies she ridiculed me.

Yesterday I told her to ask her company about a work from home option and her response was "Its just the flu"

Anyone else have a live in partner who is in denial and how are you getting the point across?

side note NBA shut down their season, stock market futures are set to implode, and Trump just shut down all travel from Europe.

Im a realtor in S FLorida and client fly in all the time for all parts of the US but Im shutting down my activities for 30-60 days. In last 2 days I have showm 12 homes to a buyer who flew here from other area's. One seller was home and she looked very ill, coughing, sneezing and pale.

Taking into consideration one can be infectious for days or weeks without symptoms Im done gambling!

Many clients are in the medical field and most thus far tell me that this isnt so bad and put much faith in the CDC. Personally I think the CDC has dropped the ball.

Worst part is my Friday golf skins game is full of Northerners and so now that is out.

Yes, dealt with it for the last 2 months. Not getting anything across yet.

posted on Mar, 11 2020 @ 11:38 PM
a reply to: Oaktree

For what it’s worth, I went back and added an edit to my post.
I still do not believe that this virus will knock out power, water, etc.
But to each their own.

Oh I agree

Unless it makes those sick who maintain those systems, but thats an if

posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 01:36 AM
a reply to: SailorJerry

if we were looking at a scenario where enough of the workers at all major infrastructure get sick enough that they can't be maintained i think the numbers would be looking significantly worse by now.
Like sure, the rates of infection and fatality aren't fantastic but we are by no means talking a zombie apocalypse here.

posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 01:43 AM
a reply to: sirlancelot

Former broker (real estate) Calif. I would have shut down about 45 days ago. In other words, no new listing , no new buyers and if I had escrows open, I'd hurry them up to have closed within 30 or 35 days. If I couldn't it in that time, I'd then let the buyer and seller handle everything through the escrow depart and forfeit my commission, regardless how big they were. I think most buyers and sellers would agree to that. But either way, I'd been out of the office and so would my agents.

posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 01:46 AM
Hey folks, thought I'd let you in on this.

If you wear contacts, make sure your hands or washed (by what, I don't know)
remember if you just got back from shopping you've been exposed to the environment
remember you smart phone also has lots of germs

suggestion, only wear contacts if you lost your glasses

posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 02:18 AM
a reply to: SailorJerry

to all those who have been blowing this off, I hope youre prepared, because its about to start knocking.

How long? A week, 2 weeks, til the election is over?

posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 02:36 AM
a reply to: Middleoftheroad

In my opinion by the end of April we'll know for sure. If the hospitals don't start filling up and the economy recovers we will know we can get back to business as usual.

No one wants this to be a pandemic. But if you've ever seen any biological virus catastrophe movie it's always the egotistical know it all that says everything is fine who ends up causing a disaster.

No one is throwing there lives away preparing for this. That's just ridiculous. Pulling your 401k is probably the smartest thing you could right now . You can always get back in the markets if they recover, but if they don't then you are screwed.

posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 03:37 AM
a reply to: sirlancelot

Perhaps you are over reacting?

We've seen the SARS flu before. It is bad, after all, it makes people sick, but it isn't doom in the majority of cases.

Standard Flu is a worse killer and the road toll !!!

edit on 12/3/2020 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 03:45 AM

originally posted by: chr0naut
a reply to: sirlancelot

Perhaps you are over reacting?

We've seen the SARS flu before. It is bad, after all, it makes people sick, but it isn't doom in the majority of cases.

Standard Flu is a worse killer and the road toll !!!

Funny because I've never seen either of those things shut down entire countries, close borders and shave large chunks off the stock markets, cancel festivals and sports events, oh and force giant cruise ships to float around aimlessly hoping to dock where some one will take them.

posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 03:46 AM
a reply to: sirlancelot

My kids have been rather amusing about the whole Coronavirus scare. But they didn't need or try to convince me of anything. They aren't worried at all for themselves, but they are worried for us... and we're worried about my husband's parents. Fortunately, my MIL is a nurse, and she takes good care of themselves. And my kids also knew that I would be prepared, and what my weapons of choice would be. Cause I'm always prepared for the worst.

My son even asked to see my clipboard... where he knew all my notes would be!

I don't wait to the last minute. I don't wait for doctors to save me. I don't expect Big Pharma to save me. And I sure as hell don't expect government to save me!!!

So reasonable precautions for reasonable risks, but fully knowing that we can only do so much. Death will find all of us sooner or later.

posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 04:26 AM

originally posted by: hopenotfeariswhatweneed

originally posted by: chr0naut
a reply to: sirlancelot

Perhaps you are over reacting?

We've seen the SARS flu before. It is bad, after all, it makes people sick, but it isn't doom in the majority of cases.

Standard Flu is a worse killer and the road toll !!!

Funny because I've never seen either of those things shut down entire countries, close borders and shave large chunks off the stock markets, cancel festivals and sports events, oh and force giant cruise ships to float around aimlessly hoping to dock where some one will take them.

Well we've seen the modern phenomenon of large numbers of people who believe the internet, cause things like Brexit and other unexpectedly ill advised stuff.

Why not overreact to doom porn? We really didn't have it in the past like we have it today.

It's as if the Internet, instead of being the repository of human knowledge, has become the repository of human stupidity. The echo chamber that resonates with the emptiest vessels.

edit on 12/3/2020 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 04:38 AM
a reply to: chr0naut

Ok, I have no argument there ...

We have trump as a leader so yeah anything is possible.

posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 05:25 AM

When I told here a month ago to move here 401'k money to cash/money market she blew me off.

If only I knew it was this easy!!

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