posted on Mar, 10 2020 @ 05:19 AM
Seems we are going to finally be a New World Out Of Order, or Disorder, maybe the Ancestors that Be, decided nuclear war was coming and decided to
instill a little reminder, we are all affected by the chaos that is here now, but hey better than a complete meltdown of the core.
Now borders do not matter do they, the population will decrease, what religion you are is of no importance, no discrimination, simply a virus that can
infect anyone at any time without a cure.
Who needs bombs and guns and killing in the name of God?
Those bunkers the rich people have will surely come in handy, they can become tombs, unless they have already all been vaccinated and are just waiting
for the population to reach a certain point before they release it to the public, I mean you still need sheep to follow and stay commercially
Wonder how many of the rich people knew to short the stocks? They make a "killing" when crap like this tanks the market, oh well, simply put, most
of us are screwed and there is not much we can do about it.
Interesting how so many events are being canceled and schools telling students to stay home, employees are telling people to work from home, Olympics
will be a mess, are the churches and court system going to start closing, too?
I wonder what the pope and the queen have to say about all of this...