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Tucker Carlson Tells The Hard Truth & China Threatens To Ban Exports Of Drugs To The U.S.

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posted on Mar, 10 2020 @ 06:58 PM

originally posted by: whyamIhere
Might wake us up.

China isn’t our friend.

We should not be dependent on people that hate us.

America no longer manufactures anything.

We don’t want the mess. Time to rethink this.

So Chinese people hate American people? Are you one of these super powerful super Humans that can read the minds of every chinese people and what they think?
That's impressive!

posted on Mar, 10 2020 @ 07:01 PM

originally posted by: underpass61

originally posted by: whyamIhere
Might wake us up.

China isn’t our friend.

We should not be dependent on people that hate us.

America no longer manufactures anything.

My friend owns a steel stamping business. He's been watching China take more and more of his work for the last 15 years. About 10 years ago he had T-shirts printed that said "A Country without Manufacturing HAS NO ECONOMY" written under a caricature of a tattered, beaten down Uncle Sam pulling a rickshaw with a smiling fat Chinese guy in it.
I wish he still had that graphic - I'd start printing those shirts again.

Well, how is this China's fault? Should you blame the Americans who let this happen to most prob get rich out of? It's all about money at the end of the day and making money at the end of the day.

posted on Mar, 10 2020 @ 07:07 PM

originally posted by: sine.nomine

originally posted by: Jay-morris

originally posted by: Isurrender73
a reply to: infolurker

India is begging for this to happen. The solution is less than 3 months out.

Although I agree that we should demand these items be made within the US, China has almost no room to fight and the they lose in the long run. We built China, they will shoot them selves in the face and watch made in China become made in India before they know what hit them. Their economy was built around needing us.

We don’t need China long term for anything.

Sorry, does not work like that. You say America built China, sorry, but it works both ways. How many American companies rely on China to make their goods? Oh, and there economy was not built around only America, but the whole world. You think China only does business in America?

What do you think would happen if one day China decided not to do business with America? Will not happen, but if it did, America would struggle. Thousands of businesses will go under.

It goes both ways.

China makes cheap crap. I'd pay double for most of my amenities if they were made in America. Then maybe we could address the wage gap (between CEOs and their subordinates).

This BS that China only make cheap crap is well, BS. Yes, they make cheap crap for companies in the West that want cheap crap to sell for a lot of profit. But they also make the things most people use. Your phone, your pad, your tv, your xbox or PlayStation.

And you really think that if China stopped making this stuff, then the price would only be double? The only reason they are the price they are now is Because they are made by people who are earning pennies, while companies like Apple, Microsoft make huge profits. You really do not know how this works.

Say for example these jobs were sourced to workers in America. Are you going to work for peanuts, 12 hour shifts 6/7 days a week? No, you are not. Prices would rocket, and thousands if companies would fold.
edit on 10-3-2020 by Jay-morris because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 10 2020 @ 07:14 PM
a reply to: Jay-morris

Please point out where I said it was China's fault. If anything I was making the point that it's our own damn fault. We let them have the business now Americans are paying for it.

posted on Mar, 10 2020 @ 08:14 PM
"Your phone, your pad, your tv, your xbox or PlayStation" crap...

"And you really think that if China stopped making this stuff, then the price would only be double?"
Yeah, American ingenuity is a thing, it just needs to be reawakened.

"Are you going to work for peanuts, 12 hour shifts 6/7 days a week? No, you are not."
I already work for peanuts, 12 hour shifts 6/7 days a week. So, yes. I would. And do.
edit on 10-3-2020 by sine.nomine because: (no reason given)

ETA: I still wear the boots my father wore in college. 50 years old American made and strong as ever. Gone through over a dozen pairs of boots China made in the past 15 years.
edit on 10-3-2020 by sine.nomine because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 10 2020 @ 08:23 PM

originally posted by: Blue Shift

We need to remember we started cheap labor in Japan, then Korea, then China...time to move on...

Got the whole big continent of South America to still exploit. We've been keeping it in our back pocket. Might be time to kick start it.

I agree... The damn thing is every time we do it we pull the country out of extreme poverty and into middle class, then we can't afford them anymore, so I'm not sure who is exploiting who.

posted on Mar, 10 2020 @ 10:49 PM

originally posted by: infolurker

originally posted by: blueman12
Listen to a MSM pundit on a bias news channel? No thanks.

You should give it a try. He is critical of the administration for downplaying the situation.

I wonder what US drug manufacturer paid him for that rant and the ongoing hysteria...

posted on Mar, 11 2020 @ 03:00 AM
a reply to: underpass61

A lot of people do blame China for it, that is pretty much obvious.

posted on Mar, 11 2020 @ 03:05 AM

originally posted by: sine.nomine
"Your phone, your pad, your tv, your xbox or PlayStation" crap...

"And you really think that if China stopped making this stuff, then the price would only be double?"
Yeah, American ingenuity is a thing, it just needs to be reawakened.

"Are you going to work for peanuts, 12 hour shifts 6/7 days a week? No, you are not."
I already work for peanuts, 12 hour shifts 6/7 days a week. So, yes. I would. And do.

ETA: I still wear the boots my father wore in college. 50 years old American made and strong as ever. Gone through over a dozen pairs of boots China made in the past 15 years.

Your phone, your pad, your tv, your xbox or PlayStation" is made cheaply, but is not cheap crap. Does your PlayStation break every other week? Does your phone, pad, tv etc break every other week? No, it does not. Its only "crap" to you because it's made in China. Simple as that!

So, the peanuts you earn is the same peanuts these people earn in china making these products. If you were earning what these people were earning, you would be on the street, simple as that!

posted on Mar, 11 2020 @ 03:13 AM

originally posted by: Jay-morris

originally posted by: whyamIhere
Might wake us up.

China isn’t our friend.

We should not be dependent on people that hate us.

America no longer manufactures anything.

We don’t want the mess. Time to rethink this.

So Chinese people hate American people? Are you one of these super powerful super Humans that can read the minds of every chinese people and what they think?
That's impressive!

I can raise your point by another level of idiocy....

posted on Mar, 11 2020 @ 03:59 AM

originally posted by: Jay-morris

originally posted by: sine.nomine
"Your phone, your pad, your tv, your xbox or PlayStation" crap...

"And you really think that if China stopped making this stuff, then the price would only be double?"
Yeah, American ingenuity is a thing, it just needs to be reawakened.

"Are you going to work for peanuts, 12 hour shifts 6/7 days a week? No, you are not."
I already work for peanuts, 12 hour shifts 6/7 days a week. So, yes. I would. And do.

ETA: I still wear the boots my father wore in college. 50 years old American made and strong as ever. Gone through over a dozen pairs of boots China made in the past 15 years.

Your phone, your pad, your tv, your xbox or PlayStation" is made cheaply, but is not cheap crap. Does your PlayStation break every other week? Does your phone, pad, tv etc break every other week? No, it does not. Its only "crap" to you because it's made in China. Simple as that!

So, the peanuts you earn is the same peanuts these people earn in china making these products. If you were earning what these people were earning, you would be on the street, simple as that!

Yes, it does. Literally. It's programmed to do just that. Fail. Buy my next gadget. Do you really need this tracking device? I can eat just fine without apple or google or whatever the f*ck...

I am on the street. Simple as that.

posted on Mar, 11 2020 @ 04:08 AM
a reply to: sine.nomine

Yes, it does. Literally. It's programmed to do just that. Fail. Buy my next gadget. Do you really need this tracking device? I can eat just fine without apple or google or whatever the f*ck...

I am on the street. Simple as that.

Yeah and who does that? Who slows down your iPhone so you get a new one? Is it China? No, it's Apple! They are the ones who do the updates to slow your phone down, not China.

posted on Mar, 11 2020 @ 04:09 AM

originally posted by: sine.nomine

originally posted by: Jay-morris

originally posted by: sine.nomine
"Your phone, your pad, your tv, your xbox or PlayStation" crap...

"And you really think that if China stopped making this stuff, then the price would only be double?"
Yeah, American ingenuity is a thing, it just needs to be reawakened.

"Are you going to work for peanuts, 12 hour shifts 6/7 days a week? No, you are not."
I already work for peanuts, 12 hour shifts 6/7 days a week. So, yes. I would. And do.

ETA: I still wear the boots my father wore in college. 50 years old American made and strong as ever. Gone through over a dozen pairs of boots China made in the past 15 years.

Your phone, your pad, your tv, your xbox or PlayStation" is made cheaply, but is not cheap crap. Does your PlayStation break every other week? Does your phone, pad, tv etc break every other week? No, it does not. Its only "crap" to you because it's made in China. Simple as that!

So, the peanuts you earn is the same peanuts these people earn in china making these products. If you were earning what these people were earning, you would be on the street, simple as that!

Yes, it does. Literally. It's programmed to do just that. Fail. Buy my next gadget. Do you really need this tracking device? I can eat just fine without apple or google or whatever the f*ck...

I am on the street. Simple as that.

You two are speaking a different language.

Jay is saying the money you get for your labour is far higher than your Chinese counterpart, if you were paid the same money your Chinese counterparts were paid you couldn't even afford your rent, yet they make quality products, the same quality product you are using as we speak...
edit on 11-3-2020 by hopenotfeariswhatweneed because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 11 2020 @ 04:18 AM

originally posted by: hopenotfeariswhatweneed

originally posted by: sine.nomine

originally posted by: Jay-morris

originally posted by: sine.nomine
"Your phone, your pad, your tv, your xbox or PlayStation" crap...

"And you really think that if China stopped making this stuff, then the price would only be double?"
Yeah, American ingenuity is a thing, it just needs to be reawakened.

"Are you going to work for peanuts, 12 hour shifts 6/7 days a week? No, you are not."
I already work for peanuts, 12 hour shifts 6/7 days a week. So, yes. I would. And do.

ETA: I still wear the boots my father wore in college. 50 years old American made and strong as ever. Gone through over a dozen pairs of boots China made in the past 15 years.

Your phone, your pad, your tv, your xbox or PlayStation" is made cheaply, but is not cheap crap. Does your PlayStation break every other week? Does your phone, pad, tv etc break every other week? No, it does not. Its only "crap" to you because it's made in China. Simple as that!

So, the peanuts you earn is the same peanuts these people earn in china making these products. If you were earning what these people were earning, you would be on the street, simple as that!

Yes, it does. Literally. It's programmed to do just that. Fail. Buy my next gadget. Do you really need this tracking device? I can eat just fine without apple or google or whatever the f*ck...

I am on the street. Simple as that.

You two are speaking a different language.

Jay is saying the money you get for your labour is far higher than your Chinese counterpart, if you were paid the same money your Chinese counterparts were paid you couldn't even afford your rent, yet they make quality products, the same quality product you are using as we speak...

Yeah, this is my point. Also, things like iPhones fail not because of how the product was made, but the updates that are downloaded. The updates slow the mobile down. In fact, Apple were fined for doing it. So, it's an American company that is making your iPhone slow down so you have to get a new one, and nothing to do with how the product is made.

So Apple, like any company, want to make huge profits, so they get them made as cheaply as possible, and give them updates that slow down the phone go the point that you will have to fork out up to a grand to get a new one.

I have a galaxy s6, which is more than three years old. Made in china, and the phone is still going strong because the updates are not programmed to slow the phone down.

posted on Mar, 11 2020 @ 04:27 AM
a reply to: Jay-morris

It's difficult to cut through the programming, patriots are blinded and goes to show programming can affect machines as easily as minds.

posted on Mar, 11 2020 @ 10:55 AM
The u.s. relies on China too much...

Made in America ...its that hard?

posted on Mar, 11 2020 @ 11:03 AM

originally posted by: Bloodworth
The u.s. relies on China too much...

Made in America ...its that hard?

As mentioned above! If you are willing to work for peanuts everyday, then it might work. If not, and you want a living wage, watch prices sky rocket, and then watch companies begin to fall.

posted on Mar, 11 2020 @ 11:23 AM

originally posted by: Jay-morris

originally posted by: Bloodworth
The u.s. relies on China too much...

Made in America ...its that hard?

As mentioned above! If you are willing to work for peanuts everyday, then it might work. If not, and you want a living wage, watch prices sky rocket, and then watch companies begin to fall.

It was done up until the 90s.......

posted on Mar, 11 2020 @ 11:43 AM

originally posted by: Bloodworth

originally posted by: Jay-morris

originally posted by: Bloodworth
The u.s. relies on China too much...

Made in America ...its that hard?

As mentioned above! If you are willing to work for peanuts everyday, then it might work. If not, and you want a living wage, watch prices sky rocket, and then watch companies begin to fall.

It was done up until the 90s.......
very different times. Mass product producing is very different now, and cheaper.

No way it would happen now unless people are will to work and get paid money that would not even pay their rent. Its not going to happen. China companies need American companies, and American companies need chinese companies. That's the way it is.

posted on Mar, 11 2020 @ 11:44 AM
I don't take cheap pharmaceuticals because that's generally very unhealthy.

So hopefully y'all will stop taking them too.

Then we can all not care what China does with it's cheap drugs.

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