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Chinese Wet Markets Are Causing These Outbreaks

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posted on Mar, 7 2020 @ 09:19 AM
The following video shows why this is happening.

Illustrated in the final scene for the movies Contagion.

This is like watching a real life horror movie during a pandemic outbreak.
edit on 7-3-2020 by Blue_Jay33 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 7 2020 @ 09:25 AM

The biolab in Wuhan that literally specializes in bioweapons and coronavirus research would be my first guess.

posted on Mar, 7 2020 @ 09:35 AM
a reply to: YouAreLiedTo

That's not the case. I know it's sexier to think that it must be a bio-lab because China presents a sleek, modern face to the world, but the reality is that in many places it is second or even third world.

It has a ton of people all living packed in on top of each other *and* a ton of animals doing the same. The conditions are perfect for this to happen all on its own over there. India is another place where these conditions are also present. Africa and places in the South American continent also have similar opportunities.

And while this video addresses more the question of why Europeans passed disease to Native Americans while they had no major diseases to pass back, it also illustrates that in the past, the Western world had the same conditions you see in these same places existing in our cities, and lo and behold, it was us that cooked up the great plagues in those days. *our* cities had the conditions that we see in Chinese and African cities today, so we had the breeding grounds for pathogens.

posted on Mar, 7 2020 @ 09:45 AM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: YouAreLiedTo

That's not the case. I know it's sexier to think that it must be a bio-lab because China presents a sleek, modern face to the world, but the reality is that in many places it is second or even third world.

It has a ton of people all living packed in on top of each other *and* a ton of animals doing the same. The conditions are perfect for this to happen all on its own over there. India is another place where these conditions are also present. Africa and places in the South American continent also have similar opportunities.

And while this video addresses more the question of why Europeans passed disease to Native Americans while they had no major diseases to pass back, it also illustrates that in the past, the Western world had the same conditions you see in these same places existing in our cities, and lo and behold, it was us that cooked up the great plagues in those days. *our* cities had the conditions that we see in Chinese and African cities today, so we had the breeding grounds for pathogens.

Dude. They've sequenced the genome. It didn't come from a bat at a market...

posted on Mar, 7 2020 @ 10:03 AM
a reply to: YouAreLiedTo

The parent strain did. It's 96% bat virus.

And, I'm not a "dude".

Human beings don't get pure bat viruses, not that pass from human to human like this. The virus has to mutate in order to do so. In the process, it ceases to be a purely bat virus and becomes something else. As a result, when they sequence it, it won't appear as a pure bat virus anymore.

Watch the final flashback in Contagion. It shows the bat contaminating the pig. What that's supposed to represent is the bat virus mutating to infect the pig, and that point, it's not a bat virus anymore, but one that infects pigs and passes to other pigs. If they sequence that, it won't show up as a pure bat virus anymore. But neither does that mean we genetically engineered it, either.

The virus in Contagion is a real one called Nipah virus. It's a scary, scary bugger. It can infect humans, but it's more of an animal virus. It won't pass easily from human to human, and for that, we should all be very thankful. If it ever does mutate again to pass easily from human to human, we better hope it does so at the cost of its other traits and it becomes less deadly in the process. And if it does make that mutation, it won't be the same virus it was, and it will be even less of a bat virus than it originally was, but it will still be largely bat in origin because most of that code will likely still be there.

Again, none of that means it will be genetically engineered though.

This is the likely process this thing went through. It infected another animal from bats, and it mutated to adapt to that host. At some point, it adapted/mutated to infect humans and finally made the last leap transmit easily from person to person becoming a new, fully human virus.

This is a fully natural process, and it happens from time to time all on its own, and I'm not sure why people think this cannot happen anymore.

posted on Mar, 7 2020 @ 10:29 AM
a reply to: ketsuko port.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwiNqaea3YjoAhVfKDQIHZqoCPgQFjAAegQIBxAB&usg=AOvVaw1gO_RTfaIWQuEkjdvq_O7i&cshid=1583598256614

That's the WHO pdf. Yes, it says the virus is 96% BatCov...

We're also 96% similar to chimps... That's a huge #ing jump.

What they created it out of and where this virus started are two completely different topics.

Bats don't get HIV... This virus does...

Why do you think HIV medication is the main ingredient in the vaccine they are working on...

posted on Mar, 7 2020 @ 10:34 AM
a reply to: YouAreLiedTo

Dude. Unless you can show where that information came from its a conspiracy theory.

Nice to play with the idea so we can all star in our own personal survival movie.

Viruses do cross species. Which is why bird or swine flu exists in the human population.

posted on Mar, 7 2020 @ 10:41 AM
a reply to: YouAreLiedTo

Because the HIV medicine is an anti-viral medication. All that means is that it interferes with something a virus does to attack the cell. They are using those medications on a compassionate care basis, meaning they think it may interfere with something this virus does. They don't think this virus is AIDS. You'll note they're also trialing an anti-malarial medication too, and it has shown some potential. Do you also think this is a parasite like malaria?

Doctors use medications in patients that are contra to their approved purpose all the time to treat other conditions. I am on an anti-seizure medication for migraine. I have also used an anti-depressant and an anti-hypertension med for the same purpose. I do not have seizures, high blood pressure or depression.

The reality is that before the advent of HIV, our only real antiviral medications were vaccines and they are strain specific. HIV forced the research into medications that actually interfered with viral action in the cell and in the body attacking the cell. So many of our anti-virals are from that research and it's a limited field.

posted on Mar, 7 2020 @ 10:42 AM
a reply to: Blue_Jay33
ABC did a piece on this back in 2008 titled
"Where Does The Flu Come From, And Why Are We Susceptible To Flu Every Year?"

They determined the following:

Influenza is a virus that's spread from person to person. It originates, actually, among birds and other animals such as pigs, and new viral strains of influenza come to this country and to Europe from Southeast Asia.Sep 25, 2008


posted on Mar, 7 2020 @ 10:47 AM
a reply to: YouAreLiedTo

I am sorry but this sounds like a whole lot of hooey.

posted on Mar, 7 2020 @ 10:48 AM

originally posted by: Sillyolme
a reply to: YouAreLiedTo

Dude. Unless you can show where that information came from its a conspiracy theory.

Nice to play with the idea so we can all star in our own personal survival movie.

Viruses do cross species. Which is why bird or swine flu exists in the human population.

Exactly I got into an argument because my azzhat sister was saying "it's man-made it's man-made" no it's not it came from the wet market and China's poor hygiene, eating habits and crappy communist government all made it worse. No where halfway legit is reporting its man-made unless you believe godlike productions.

posted on Mar, 7 2020 @ 10:55 AM
a reply to: chrismarco

Though it is commonly referred to simply as 'the flu', the actual virus going around each year is always different. It is an ever-changing virus.

The CDC predicts that at least 12,000 Americans will die from the flu in any given year. As many as 61,000 people died in the 2017-2018 flu season, and 45 million were infected. And it's even worse when a new type of flu virus emerges, mutated into a form against which humans have limited immunity

So lets' say you are 75 and your immunity could fight off the most current flu's the previous 10 years, there is no guarantee it can fight off this years new strain. The flu seems to be a natural population control event to weed out the weak.

What we don't need is these wet markets creating new stronger varieties of viruses through unsafe practices.
edit on 7-3-2020 by Blue_Jay33 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 7 2020 @ 11:02 AM
If it lives it can die.

This bug is ….just another bug.

There are low cost adequate preventative and curative measures available on every Continent on this Planet....availability to the masses is another story and adequate supply is a going concern.

These Markets are putrid disgusting and reflective of a freaking culture that is so unable to live in abundance that they accept dross......they live on a baseline that is not acceptable.....that is their Governments fault for being non-participatory in a Global United Economy and for trying to SLOWLY OVER TIME TRY TO FURTIVELY EXPAND a Slow Tide....THEY OUGHT TO JUST LISTEN TO tRUMP AND fRIENDS AND STEP OUT OF THE DARK AGES OF WISHFULL THINKING AND INTO THE nEWaGE OF productive REALTIME teamwork ON A GLOBAL SCALE.

posted on Mar, 7 2020 @ 11:16 AM
a reply to: YouAreLiedTo

the 'harvard' pos 'inter-nationalist' spy selling the bi0 weapons to wuhan is responsible.

since he is one of them, the newz will never admit the truth.

posted on Mar, 7 2020 @ 11:30 AM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: YouAreLiedTo

Because the HIV medicine is an anti-viral medication. All that means is that it interferes with something a virus does to attack the cell. They are using those medications on a compassionate care basis, meaning they think it may interfere with something this virus does. They don't think this virus is AIDS. You'll note they're also trialing an anti-malarial medication too, and it has shown some potential. Do you also think this is a parasite like malaria?

Doctors use medications in patients that are contra to their approved purpose all the time to treat other conditions. I am on an anti-seizure medication for migraine. I have also used an anti-depressant and an anti-hypertension med for the same purpose. I do not have seizures, high blood pressure or depression.

The reality is that before the advent of HIV, our only real antiviral medications were vaccines and they are strain specific. HIV forced the research into medications that actually interfered with viral action in the cell and in the body attacking the cell. So many of our anti-virals are from that research and it's a limited field.

100% incorrect.

We didn't start experimenting with Lopinavir until 2017. Actually, here, I'll link the initial study for you.

posted on Mar, 7 2020 @ 11:39 AM

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: Sillyolme
a reply to: YouAreLiedTo.

Dude. Unless you can show where that information came from its a conspiracy theory.

Nice to play with the idea so we can all star in our own personal survival movie.

Viruses do cross species. Which is why bird or swine flu exists in the human population.

Exactly I got into an argument because my azzhat sister was saying "it's man-made it's man-made" no it's not it came from the wet market and China's poor hygiene, eating habits and crappy communist government all made it worse. No where halfway legit is reporting its man-made unless you believe godlike productions.

Quit making a conspiracy theory out of known fact. The common cold is a coronavirus and we've been working for decades on a vaccine. These labs exist, it doesn't mean they exist for nefarious purposes.

You all are confusing research labs where something got out with a trench-coat boogieman.

edit on 7-3-2020 by YouAreLiedTo because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 7 2020 @ 11:39 AM
Whoops. Double post, apologies.
edit on 7-3-2020 by YouAreLiedTo because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 7 2020 @ 11:46 AM

originally posted by: YouAreLiedTo

The biolab in Wuhan that literally specializes in bioweapons and coronavirus research would be my first guess.

That is what the YouTube video told you , right ?

posted on Mar, 7 2020 @ 12:03 PM
For the conspiracy fans.....this virus in not new in any is simply a weaponised version of the same Pleomorphic bacteria that causes what we mistakenly call cancer and many other mistakenly named diseases as well.... the Global Cabal of baby eating blood sucking freaks have been using to "farm" us for Centuries now....Hulda Clark proved these freaks have even designed the chlorine and chloride we use to disinfect our global water supply to break down inside our bodies into by-product chemicals which are SYMPATHETIC TO PARASITIC GROWTH INSIDE THE HUMAN BODY.....yes it kills a few bugs in the water...but it fills you up with by-product chemicals that actually feed and encourage the even worse bugs to live voraciously inside of us all....dyes and additives in processed foods ALSO BREAK DOWN INSIDE OF US INTO PARASITIC SYMPATHETIC CHEMICALS.....the base driver of this so called Wu-Flu is simply the same WEAPONISED PLEOMORPHIC BACTEIRA that these monsters have been using fir Centuries.

If it lives it can kill it easily if you understand it.

posted on Mar, 7 2020 @ 12:12 PM
a reply to: ketsuko
a reply to: Sillyolme

Fighting the good fight and trying to be reasonable against a sea of ignorance, once they fought on opposite sides, but now they have no choice but to work together to shovel -$&*!- against the tide of misinformation! Left and right together, forward, to stop Covid once and for all.

ATS is a bit embarrassing right now. I'm resorting to pointing and laughing.

Godspeed brave crusaders. You got a while yet until this is over. I can't even.

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