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Get Ready. Event 201 Predicted This...

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+7 more 
posted on Mar, 5 2020 @ 05:51 PM
This is my first time back here in 10 years. I really wish i didn't have to return.

This was all predicted in Oct 2019 at the Event 201 conference that held a coronavirus pandemic simulation 2 months before the outbreak.

Get ready. The pandemic is exploding and they are keeping everyone quiet.

FaceBook, Twitter, and Google are removing content they don't agree with:

There are 400 people under observation in Vegas. At least one is positive.

A security screener at LAX tested positive and they've been disinfecting the airport all day. The virus can live up to 9 days on surfaces. He screened thousands of people and infected them to spread around the country.

A USPS employee also tested positive. 9 days on every package he touched.

Stores are already being rationed out here in the 48 United States.

You can be re-infected. This isn't a one-time virus. A 36 year old died on March 2nd after a second infection in China. Not an 80 year old... 36...

CDC anticipates up to a 70% infection rate in the United States and the current death rate is *at least* 3.5%...

Get prepared before you need to.

It's happening whether you want to believe it or not...

posted on Mar, 5 2020 @ 05:58 PM
a reply to: YouAreLiedTo

This makes me wonder what happened 10 years ago and why you really wish you didn't have to return...

Never mind me....just wondering.


posted on Mar, 5 2020 @ 05:58 PM
No virus is a “one time only” virus. You are right, we are being lied to, mostly by each other.

posted on Mar, 5 2020 @ 06:00 PM
What do you think the servers of this pandemic are going to call it in the future? When they tell there grandchildren about the great plague of 2020?

+14 more 
posted on Mar, 5 2020 @ 06:04 PM

originally posted by: YouAreLiedTo
This is my first time back here in 10 years. I really wish i didn't have to return.

Then why return? Just for doom porn? You were here in 2014, which isn’t 10 years ago. Is one of the COVID19 symptoms “being kind of dramatic”?

+1 more 
posted on Mar, 5 2020 @ 06:06 PM
I already get the feeling this virus is losing a lot of its momentum. And once Spring fully arrives it will probably evaporate like so many others before it.

posted on Mar, 5 2020 @ 06:07 PM

originally posted by: Atsbhct

originally posted by: YouAreLiedTo
This is my first time back here in 10 years. I really wish i didn't have to return.

Then why return? Just for doom porn? You were here in 2014, which isn’t 10 years ago. Is one of the COVID19 symptoms “being kind of dramatic”?

Sure. 6 years. Whatever.

I warned you all with plenty of time to prepare. My conscience is clear...

posted on Mar, 5 2020 @ 06:09 PM
This death rate, is it worldwide? Or just the states? You cannot compare the healthcare system and level of hygiene of the western world with the likes of China or Iran.

When you have a cough, do you get tested? Only the ‘more severe’ cases get tested (fact here in the Netherlands), the less severe cases stay under the radar. This will push up the deathrate also.

Countries like China, Iran, North Korea will misdiagnose actual infected people. This will also influence the death rate.

Add in, that the scientists just discovered that there are 2 strings of this virus, both with a different ‘aggressiveness’.

In almost all cases the numbers look worse than they actually are in reality. The are just statistics, not facts!

And: the highest chance of dying of this is in the same risk-group for the flu. The rest will be fine.

Take a deep breath, use some common sense and live your life without all this hyped up stress...


posted on Mar, 5 2020 @ 06:09 PM
a reply to: YouAreLiedTo

ALL airports should be closed down, no inbound or outbound flights, period. It's how the virus entered the country in the first place. Shut them down NOW.

posted on Mar, 5 2020 @ 06:16 PM
a reply to: YouAreLiedTo

Hey...18k deaths from the flu so far...better get your conscience clear there too

posted on Mar, 5 2020 @ 06:18 PM
Johns Hopkins said it. Not me. I'm just linking the info.

originally posted by: Goedhardt
This death rate, is it worldwide? Or just the states? You cannot compare the healthcare system and level of hygiene of the western world with the likes of China or Iran.

When you have a cough, do you get tested? Only the ‘more severe’ cases get tested (fact here in the Netherlands), the less severe cases stay under the radar. This will push up the deathrate also.

Countries like China, Iran, North Korea will misdiagnose actual infected people. This will also influence the death rate.

Add in, that the scientists just discovered that there are 2 strings of this virus, both with a different ‘aggressiveness’.

In almost all cases the numbers look worse than they actually are in reality. The are just statistics, not facts!

And: the highest chance of dying of this is in the same risk-group for the flu. The rest will be fine.

Take a deep breath, use some common sense and live your life without all this hyped up stress...


posted on Mar, 5 2020 @ 06:20 PM
I agree.
I have posted 3 or 4 threads on how bad 2019-nCoV/CoVID19 ( the duel name is a ploy to obfuscate the facts) is.
Then the trolls attack me, but now, people here are seeing my threads come true.
It's bad.
Really bad.

edit on V212020Thursdaypm31America/ChicagoThu, 05 Mar 2020 18:21:46 -06001 by Violater1 because: poiyutf

posted on Mar, 5 2020 @ 06:22 PM

originally posted by: BlueJacket
a reply to: YouAreLiedTo

Hey...18k deaths from the flu so far...better get your conscience clear there too

Coronavirus (SARS et al) is. Not. The. Flu.

posted on Mar, 5 2020 @ 06:23 PM

originally posted by: ArchangelOger
a reply to: YouAreLiedTo

ALL airports should be closed down, no inbound or outbound flights, period. It's how the virus entered the country in the first place. Shut them down NOW.

I concur.
Stop all unnecessary travel PERIOD.

posted on Mar, 5 2020 @ 06:24 PM

originally posted by: Blue Shift
I already get the feeling this virus is losing a lot of its momentum. And once Spring fully arrives it will probably evaporate like so many others before it.

My thoughts on that are partly in line, BUT the world (or at least the northern Hemisphere) needs to take those months as precious time rather than an indication all is well. Flus tend to re-strike with a vengeance the fall following their initial appearances. We will need an answer before September when there is a good chance this new influenza, Covid-19, re-emerges.

posted on Mar, 5 2020 @ 06:25 PM

originally posted by: Blue Shift
I already get the feeling this virus is losing a lot of its momentum. And once Spring fully arrives it will probably evaporate like so many others before it.

Your body's temp is 97 to 98 degrees.
You think that warmer weather is going to stop this virus?

posted on Mar, 5 2020 @ 06:26 PM

originally posted by: burdman30ott6

originally posted by: Blue Shift
I already get the feeling this virus is losing a lot of its momentum. And once Spring fully arrives it will probably evaporate like so many others before it.

My thoughts on that are partly in line, BUT the world (or at least the northern Hemisphere) needs to take those months as precious time rather than an indication all is well. Flus tend to re-strike with a vengeance the fall following their initial appearances. We will need an answer before September when there is a good chance this new influenza, Covid-19, re-emerges.

It isn't declining. The reporting of it is.

The UK isn't reporting new cases. They said so themselves. Only a once a week update... Not daily... Cases are exploding...

They aren't going to stop covering it up. Just tell you they are...
edit on 5-3-2020 by YouAreLiedTo because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 5 2020 @ 06:32 PM

originally posted by: Violater1
I agree.
I have posted 3 or 4 threads on how bad 2019-nCoV/CoVID19 ( the duel name is a ploy to obfuscate the facts) is.
Then the trolls attack me, but now, people here are seeing my threads come true.
It's bad.
Really bad.

I wonder how many actually watched the video made by Johns Hopkins/Gates Foundation/CHS that I linked...

... They pretty clearly spell it out...

posted on Mar, 5 2020 @ 06:36 PM

originally posted by: Atsbhct

originally posted by: YouAreLiedTo
This is my first time back here in 10 years. I really wish i didn't have to return.

... why return? Just for doom porn? You were here in 2014, which isn’t 10 years ago. Is one of the COVID19 symptoms “being kind of dramatic”?



YouAreLiedTo has a registration date in year 2011, and 954 posts under his/her belt....

so a 10 year absence is not feasible

bill gates already said the outbreak is a once in a hundred year pathogen

the corona-virus has long been a sandbox for the bio-logic weapons bunch

the Crownvirus (corona = crown) has 17 expressions/faces/manifestations to go through according to Seers/Prophecy
So I think that the Crownvirus crisis will endure until the 7th Trumpet...perhaps more than 7 years into our future

posted on Mar, 5 2020 @ 06:40 PM
a reply to: YouAreLiedTo

Anybody remember "Utopia"?

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