posted on Mar, 10 2005 @ 04:38 PM
Well, John Carpenter is a God in my eyes.
Although it was largely frowned upon you should check out Escape from LA. Although poorly executed the themes in that movie are even more today
relevant than EF New York.
The US President exploits the people after a major catastrophe, in which he says it was the work of God and that he predicted it because God has asked
him to morally "clean" America. He is appointed the position of President for life, robs the country of all it's freedoms and everyone must follow
extreme right, christian beliefs or be thrown out to "LA prison" (sex out of wedlock, smoking e.t.c.) then sets about trying to rule the rest of the
countries through force.
I don't know about the jew bashing though man, some how I don't think that was the intent of the original movie.
[edit on 10-3-2005 by John Nada]