posted on Mar, 2 2020 @ 10:15 AM
That is almost like the soup I make for normal eating, made up of a roasted chicken carcass. It has really good flavor to it but not as potent or
calming as my medicinal soup is. The poultry seasoning we use on the chicken has Sage, rosemary, and thyme in it that we put on the roasting chicken,
the type of seasoning we get, there are three basic poultry seasoning types, is the low thyme type. Mostly sage and rosemary. Also consider adding
some cabbage to the initial boil, it enhances the flavor, a little bit of soy sauce also adds some ummy to it, but only a tablespoon or so.
Here is something for you to try as a variation. If doing the rice version, add a eighth cup of hulled or pearled barley in right after you strain
the juice, it needs to be in there for about forty minutes total, but you can use the quick barley. I just discovered that on the net, it adds some
flavor. Also, adding a little of the wild rice/brown rice, maybe an eighth cup ten minutes before the white rice adds some really good flavor. I do
not know if it helps, that is all taste. Not too much though, it can get too much flavor. Barley has some good properties to it medicinally, in
moderation of course, and that chemistry is fairly stable at boiling temperatures.
Those are flavor enhancement things.
Considering I have been making soups at least once a week every week and often twice a week since around 2007 to control my epilepsy, I have done a
lot of testing on how to make them work better. Now remember, these soups I make control epilepsy, it just happens that they also can stop viruses
and inhibit cancer growth. My medicinal soup is potent, this recipe is like my regular soup.
I am going to try it the way you have it with no changes, I do like regular soups too. It sounds good. if I take taurine I can take a break from the
strong medicinal soup which will be great. Taurine does not stop the muscles cramping as well as my soups do though, I cannot use it to control my
epilepsy continually.
Not many people who want to be active would like my soup, it has a very relaxing quality, it also will make your pupils a little small like some of
the antiepileptic meds do. I know how to make some powerful food chemistries. Sage in my soup keeps it from impacting clear thinking ability, it is
clear and a little slower. Better than the anti-eleptic meds that really messed up my mind back between 2003 to 2007.
I am not criticizing your soup, I am giving you ideas to increase flavor plus add some extra health benefits. But mostly flavor enhancement. Beware,
if I post my soup, it is potent medicine, my soup also includes some wine sometimes, but only a shot of it.