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Washington state officials confirm second coronavirus death in U.S.

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posted on Mar, 1 2020 @ 10:51 PM
Washington state officials confirm second coronavirus death in U.S.

In the same area, Kirkland

A second person has died in the U.S. from the novel coronavirus — and just like the first one, it's in Washington state, King County Public Health confirmed in a statement Sunday night.

The big picture: The man in his 70s with underlying health conditions died on Saturday at Evergreen Health hospital in Kirkland — the same place as the first coronavirus death in the U.S. Three more cases were diagnosed in the county, the officials said.


posted on Mar, 1 2020 @ 10:53 PM
a reply to: violet

Now they've began to test for it expect a surge in numbers.

posted on Mar, 1 2020 @ 10:56 PM
a reply to: hopenotfeariswhatweneed

The coronavirus has been circulating undetected and has possibly infected scores of people over the past six weeks in Washington state, according to a genetic analysis of virus samples that has sobering implications for the entire country amid heightening anxiety about the likely spread of the disease.

posted on Mar, 1 2020 @ 11:10 PM
Well, at least they gave details of the person, like his age and health conditions. Yes, this virus, just like the flu, can lead to death of old and frail people or those taking meds that dampen their immune system. Lots of people are on meds that dampen the immune system response these days, those people should take precautions. Some day I may have to take meds to suppress my immune system if I trigger my autoimmune genetics. I am not going to take an immune blocker just so I can take the flu shot, that would be stupid. I know lots of foods that can inhibit overreactions of the immune system. I doubt if they serve homemade chicken soup with those properties in the hospitals.

posted on Mar, 1 2020 @ 11:45 PM
a reply to: rickymouse

i have auto immune. thankfully, i somehow lucked out, my main doc is an expert.
he put me on a diet, my blood chemistry has improved by half.

i will admit, prednizone is amazeballs to lift weights on. you have zero zero zero pain.

but he warned me, you do not want drugs, you want to stop the creation of auto immune.

200 years ago, no lupus. its the chemicals interacting with the foods.

joe rogan just did the carnivore diet, he said his inflammation plummeted.
so for his type, you gotta go no carb, and hard core no carb.

im pretty sure i will be going no carb soon.
also, i will be lowering deuterium as well.
those are the inevitables, and my diet is so strict now, i am putting off the final nail in the coffin, no more carbs lol!

posted on Mar, 2 2020 @ 12:28 AM
a reply to: hopenotfeariswhatweneed
That state has no test kits. Do they now? I don’t know.

posted on Mar, 2 2020 @ 12:31 AM
a reply to: violet

I don't know, it seems the U.S is not anywhere near as prepared as it bragged to be at the onset of this.

posted on Mar, 2 2020 @ 12:33 AM
a reply to: violet

Circulating for six weeks puts the arrival back in January.

posted on Mar, 2 2020 @ 12:45 AM

originally posted by: dantanna
a reply to: rickymouse

i have auto immune. thankfully, i somehow lucked out, my main doc is an expert.
he put me on a diet, my blood chemistry has improved by half.

i will admit, prednizone is amazeballs to lift weights on. you have zero zero zero pain.

but he warned me, you do not want drugs, you want to stop the creation of auto immune.

200 years ago, no lupus. its the chemicals interacting with the foods.

joe rogan just did the carnivore diet, he said his inflammation plummeted.
so for his type, you gotta go no carb, and hard core no carb.

im pretty sure i will be going no carb soon.
also, i will be lowering deuterium as well.
those are the inevitables, and my diet is so strict now, i am putting off the final nail in the coffin, no more carbs lol!

Half of the things they say are good for you and boost your immune system, are bad for me because of my family history of autoimmune diseases. I learned to avoid the foods that boost your immune system, choosing foods that moderate it instead. A keto diet helps, but you got to watch the veggie choices. A little carbs is ok, too much causes problems. I tried doing a week of all meats, that did not work for me, I pooped out sticky paste after a few days, that sucked. I get most of my calories from fats and not too much sweet stuff, I also cannot make enough of the enzyme that digests fiber, so I get bezoars. My immune system will overreact to a sliver if I do not get it out, it doesn't heal, probably the lupus genetics or something. I also have to make sure not to take calcium and vitamin D supplements, they definitely do not work well with spondylitis genetics. And RA and high carbs do not go together, my sister was plagued with that. Lots of autoimmune in my family history and cousins and siblings.

posted on Mar, 2 2020 @ 01:41 AM

originally posted by: jadedANDcynical
a reply to: violet

Circulating for six weeks puts the arrival back in January.

Yes it does, most likely came here from Wuhan

posted on Mar, 2 2020 @ 01:51 AM
a reply to: rickymouse
The older I get, the more I’m learning which foods don’t agree with me. My issue is the blood clotting factor. My mum died at age 41 from a blood clot in the lung - pulmonary embolism. I had the clot in my brain - massive stroke which has caused left side paralysis. It’s hard for me to exercise but I’ve been trying. I take vitamins and really noticed how they helped with my vision. I’ve determined carrots are a super food for me. I know I should eat healthier than I do.

posted on Mar, 2 2020 @ 03:21 AM

originally posted by: dantanna
a reply to: rickymouse

i have auto immune. thankfully, i somehow lucked out, my main doc is an expert.
he put me on a diet, my blood chemistry has improved by half.

i will admit, prednizone is amazeballs to lift weights on. you have zero zero zero pain.

but he warned me, you do not want drugs, you want to stop the creation of auto immune.

200 years ago, no lupus. its the chemicals interacting with the foods.

joe rogan just did the carnivore diet, he said his inflammation plummeted.
so for his type, you gotta go no carb, and hard core no carb.

im pretty sure i will be going no carb soon.
also, i will be lowering deuterium as well.
those are the inevitables, and my diet is so strict now, i am putting off the final nail in the coffin, no more carbs lol!

I recommend keto, with lots of avocado, fish oil and turmeric (curcerimen).
If you do happen to have a cytokene reaction, this diet should help.

Key word, help..

posted on Mar, 2 2020 @ 03:35 AM

originally posted by: hopenotfeariswhatweneed
a reply to: violet

Now they've began to test for it expect a surge in numbers.

the fact is we really don't know any true numbers of infected anywhere. and it's not due to numbers being fudged or misreporting. the thing is how many people have it, that have not gotten checked out, thinking it's just a normal flu or cold? or as we have been seeing, people who have been tested, but have tested negative, when later they test positive. how many more who tested negative have it, and don't get tested again? how many are out there t hat have it, and spread it, who have no clue they even have it?

in all seriousness, until we start testing everyone, every day. and com e up with a better and faster test. we will never actually know the real numbers of people who have it. and are they even testing everyone that dies for it? for example a friend's elderly father died yesterday from "pneumonia". was he tested to see if he had the Wuflu? after all it seems most people who "die from Wuflu", die from secondary issues like "pneumonia". so is it possible he had it, and thus those he lived with and interacted with could also have it?

posted on Mar, 2 2020 @ 03:56 AM
a reply to: generik

I don't think there is the capacity to test everyone, this is a major flaw in the capitalist system, health needs to be treated as a must for everybody, for society to continue functioning the way we do, the chaos this virus is causing is a clear sign a new approach is necessary moving forward.

posted on Mar, 2 2020 @ 05:09 AM

originally posted by: hopenotfeariswhatweneed
a reply to: violet

I don't know, it seems the U.S is not anywhere near as prepared as it bragged to be at the onset of this.

Depends on the situation being prepared for....
I'm a thinkin this will be over and forgotten by April
Just like...

edit on 3/2/20 by Gothmog because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 2 2020 @ 05:14 AM

originally posted by: Gothmog

originally posted by: hopenotfeariswhatweneed
a reply to: violet

I don't know, it seems the U.S is not anywhere near as prepared as it bragged to be at the onset of this.

Depends on the situation being prepared for....
I'm a thinkin this will be over and forgotten by April
Just like...

Tell that to the 50 000 people currently quarantined in Italy. Those lights you're staring at must be bright...

posted on Mar, 2 2020 @ 05:32 AM

originally posted by: hopenotfeariswhatweneed

originally posted by: Gothmog

originally posted by: hopenotfeariswhatweneed
a reply to: violet

I don't know, it seems the U.S is not anywhere near as prepared as it bragged to be at the onset of this.

Depends on the situation being prepared for....
I'm a thinkin this will be over and forgotten by April
Just like...

Tell that to the 50 000 people currently quarantined in Italy. Those lights you're staring at must be bright...

You got source cite ?
Other than a YouTube video ?

I just checked.
There is no 50000 quarantined anywhere in the nworld
Lockdown ? Yes
Quarantine ? no

Denying ignorance .
Why ?
Some folks read into stuff things they shouldn't . Then believe it.

edit on 3/2/20 by Gothmog because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 2 2020 @ 05:43 AM
a reply to: Gothmog

This source is 3 days old, it's far worse there now with big spike new cases as well more deaths.

edit on 2-3-2020 by hopenotfeariswhatweneed because: (no reason given)

Anyhow I'm not gonna bother arguing with you over it. It's clear the media are not being truthful, it's up to you to read between the lines, or not.
edit on 2-3-2020 by hopenotfeariswhatweneed because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 2 2020 @ 06:29 AM

originally posted by: hopenotfeariswhatweneed
a reply to: Gothmog

This source is 3 days old, it's far worse there now with big spike new cases as well more deaths.

Anyhow I'm not gonna bother arguing with you over it. It's clear the media are not being truthful, it's up to you to read between the lines, or not.

Why do you feel that the media is not being truthful ?
I do , but I think for the exact opposite of you.
The media (as well as some folks on ATS) are over-hyping this thing in an exponentially bad way and are driving the people to panic .
With that said , there is absolutely no place on earth that has 50000 people quarantined.
That is why you stated "Anyhow I'm not gonna bother arguing with you over it"
That is what is expected folks will do when confronted with the absolute truth.

posted on Mar, 2 2020 @ 06:53 AM
Iran has over 50,000 quarantined. Not sure how many in Italy. I dont even know how many in China anymore. Lockdown is essentially the same thing. In Italy you will be arrested if you decided to go for an evening stroll in a community that is "locked down". Call it lockdown or quarantine, not really any difference.

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