It is diagnosed everywhere.
while i agree that some are diagnosed due to environmental issues, meaning just bad discipline and so on, there is some cases diagnosed due to some
medical issues.
My 8 year old daughter has recently been diagnosed with Aspergers Syndrome and has another underlying autism which she is still being tested for. She
has ADD which is to say is attention deficiant but not hyperactive.
Years ago i had dental work gone wrong from a public dentist. I had a root canal form absesses which started forming towards my brain. I was rushed to
hospital and dosed up on antibiotics via intravenous. Two main ones phlucloxcillin (spelt wrong) and Keflex. The keflex made me feel very ill under my
rib cage. I had huge horse sized syringes of the gunk every four hours. When I was released from hospital over a week later I went back to the doctors
regarding my periods, which I bled for a few hours then stopped, then started, then stopped. Testing was carried out and i was found to be around 4
weeks pregnant.
The entire pregnancy was high risk, I was told by some doctors that the anti biotics would not affect my child but yet from many laymen I was urged to
terminate. I bled every day for the whole nine months.
Kiralea was born after a standard labour with the only unusual thing to happen, was that she was twice born, with a veil over her face, which is too
say she was born in her bag. She was out on the table for about ten minutes with the doctors crowding in amazement before they finally slit the bag
and removed her, using that instant as her birth time.
She was a healthy baby who gained weight fast, and gained weight and gained weight. She was a reflux baby, vomiting great distances all the time. When
she was six months old she was shown to have leg deformities that could and would cripple her, her legs were bent outwards and her feet turned in
sideways. I am pidgeon toed myself so I wasn't overly concerned.
She weighed 33 kilo's at 18 months but was bright and intelligent say her first word of hello at 5 months. I took her to doctors left right and
centre to be told that it was normal weight and my children are probably going to be like that. No answers were given or labels to her
As she grew we found issues with her over friendliness, she had no stranger danger at all, even as a baby. She would wander off with other families as
if they were her own. She came out with huge words in the right places, making me look and think where the hell did she get that from.
In kindergarden she was well ahead of her peers so it was to much shock and dismay in the next year to be told how far she was behind her peers
learning to read and write. She has now been tested many times and found to be well behind them, she cannot write properly or spell or read. Yet her
memory tests showed her to be in the 95 percentile, which is to say the top 5 percent for her age in the state. Mathematically she can add up the
lunch money items in her head before I can on paper.
Then the behaviour things started standing out. I do not know if they were always there but they started being curious, where she always had people
around her, she started being shunned by her peers. She would come home from school and tell me she had spent lunch in the library or by herself. She
had temper outbursts in class and started folding and tying ribbons and material. She would drape herself in sheets and twirl things around. She would
talk to herself and often complain of the lights moving aorund and the things she could see. She loved to dress in old fashioned and bright things and
didn't seem to be concerned at all of looking different. She would physically grab you and pull you around and I found her strength tremendous. I am
very strong for my size and she can push me over, beat me at arm wrestles and overall a lot stronger than adults or any female I have met.
She had no ideas of proper, walking out naked in the street, saying embarrassing things to people like mummys got her periods today and other things
not considered 'right'. This stunned me, I didn't know what the hell was happening and what I was doing wrong. She would grab bits of material and
twirl and fold them all day and at night when I would go into adjust her bed I would find the material all neatly folded up with lots of hair ribbons
tying it up neatly and tucked besides her head. She started retreating to her room all the time and getting angry when the other kids would disturb
her. Her toys would be lined up and her windowsill crystals would be sorted in colours and types all neatly. She picks sores and points out tiny cuts
to me as if they are great disasters. She cannot take pain in any way and screams if the other kids do something to her in play. She comes out with
the big words now using them in every day speech but still cannot read words except for words like and, the, but and so on. Her writing and spelling
is atrocious and always slopes down the page. She cannot focus on schoolwork yet will spend hours with me when I am showing her maps and globes and
pictures of volcanoes and nature. And she remembers everything about our little earth lessons about countries and places and gets indignant if I
repeat something to her. She takes it to school and tells them. She constantly touches herself and fidgets and watches the same movies over and over
She weighs over 50 kilo's now she stableised for a while when she was 5 but a period of between april last year and december she put on over 17
kilos. I feed all my kids healthy well balanced meals and she doesn't eat junk or lollies. To give you an example I have included a picture of her
with her brother and sister. He skin is white, pale compared to my other dark skinned children and she looks nothing like them. I am small, I weigh 46
kilo's and I am 5 foot zero with brownish tanning skin like my other children.
Her bahavious seems to be getting worse or should I say odder. She will not share and likes to have her own things, her own cup and screams if someone
else drinks out of it. her own ice cube tray, and other items that are usually shared in a household. She fussed over some bacon I had cooked last
week and wouldn't eat it because it had no use by date on the packet, even though I told her I had bought the vac sealed pack the day before.
I have six children of which she is the only one anything like this. My two year old shows potential adhd sympoms and is brilliant at 'buttons'
meaning he can put my computer together, all the leads in the right spot then log on. When he first turned two he climbed on the cupboard, got my keys
and unlocked the car, took it out of gear and started it up.
By the way I must thanks Grady Phillpot for the links he gave in another thread on Aspergers. They were great learning for me. Kiralea scored 196
severe PDD on one of the tests. Its like a door has been opened up for me now that I know what part of it is. She finally has the support of
counsellors after them all scratching their heads up till now and throwing her in the too hard basket. For years I have been yelling there is
something wrong with my child please help me understand it and work with it not against it to no avail, even being told by a head paediatrician that I
may never know what is wrong with her, oh we know something is wrong but we may not find what.
I wish I could find the keys now of how to teach her to read because the education system is failing in their efforts and their must be a way somehow
considering how brilliant she is in other areas. She will not concentrate on any task she doesn't want to do and will go off in pixieland as soon as
it is tried to force her to.
So yeah it is all over the world even though sometimes I feel that I am the only one to go through it with their child.
[edit on 11-3-2005 by Mayet]
[edit on 11-3-2005 by Mayet]