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The radical homosexual agenda and the destruction of standards

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posted on Mar, 11 2005 @ 06:13 AM
Well Rant its also the reason I have so many problems with your party. I will be the first to admit that in many ways the republican party has strayed from its core values, however they are still much closer to it than democrats.
I am a conservative in that I beieve it is impossble to protect the people without insuring the protecton of the indvidual.
Unless the one is protected the many are screwed.
This is also the reason I am against AA, it does not protect the individual rather it protects and gives preference to a "class of people"
I dont care whether it is a law desnged to protect Gys, women, blacks, etc. ny law which extends rights or protections to one group of people over another or over the rights of the individual is IMHO wrong.

As for "protecting our christian naton"
My problem is that in many cases freedom of religon has been reinterperted to mean freedom from religon, seperaton of church and state has become the idea that a man who is religous has no right to base his idea of right and wrong on his religon. This is wrong.

Take for example the "faith based initiatives" which many portray as a violation of seperation of church and state, is it really?
Now if the only faith based organisations which could take advantage of it were christian then yes it would be, However as long as the government does not refuse to allow a church to gain access to tax dollars becuase they are of the wrong religon then it isn't.
As I understand it the way it is currently set up any faith based organsation can apply for tax dollars yes?
So then how is it a violation of freedom of religon?
That is to say if a christian church, and islamic mosque, a jewish synagogue, and the church of satan, all of which are registered US churches, can all apply, then freedom of religon is being honored as the US government is not endorsing any one of them.
So then why are so many up in arms about it?

posted on Mar, 11 2005 @ 10:55 AM
Rant, once again you are entitled to your opinion. As far as my wearing a dress. Well, maybe for you big boy. I would bet you would like me then!

Repressed homosexuality really? I am very confident in my masculinity, call me what you wish. Even as I confident, I do not have to prove it by engaging in lascivious behavior in public. I believe in true modesty. Why should I subject someone's children to me shoving my tongue down my wife's throat. Talk about my confidence, I do not defoine myself by my sexual preference. Hello, I'm Reagan, and I am a hetersexual. But your aluminum hat back on on think, remember back, these people identify themselves by their sexuality (I generalize some). So I believe that the Bible is true and flawless. that is my standard and that is what i identify myself as. Do not hate me because of who I am. I won't hate you if you turned out to be gay. I probably would continue to converse with you and be more sensitive to the language I use. For me to tolerate(which is not what the desire, they desire acceptance!) homosexuality is for me to believe that the Bible is flawed therefore my Savior was flawed and that my faith is in vain. I would then see no reason not to embrace worldly views. SO it is my belief that I am opposed to the sodomites. I do not hate!

1 Cor 15:32-34
32 If I fought wild beasts in Ephesus for merely human reasons, what have I gained? If the dead are not raised,

"Let us eat and drink,
for tomorrow we die."

"Let us eat and drink,
for tomorrow we die."

posted on Mar, 11 2005 @ 11:22 AM

Originally posted by Reaganwasourgreatest
Do not hate me because of who I am. I won't hate you if you turned out to be gay. I probably would continue to converse with you and be more sensitive to the language I use.

Now that's a deal breaker.

But I might go gay if you'd promise to stop conversing with me.

Just playing Reagan. Pushing buttons.

Sometimes you have to push all the buttons on the elevator to see where the shaft goes.

posted on Mar, 11 2005 @ 02:52 PM

Originally posted by mwm1331

Amuk the problem as I see it, isn't that gays are having sex, its that they want to bring thier sexual practice into schools,courthouses, etc.

Gays are wanting to have sex in schools and courthouses? I must have missed that one. I have seen where they are trying to force religion into schools and courthouses though are you opposed to that also?

A man or men have the right to do anything they damn well want to to each other within thier own homes, its when they bring thier predilictons into public that I have a problem.

So JWs and Mormons shouldn't be allowed to go door to door? You are AGAINST public displays of religion? Should Christians be forced stop telling me Jesus loves me?

I myself will not faint at the sight of two men kissing OR the Ten Commandments on a courthouse lawn OR a Manger scene during Christmas, etc; but I am a big boy and things and have no problem with others beliefs as long as they don't try to force me to participate. I have been harrassed by Christians on almost a daily basis but as long as they accept a polite "not interested" I dont have a problem with it.

I have even been asked 3-4 times in my life if I would be interested by another man. Guess what? A polite no worked there also.

Its when a tiny minorty of this country wants to impose ther way of life on everyone else that I have a problem.

So if you were in a place that the majority were gay you wouldnt have a problem with becoming Gay? I dont want the Gays trying to make me Gay and I dont want the Christians harrassing me at home and at work either. Guess which one happens more often? BTW the only ones that wont take no for an answer in my case have been Christians.....LOL I have had to threaten them to get them to leave me alone.

I am tired of beng called a bigot or a hater becuase I feel thier lfestyle is immoral.

I wonder how they feel being called "child molesters" and being told they will burn in hell unless they believe the same as you?

I am tired of seeing gays singled out for specal treatment and special laws. What the hell happened to all americans being created equal?

you mean like special tax breaks? Oh wait that is the church right.....LOL

I agree I think everyone should be treated equal, I dont believe in hate crimes or AA or church or corporate tax breaks or taxes at all to be truthful, except for maybe a fraction of what we pay now for deffence and to help those truly unable to work.

But I dont think anyone has a right to tell me which adults I can sleep with or what I can eat, drink, or smoke either. I dont think the police have a right to search my car or home because they think I MIGHT have something there just like I dont think you should attack another country because of what they MIGHT do.

The Majority isnt always right which is why we have a Republic.

If I am murdered for the money in my wallet I am less important than a gay who is murdered becuase he is gay. How is this equality?

I dont believe in hate crimes either.

schools are being forced to teach "Gay tolerance" How about trying to teach kids not too pick on other kids for any reason?

I agree.

Why are there laws on the books specfcally written to ensure gays are not discrimnated against, should the law state that it is illegal to discriminate aganst anyone for any reason?

I agree.

Does this mean you are FOR Gay Marriage?

I am sck of being told that I have to accept others lfestyle yet they do not have to accept mine.

Didnt you just say you shouldnt have to accept theirs? Both sides need to accept each others. Maybe THEY are sick of being told by YOU that they have to accept YOUR lifestyle but THEY will burn in hell for theirs

As things stand today, gays have every single rght straights have,

They cant get married. I think they should be allowed BUT that if your church doesnt believe in Gay marrige it shouldnt have to preform them. Shouldnt that settle the issue? That leaves both sides free to do as they wish that IS what you want, right?

but it isn't enough. It isn't enough becuase most of the more vocal "gay rights activists" dont want equality at all. They want beneficial discrimination.
They want to be more than equal.
That is what I have a problem with.

Any law that gives ANYONE preferance I am against.

Is that good enough?

[edit on 11-3-2005 by Amuk]

posted on Mar, 11 2005 @ 03:58 PM
I am a true libertarian, your response Amuk speaks a different tune. I think it is the right of anyone at any time to discriminate against anyone for any reason. I you do not like my haircut, then you should be able to say, I do not want to hire you because I do not like your haircut. Why should you be required to lie? If I do not want to hire someone because he is gay (possibly the best worker I could find) then I can risk my business as I see fit. If I do not want to supply medical benefits to unmarried couples then I should not have to whether they are hetero, homo, bi, bestial, pedophiles whatever . If i want to screen people for dangerous lifestyles, so as not to affect my insurance rates then fine, no smokers allowed. They can work elsewhere, they can can rent elsewhere, they can shop elsewhere, they can........ Libertarians are about liberty not government mandates and legal wealth reallocation. If you see someone starving in the street, it is your right to walk past them. You should not be required to pay one dime for their benefit. Of course you will have to answer for that on judgment day. Then again Amuk you do not believe in that. You do claim to believe in freedom. Homos can live and turd chase who they want. they are asking for benefits more than that they are asking for acceptance. They can get these all from their employers, friends, and multiple sex partners. There are plenty of pro Homo companies that provide benefits for sodomites and their frequent different partners. Go work for them. Hang around other sodomites, they will accept you, they will not judge you as you 'think' we do. To judge is to pass sentence. I do not know if they are saved or not. i know they are sinners like me.

I almost forgot, if a person wants to have sex with vegetables, fine have an intimate V8 moment but do not ask me to pay to have that cucumber removed from his ars.

[edit on 11-3-2005 by Reaganwasourgreatest]

posted on Mar, 11 2005 @ 05:03 PM

Originally posted by Reaganwasourgreatest
I am a true libertarian, your response Amuk speaks a different tune. I think it is the right of anyone at any time to discriminate against anyone for any reason.


Are you talking about the Government or an Individual? I couldnt care less if you as a person like gays or hire them, or park outside their bars fantiazing about them and then post anti gay stuff on this board....LOL but the Government on the other hand is different.

I you do not like my haircut, then you should be able to say, I do not want to hire you because I do not like your haircut. Why should you be required to lie? If I do not want to hire someone because he is gay (possibly the best worker I could find) then I can risk my business as I see fit. If I do not want to supply medical benefits to unmarried couples then I should not have to whether they are hetero, homo, bi, bestial, pedophiles whatever . If i want to screen people for dangerous lifestyles, so as not to affect my insurance rates then fine, no smokers allowed. They can work elsewhere, they can can rent elsewhere, they can shop elsewhere, they can........

where have I said otherwise?

Libertarians are about liberty not government mandates and legal wealth reallocation. If you see someone starving in the street, it is your right to walk past them. You should not be required to pay one dime for their benefit.

Wasnt that what I just said?

Wouldnt Liberty mean Gays have a right to marry too?

Or is it OK for the Government to pass a FEDERAL law against it?

Of course you will have to answer for that on judgment day. Then again Amuk you do not believe in that.

What does that have to do with it? Am I a second class American because your little invisable friend doesnt talk to me? What does it matter whither I do or not? I do have that right dont I? Just like you have a right to live YOUR fantasy.

You do claim to believe in freedom. Homos can live and turd chase who they want.


And you can Bible thump and froth at the mouth about it all you want, as long as the government doesnt pass a law against EITHER of you than I am OK with it.

they are asking for benefits more than that they are asking for acceptance. They can get these all from their employers, friends, and multiple sex partners. There are plenty of pro Homo companies that provide benefits for sodomites and their frequent different partners.

Believe it or not I tend to agree with this. A privite company should be able to hire whoever they wish, when I talk about not discreminating I mean the Government not privite compinies.

Go work for them. Hang around other sodomites, they will accept you, they will not judge you as you 'think' we do.


If by sodomite you mean Gay you have missed the target by a LOOOOONG shot here. I am a RAGING hetrosexual.

But I am not the one posting one Gay thread after another am I?

[edit on 11-3-2005 by Amuk]

posted on Mar, 11 2005 @ 05:21 PM
No I never thought for a second you were gay. But you want to allow Homo to marry legally. They can claim the are behave like they are married now. They can get domestic partner benefits too. What about heterosexuals?

Look I care less what they do to each other, they will reap what they sow.

But if want to change definitions of marriage then i have a problem.

Fine then let homo's marry, Let people marry their pets so companies have to provide benefits to their pooches. Why not marry a watermelon?
Why not Amuk you marry your brother so he can get benefits if he needs them. Why not let Mormons marry 100 women. If that is what they want?

Marriage by definition: the state of being husband and wife. Not husband and cantaloupe or husband and 5 year old cabana boy or husband and biological brother (two loving consenting adults amuk?) Ah so you are a true libertarian, no laws, no rights, no problem. If that is how you feel then i apologize. You are more libertarian than I.

Or are you just for it because those evil intolerant Christians are against it?

ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding

[edit on 11-3-2005 by Reaganwasourgreatest]

posted on Mar, 11 2005 @ 06:06 PM
This is absolutely ridicules...I can not even imagine why this thread is still going, why a mod hasn't closed it when it is the exact same crap that is always thrown around. Leave the homosexuals alone...why do care? Who the hell are any of you to tell anyone else, what do to do or how to do? Are you a god? Do you have the power to condemn anyone? Are you sin free? NO to all those questions, you are not! Do you just need someone to pick on? What is the deal with you people!? Why are you so damn nosey in someone else's bedroom? Mind your own business and worry about your own sexual life and leave others alone! How come you don't pick at the strippers, or the prostitutes...arent those things a sin in your bible? What about nudity in movies...that's a sin. Why don't put some kind of campaign out against pedophiles? They are hurting our children. What about those that go out and get drunk all the time, cheat on their wives....go after them.....go on, go get em....that's a sin too...or do you guys just pick and choose your sins....that's it isn't it!? You just pick who you want to hate....

posted on Mar, 11 2005 @ 06:14 PM

Originally posted by LadyV

This is absolutely ridicules...I can not even imagine why this thread is still going, why a mod hasn't closed it when it is the exact same crap that is always thrown around. Leave the homosexuals alone...why do care? Who the hell are any of you to tell anyone else, what do to do or how to do? Are you a god? Do you have the power to condemn anyone? Are you sin free? NO to all those questions, you are not! Do you just need someone to pick on? What is the deal with you people!? Why are you so damn nosey in someone else's bedroom? Mind your own business and worry about your own sexual life and leave others alone! How come you don't pick at the strippers, or the prostitutes...arent those things a sin in your bible? What about nudity in movies...that's a sin. Why don't put some kind of campaign out against pedophiles? They are hurting our children. What about those that go out and get drunk all the time, cheat on their wives....go after them.....go on, go get em....that's a sin too...or do you guys just pick and choose your sins....that's it isn't it!? You just pick who you want to hate....

Well said.

You have voted LadyV for the Way Above Top Secret award. You have used all of your votes for this month.

posted on Mar, 11 2005 @ 06:15 PM
Obviously you have not been listening. Ed start another thread. We are against all sin, our yours, theirs. We do not single any group out. We are hardest on our own by the way. You should listen to one denom talk about another.

We are just pointing out those trying to make sin righteous.

posted on Mar, 11 2005 @ 06:28 PM

We are just pointing out those trying to make sin righteous.

There is only one problem. What give you or anyone else the right to say what a sin is ?
#adds line to avoid fine #

posted on Mar, 11 2005 @ 06:28 PM

Oh bull! The other day Ed was making fun of the way someone looked for Pete's sake...I'm sorry, but if your gonna go around spouting off all the time about Christianly and about sin in damn near everything here....than do not present yourself in such a manner as to show you are so shallow as to make fun of ones looks! It's a personal beef against homosexuals and if it wasn't you would not be referring to them as "homos"'s hatred pure and simple...tonight when you are in your bed before sleep, when you say your prayers, if you even say prayers every night...perhaps it would a good idea to ask your god for some compassion, and for you to have some type of a heart for your fellow human beings...ask him to give you wisdom and more love within yourself for those you have a problem with cause hun, you need it! You guys are the reason there are so many that do not like Christians! You ask why so many don't like them...look in the mirror.....and according to your own will pay for that, you push people away from your god and you present your religion in a very bad light!

posted on Mar, 11 2005 @ 06:31 PM

Here you go, Why do they choose this place? Practice what you preach woman. Do not blame me for someone elses opinion.


Petition: No 'gay pride'
in holy city
Christian group, rabbis demand mayor cancel global homosexual event

Posted: March 11, 2005
1:00 a.m. Eastern

By Aaron Klein
© 2005

JERUSALEM – A world homosexual event planned for Jerusalem this summer is morally outrageous and highly offensive to religious sensibilities, a Christian group that is seeking 1 million signatures on a petition to stop the event told WorldNetDaily.

World Pride 2005, a mass international gathering of homosexual, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered individuals, is scheduled to take place August in Jerusalem. The theme for the gathering, according to the event website, is "Love without borders," with the goal of bringing a "new focus to an ancient city through a massive demonstration of LGBT dignity, pride and boundary-crossing celebration. In these times of intolerance and suspicion, from the home of three of the world's great religions, we will proclaim that love knows no borders."

The global homosexual gathering, organized by InterPride, the International Association of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgendered Pride Coordinators, was last held in 2000 in Rome, where it attracted about a quarter of a million participants. Images of the Rome festivities, featured on various homosexual websites, shows throngs of shirtless men in shorts and bikini briefs congregated on the streets, some of them holding hands.

The 2005 event brochure explains Jerusalem was picked as this year's site in part to strike a religious chord.

[edit on 11-3-2005 by Reaganwasourgreatest]

posted on Mar, 11 2005 @ 06:39 PM
And so just what is that supposed to prove...people are looking for rights that they should have....they are homosexuals not non humans for Pete's sake, WTH is wrong with you....the same is done by most groups who are trying to get something through....if it was woman's rights years picket where there is mostly men, as they were it's natural they would go there.....get a life and leave other people are proving nothing other than your own small mindedness, intolerance, ignorance and stupidly!

[edit on 3/11/2005 by LadyV]

posted on Mar, 11 2005 @ 07:16 PM

Originally posted by Reaganwasourgreatest But you want to allow Homo to marry legally. What about heterosexuals?

What about hetros? Cant they already get married? I did. And I fail to see how Gays getting married interfere in my Marrige in any way.

Look I care less what they do to each other, they will reap what they sow.

then why the 5 zillion "Gays are after me" threads?

But if want to change definitions of marriage then i have a problem.

You would prefer the Government MANDATE IT? I thought you were a Libertarian? Or was that just when it suits you?

Fine then let homo's marry, Let people marry their pets so companies have to provide benefits to their pooches. Why not marry a watermelon?

Are any of the above able to enter into ANY kind of contract?

Why not Amuk you marry your brother so he can get benefits if he needs them. Why not let Mormons marry 100 women. If that is what they want?

Why not? I dont have a problem with any of it. It will not effect my marriage one bit. Except for me marrying my brother, hes not my type, but if you wish to marry yours, do so with my blessing. As long as you are both adults.

Marriage by definition: the state of being husband and wife. Not husband and cantaloupe or husband and 5 year old cabana boy or husband and biological brother (two loving consenting adults amuk?)

A child or a cantaloupe can not enter into a legal contract of ANY kind and as I said if you wish to marry your (grown) brother, or mother, daughter, grandpa, or whatever, knock yourself out.

Ah so you are a true libertarian, no laws, no rights, no problem.

Do you even know what a Libertarian is? I will post a link to our Web Site. We do believe in laws, just the bare minimum that it takes to hold society togather. I would argue for your right to worship your God just like I would do for LadyV and just as I would argue for Gays to live as they see fit.

See how Liberty works?

You are more libertarian than I.

no doubt

Or are you just for it because those evil intolerant Christians are against it?

My wife is a devout Christian and I dont think she is evil at all, nor do I think Christianity is evil. I dont think being Gay is evil either.

My Wife thinks its a sin but she thinks its between them and God, and is not any of her bussiness. While she is, in a way, against gays, she is for allowing them to marry and live their life as they choose because it is not her place to judge them.

That is what her invisable friend is for
*looks around to see if she is there*

My wife and I never argue about religion because we respect each others right to believe as we wish.

whoops I forgot

Heres the link

see what you are claiming to be

[edit on 11-3-2005 by Amuk]

posted on Mar, 11 2005 @ 07:22 PM

Originally posted by Reaganwasourgreatest
Obviously you have not been listening. Ed start another thread. We are against all sin, our yours, theirs. We do not single any group out. We are hardest on our own by the way. You should listen to one denom talk about another.

We are just pointing out those trying to make sin righteous.

this was just so funny I had to repeat it.

How many threads have EITHER of you started about child molestation among the church? How about showing me ONE post where you have "been harder on your own"

How about the BTK killer, he was a church LEADER, how about starting a thread about the effects of long term sexual repression?

posted on Mar, 11 2005 @ 07:54 PM
Hey...what about going after Athiest

....other religions.....

What about us mean ol' evil Witches come you guys target gays so much!? And as Amuk in world do two gays getting married have anything what so ever to do my marriage!? Nothing anyone else does in marriage ot pout of marriage, effects my marriage. Am I suddenly going to need a divorce? Will I no longer be attracted to my mate? We will suddenly fall out of love? Will we have no respect for each other any more? Someone explain to me, how gays marrying will effect heterosexuals stupid! Oh...and how childish to say a human being might as well marry a watermelon....WHF! That sounds like some a kids would say! No has said anything about inanimate objects, fruits, or vegetables marrying a human.....we're talking about two human beings that love each other try to keep up with conversation.

posted on Mar, 11 2005 @ 10:07 PM
Well No.1 - I started the thread, and I have started many threads here at ATS and they are all not anti-gay. I have posted about terrorism, military items, conservative issues, abortion, terrorism....yada yada that is pure crap.

No.2 - Yes I have posted about the gay issue because it is being forced upon me and I feel it is wrong for it to be recognized, civil unions would be fine but NO, they want to infringe upon the sanctity of marriage. Why? Think about it, because they can't right now.

No.3 - Marring you brother? WTH? Thats funny but it does state a point, once the cat is out of the bag, AMUK where will it stop?

No.4 - As for the comment about the Kansas City Killer and his Church membership, Oh yes I have talked about that one, but not to this board. Why? Because this board is a hobby, something like that is discussed AT Church and you can bet your bottom dollar we are harsh on our own...

No.5 - As for me posting about how someone looks, how shallow of you LadyV, I expect better.If you had read the whole post you would understand what I meant, yes she was not a looker by any means, but why would the students even consider it? I posted links to other cases where it at least made some sense. Read it again ok?

I for one am not a looker as you females would call it and I accept that , have no problem with it actually. I am what my wife likes and visa versa so it doesn't matter.

Do I sin? yes and today I had a big one. Someone wants to have an abortion and I wanted to say its murder, the reason this gal wants to have it is it is not her husbands we think. But I was not there to say it but I still sinned by even thinking of the things I wanted to say....

When I am asked to accept that a sin is not a sin when we ALL know it is, that is where I have a problem......

Cast the first stone? Nope, I have to many sins myself ,the different is I at least acknowledge that I fall short and therefore need a Redeemer...

posted on Mar, 12 2005 @ 12:50 AM

Originally posted by edsinger
Once you let the genie out of the bottle, it starts a flood......and we wonder why society sucks and is getting more immoral by the day.

damn straight! remember back when some puritan prudes decided to leave to the new world and spread their own brand of intolerance? We thought that was bad....then they started to spread their offensive and arrogant claptrap around the world. Now look what we've got!

posted on Mar, 12 2005 @ 10:30 AM

Originally posted by edsinger
Well No.1 - I started the thread, and I have started many threads here at ATS and they are all not anti-gay. I have posted about terrorism, military items, conservative issues, abortion, terrorism....yada yada that is pure crap.

Yes you have, but I am willing to bet you have started more Gay threads then ALL the Gay members of ATS combined.

No.2 - Yes I have posted about the gay issue because it is being forced upon me and I feel it is wrong for it to be recognized, civil unions would be fine but NO, they want to infringe upon the sanctity of marriage. Why? Think about it, because they can't right now.

Honestly I dont have a problem with EITHER as long as the same rights and privileges are given out in a Legal sense. This might surprise you but even if Gay marriage was legal in all 50 states I dont believe a church that was against it should be forced to perform the ceremony. The church doesnt have to accept it but the Government needs too. Thats why we have a seperation of the two.

No.3 - Marring you brother? WTH? Thats funny but it does state a point, once the cat is out of the bag, AMUK where will it stop?

Would you be shocked to find out that as long your both adults I DONT CARE? I have been married to the same woman for over a quarter of a century and nothing someone else does will weaken that. Us hillbillies are a strange breed even in the South, we do as we please and dont concern ourselves about what the family over the hill is doing.

No.4 - As for the comment about the Kansas City Killer and his Church membership, Oh yes I have talked about that one, but not to this board. Why? Because this board is a hobby, something like that is discussed AT Church and you can bet your bottom dollar we are harsh on our own...

My comment was intended more toward the other wonder twin (just kidding)

When I am asked to accept that a sin is not a sin when we ALL know it is, that is where I have a problem......

see that is the problem, we ALL dont know it. You claim THEY are trying to force people to accept THEIR lifestlye while YOU claim to speak for EVERYONE.

I dont know it is a sin. Dont quote me Bible verses because it would be the same as me proving my point by quoting the Koran to you. This is America and I have a right to my spiritual beliefs the same as you.

You know I have NEVER seen Gays going Door to Door asking people if they would come to the Gay Bar tonight. I have seen Christians going Door to Door often. They demand their Holidays be honored, their Bible to be taught in schools, their comandements be placed in courthouses, etc;

Who is trying to force who here?

Cast the first stone? Nope, I have to many sins myself ,the different is I at least acknowledge that I fall short and therefore need a Redeemer...

So EVERYONE must do the same? There is NO room for any other belief system in America?

Arent YOU the one trying to force everyone to believe as you do? How many Gays have you seen posting that "theirs is the ONLY way"?

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