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The Anti-Christian conspiracy

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posted on Jan, 18 2006 @ 11:35 PM

Originally posted by Produkt

don't judge the God I love by my many shortcomings.

oh no no no... oh man, don't take it like that. We judge him for his own shortcoming's, not your's.

Funny thing, that. No matter how hard we try to explain it to Him, God keeps dismissing our culture's notion of the way things ought to be. We are the pinnacle of all societies, though, right? We're the most enlightened culture ever to grace the planet! Why would God be so imperfect as to maintain those archaic notions of law, justice, right and wrong, good and evil. Doesn't He understand it's all relative? :shk: Such gaping shortcomings. It's a good thing Hollywood's here to educate Him on the way it should be. Hopefully, He'll start learning and do it right.

posted on Jan, 19 2006 @ 05:31 AM

Originally posted by suzy ryan
there are those who simply will not stop attacking the Christian faith.

'attacking'...are these people burning down churches? are they attacking you physically? are they making bombs to blow themselves up in your churches and where you congrigate?

this attacking you refer to seems to be a few hate filled posts on this forum. and that's what you call 'attacking'? the twin towers were attacked, the london underground was attacked, the little building in pakistan that america screwed up on was attacked...but christianity is not being 'attacked'.

i'll ask this question again, i'm here defending the fact that i believe there is no anti-christian conspiracy, but why are christians here? is this what gods wants you spending your time doing...going on and on about a conspiracy that doesn't exist and this 'attacking'...i'm not sure what you want to get out of this?...

posted on Jan, 19 2006 @ 12:45 PM
What am I missing here?

I must be delusional; it seems that I cannot read after all!
This is what suzy ryan and saint would have me believe, anyway. But seriously, what am I not seeing in these quotes, DIRECTLY FROM YOUR BIBLE!

If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them. -- Lev.20:13

What part of clear, undeniable homophobia am I missing here? On second thought, you Christians seem to be letting your god down here; at least the people from are doing their part to put homos to death (but even they are not killing gays). Look at that; a CLEAR contradiction to the "thou shalt not kill" thing.

This is from Genesis 19:24-25

Then the Lord rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the Lord out of heaven;
And he overthrew those cities, and all the plain, and all the inhabitants of the cities, and that which grew upon the ground.

This is more homophobia, no? Not only that, but all the vegetation is destroyed too, by fire and brimstone. Talk about a WMD...

There's tons more stuff openly calling for gay extermination, but I'll leave it at that.

Suzy, you said I was lying and therefore being a hypocrite. You said this in response to posts I made saying the bible is ridiculous because in it, the following happens: your god genocides the planet, the Nile is predicted to dry up, stars fall out of the sky, the sun is stopped, the Nile runs with blood, and kids, both born and unborn, are killed. Ok, let's see...

Genesis 7:4 For yet seven days, and I will cause it to rain upon the earth forty days and forty nights; and every living substance that I have made will I destroy from off the face of the earth.

Genesis 7:20 Fifteen cubits upward did the waters prevail; and the mountains were covered.
7:21 And all flesh died that moved upon the earth, both of fowl, and of cattle, and of beast, and of every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth, and every man:
7:22 All in whose nostrils was the breath of life, of all that was in the dry land, died.
7:23 And every living substance was destroyed which was upon the face of the ground, both man, and cattle, and the creeping things, and the fowl of the heaven; and they were destroyed from the earth: and Noah only remained alive, and they that were with him in the ark

Where did I misread that your god destroyed virtually all life on the planet? Does that not sound insane to you? By def, your god is all-knowing, so he would have known that he would have got pissed off by man before he created him. So, why do this, knowing what would happen beforehand? My answer is that he loves to kill; not only are people killed, but every plant and animal outside the ark (no mention of fungi and microorganisms, though, so who knows where they came from
) is killed, even though they did nothing to piss off your god. That is just retarded.

Here, we see the Nile turn to blood.

Exodus 7:17 Thus saith the Lord, In this thou shalt know that I am the LORD: behold, I will smite with the rod that is in mine hand upon the waters which are in the river, and they shall be turned to blood.
7:18 And the fish that is in the river shall die, and the river shall stink; and the Egyptians shall lothe to drink of the water of the river.
7:19 And the LORD spake unto Moses, Say unto Aaron, Take thy rod, and stretch out thine hand upon the waters of Egypt, upon their streams, upon their rivers, and upon their ponds, and upon all their pools of water, that they may become blood; and that there may be blood throughout all the land of Egypt, both in vessels of wood, and in vessels of stone.
7:20 And Moses and Aaron did so, as the LORD commanded; and he lifted up the rod, and smote the waters that were in the river, in the sight of Pharaoh, and in the sight of his servants; and all the waters that were in the river were turned to blood.
7:21 And the fish that was in the river died; and the river stank, and the Egyptians could not drink of the water of the river; and there was blood throughout all the land of Egypt.
7:22 And the magicians of Egypt did so with their enchantments: and Pharaoh's heart was hardened, neither did he hearken unto them; as the LORD had said.

So, it appears I was wrong. It looks like EVERY SINGLE DROP of H2O was turned to blood. That's right, from water in vessels and ponds to the biggest river in the world, all was blood. But, somehow, the magicians repeated this party trick! That's right, human magicians managed to turn the biggest river in the world into a vein of the earth. But, the lunacy doesn't stop there; the pharaoh's heart is hardened and he doesn't care. And who hardened his heart, who even STATED earlier in the book that he would hardened his heart; you guessed it, your god.

I'll show you where the bible says the other stuff later. So, suzy ryan, what now do you have to say to "lieseeka," as you referred to me indirectly? Since we're playing with names, why don't you slap me around and call me susan, then show me how I'm a liar.

posted on Jan, 19 2006 @ 01:07 PM
Ahh Shaunybaby, besides that churches in Australia have been attacked by your definition, to critizie; affect adversely, are other definitions, and no one can say that doesn't go on here.

I came to ATS on a google search on archeology, and just found myself calling myself a Christian and explaining the faith against all the lies told about it. I've always been a, "live it, don't talk about it" person but found I couldn't be silent against the attacks flying all over the boards, any topic seems to be an opening for trashing Christianity.

Now part of "living it", is "doing justice", and believe it or not, conspiracies do exist that interfere with people getting justice. That's one of the reasons Christians find themselves on sites like this, looking for supporting stories for difficult cases.

This is besides that we're folk like everyone else who just enjoy a 'quiet chat' and quick catch up on news, who then share our views on issues raised. Perfectly normal, human interactive thing to do.

That the views of Christians should have a Christian perspective, should not be as offensive to you as it seems. Just as a Moslem would have an Islamic view, an American, an American view, etc. This is the beauty of a board like this, a variety of views, from a variety of perspectives. By exchanging them, we can all hone and polish our understanding beyond the Government/media, spoon fed 'round up'.

Now remember during the 'round ups' in Nazi Germany, when Jews and others started to warn that they were being targeted with slogans and damage. To begin with they were fobbed off with claims it was just some of the bored youngsters. People didn't want to believe such blind hatred was taking hold and spreading.

Well when you belong to any group, you are aware of negative propaganda against it. The rest of you may just see it as a joke here and there, or not notice anything at all, but we do and so support the the title of this thread. We're not claiming thing are as bad as what WW2 Jews suffered, but when one faith becomes 'The' faith, it's always fine to trash, thats an "alarm bell".

Israel and Christianity seem to be the faiths that any hatefull speach can be made against, without barely a challange yet lots of support.

posted on Jan, 19 2006 @ 01:18 PM

Originally posted by suzy ryan
Saint4God, sad to say age is weakening my eye sight, but I'm far from blind and see better than many. Stupid? Well I'm not affraid to admit I'm a fool in Christ,

Originally posted by suzy ryan
who can't begin to imagine all He has waiting on offer for us, but as far as brain function goes, I have more than a few times been tested, and found well above average intelligence.

Thank you suzy, and I apologize if my candid question caused any awkwardness or unsettling feelings. I then would humbly request that shauny to check his "facts" going forward before making statements about the people here.

posted on Jan, 19 2006 @ 01:22 PM
I agree, atheists love to declare their intellectual high ground to the Christians, likely cuz they are the big church on the block. I bet they'd treat any faith with the same disdain. It is not as common to hear people slam the Jews these days, which is good. But any other faith gets roasted, Islam, Hinduism, etc. The vileness of the comments is extreme, kill all of em, etc. And what about the anti-ethnic slurrs? I swear that I hear as much of that as ever. Christians actually have it pretty soft. It just seems like alot cuz its something new, you haven't been dissed for generations. It is not something I hear very often. I hear turbans, skin colors, Muslims, and foreigners get slammed way more often.

posted on Jan, 19 2006 @ 02:38 PM
suzy ryan:

"As to being open minded, if I wasn't I may have remained the Catholic I was raised to be, but instead I searched for explainations and answers, down many dangerous roads, and found that I was, what can be described as, Christian, when the Biblical description of one is applied.


Now I am not an expert with the bible and in this context ask if I may, what or who is a "Christian, when the Biblical description of one is applied."

Question 1:

Who or what is a "Christian, when the Biblical description of one is applied." What is your definition (and is this a personal interpretation or is their a biblical referrent to your usage?

suzy ryan:

"If I hadn't have found the ugly, dangerous 'ends' consealed in the core of other beliefs, through experience, I too may still be asking the questions others don't acknowledge let alone accept, as being reasonably answered.


I personally find your premise of seeking truth to be commendable.

suzy ryan:

"P.S. Describing the traditions, doctrines and wrongs of man, as being Christian, despite having them constantly pointed out as not representing Christianity, is knowingly lying.

Most of the complaints against Christianity on this thread are clearly complaints against mankind, yet humanist type mindset people can't face that fact, so have to blame God through Christianity."


I would say that your assessment has partial merit in that it IMO would apply to a portion of the individuals in question ... but if this is the case, then I would also say that a portion of the arguments and or points of contention arise from a possible and valid point? Now consider truthseekas last post with biblical quotes? (I put the question mark because I have not verified them myself either source or context )

Question 2.

( Fundemental question as a context )
Is the bible (which bible?) literally the word of god or is there the possibility of interpretation.

Question 3:.

Are the qoutes from truthseeka under assessment accurate, in context and verifiable?

Question 3a. If these quotes are accurate does this reinforce his point?

Now keep in mind, I have had differences with certain assertions made by truthseeka and this is not a blanket endorsement of his argument ... but it is my goal to determine merit in an assertion (or not) based upon its validity as postulated.

Last thing, I realize that such an exploration may seem like a digression away from the title and intent ... but I would submit that given the nature of the present "emotional state" ... the potential establishment of point validity as a base for the tolerance of other views is value added and pertinent.


posted on Jan, 19 2006 @ 03:18 PM
Well, as long as we are going down this road, I am putting my $.02 in. I did not have the time or energy to read every post, so if I say something that has already been stated, sorry.

For starters, I am a recovering Christian. This means I was raised Christian, baptised Christian, and followed Christian beliefs for the first 18 or so years of my life. Since then I have been reading, studying, and analyzing other possibilities and have come to my own conclusion of who and what we, God, Jesus, and The Bible are. I agree that everyone has a right to their own opinion and I am sharing mine.

God: Our current God was created by man for two main reasons. 1 To provide an answer for everything that we do not have an answer for. 2 To control the masses of people through fear of reprocussions should they break God's laws. This seems to be congruous with every other God that has been "created" since the dawn of man. Following that train of thought, in 10,000 or so years, I am sure that future man will view our God the same way that we view the "Mythical Gods" of the past.

Jesus: Just a man like you and me who is the son of God the same way that you and I are. I guarantee that if you were to go around preaching that you were the son of God in his time. Then had people write about your exploits, embelishing a few things of course. You would have been viewed the same way.

Us: Still working on this one. The best answer that I can give here is: Natural selection, eveolution, and luck all rolled into one.

The Bible: A fictional piece that is based on a true story. Only a certain number of passages were selected and compiled to make this wonderful read. The ones that did not fit into the master plan were discarded or destroyed. The overall purpose of the book is good. It contains a great set of morals and makes wonderfull suggestions on how we sould live our lives. It can not be taken word for word because of the aformention qualities combined with the improper translations of our current scripts.

Is there a heaven or hell? NO! These are man made ideas and nothing more.

Is there evolution? YES! this has been proven multiple times and can not be disproven, so quit trying to fight it.

Is there life beyond Earth? Only a narrow minded idiot would say no.

This is where you start bashing me. have fun. I know I will reading your responses.

posted on Jan, 19 2006 @ 03:34 PM
Is there evolution? YES! this has been proven multiple times and can not be disproven, so quit trying to fight it.

Darwin himself felt that it was likely the theory would be found to be incorrect, and changed in the future, and he had no problem with that.
It is quite a bold thing to claim any theory cannot be disproven. Maybe it can't, but how does one know that for sure? I think it is pretty well supported also, and won't be fundamentally changed, just tweaked a bit.
But what if it is disproven? It could be. Not a big likelihood, but possible.

posted on Jan, 19 2006 @ 03:45 PM

Is there a heaven or hell? NO! These are man made ideas and nothing more.


I commend your initial point of clarity i.e. with the context of "Opinion"
(by rationale that it cannot readily be proven or disproven)


Is there evolution? YES! this has been proven multiple times and can not be disproven, so quit trying to fight it.


Well, personally, I don't like to use absolutes for anything associated with man. I would put it as that there is a large body of data, research and testing by established rules and guidelines as per SM that support the Theory of Evolution as a working predictor model


Is there life beyond Earth? Only a narrow minded idiot would say no.


I am no astrophysicist, but from what I have read, I would say that odds are that if the universe is as large as predicted with the number of requisite stars as placed within the context of physical constraints that we know of ... then it seems a fair to say that there may be other stars with planets that have the capacity to foster life as we know it (and possibly as we don't know it).

[edit on 19-1-2006 by LCKob]

posted on Jan, 19 2006 @ 05:24 PM
the leaders of the religion based on the the stories which lead to the bible koran, tora, ect are miss using stories told by people forward by people and by by people through the ages.

1. bible , koran, tora ect are all based on the self stories only differents are the interpretation of the one which started the religion in question.

2. stories will be alterd ect by the people who told them before they were written down. like a man whom was fishing and caught a fish and it was abig one. first they say it is like 20 cm on the end it is 50 cm and it was even more wonderfull then in the begin. this happent with the stories which lead to the bible koran ect
they were altert before they were even written down. and were stories told by people thousends of years before the bible ect were written down.
so when the reason of these stories was happening 10.000 years or earlier they hadn't the knowledge of things which we have know or even 2000 years ago.

if you go to a planet full of early inteligent life and use a flashlight and you come with a spaceship ect they will see you as gods and they will see that even if you left. so a religion will follow and what happens when you arrive when they have the knowledge status as we have now. would we see them as gods or as aliens in spaceships.???

posted on Jan, 19 2006 @ 05:42 PM

Originally posted by suzy ryan
Ahh Shaunybaby, besides that churches in Australia have been attacked by your definition, to critizie; affect adversely, are other definitions, and no one can say that doesn't go on here.

I came to ATS on a google search on archeology, and just found myself calling myself a Christian and explaining the faith against all the lies told about it. I've always been a, "live it, don't talk about it" person but found I couldn't be silent against the attacks flying all over the boards, any topic seems to be an opening for trashing Christianity.

Now part of "living it", is "doing justice", and believe it or not, conspiracies do exist that interfere with people getting justice. That's one of the reasons Christians find themselves on sites like this, looking for supporting stories for difficult cases.

This is besides that we're folk like everyone else who just enjoy a 'quiet chat' and quick catch up on news, who then share our views on issues raised. Perfectly normal, human interactive thing to do.

That the views of Christians should have a Christian perspective, should not be as offensive to you as it seems. Just as a Moslem would have an Islamic view, an American, an American view, etc. This is the beauty of a board like this, a variety of views, from a variety of perspectives. By exchanging them, we can all hone and polish our understanding beyond the Government/media, spoon fed 'round up'.

Now remember during the 'round ups' in Nazi Germany, when Jews and others started to warn that they were being targeted with slogans and damage. To begin with they were fobbed off with claims it was just some of the bored youngsters. People didn't want to believe such blind hatred was taking hold and spreading.

Well when you belong to any group, you are aware of negative propaganda against it. The rest of you may just see it as a joke here and there, or not notice anything at all, but we do and so support the the title of this thread. We're not claiming thing are as bad as what WW2 Jews suffered, but when one faith becomes 'The' faith, it's always fine to trash, thats an "alarm bell".

Israel and Christianity seem to be the faiths that any hatefull speach can be made against, without barely a challange yet lots of support.

speaking of the 'round ups' in Nazi Germany what of the ones by christians and muslims all around the world. even in the dark ages people were rounded up by priest and believers of god and killed them ( which they were not allowed by there own gods) scientist and all other people who were against there believe were burned to death because say earth is a ball and not flat, the stars are planets ect they were caught and burned alive.
so stop of speaking about round ups by nazi's because religion is not much better. even saying so nazi's have a faith to they have a god hitler a bible , mein kampf, and a complete believe system. this can you say if you follow the same things religions use as they claim to be a religion.
needed for religion:

a god or several gods
a book with rules and stories speaking joyfully about the ideas of there god(s)
a group of followers
a believe system
a sign ( as the christian cross and the half moon of the muslims and the 7 candles of the jews the nazi's have a sign)

so they can also be seen as a religion and this is one of the reasons why i am against false gods and religions ( I am no nazi)

but like the nazis religions also will not accept people saying critics about them and people saying other things or different as them are being attack and or killed as they do with the jews and homosexuals.

gods who kill innocent first born children yes kids and baby's I don't believe to be gods or godlike only pure evil and only using the things they can or have to benifit there own agenda.

posted on Jan, 19 2006 @ 06:43 PM
Is there an Anti-Christian Conspiracy?

In my opinion, no. What I have seen and experienced ... leads me to the conclusion ... that there is just alot more competition in the arena of views, beliefs and world views ... global modes of communication/transportation coupled with increasing levels of education (free information) has lead to our present state of global multiculturism as the norm.

Now with all of these competing views, is it any wonder that there will be (real and percieved) frictions between competing ideas and views? Once again I say no.

When you really look at the situation ... virtually any persons view will be at odds with a significant portion of those around him or her ... and if this is the case, does everyone conclude that there is a conspiracy by fact of this opposition or differing view?

One additional element to consider ... when talking about conspiracy, it might be a good idea to clarify the term for usage, this helps to minimize misperceptions or differing definitions based on context or source.

Food for thought.


posted on Jan, 20 2006 @ 06:48 AM

Originally posted by kajuroe
Is there a heaven or hell? NO! These are man made ideas and nothing more.

YES! There is a hell and is described multiple times from multiple sources.

Originally posted by kajuroe
Is there evolution? YES! this has been proven multiple times and can not be disproven, so quit trying to fight it.

MAYBE! If there is or there isn't, there still isn't conflict with God being the creator.

Originally posted by kajuroe
Is there life beyond Earth? Only a narrow minded idiot would say no.

Of Course! There is life beyond earth, erego God and the heavens. I wouldn't call those who don't believe that "narrow minded idiots" though, just those who believe what you see is what you get. I used to be one of those people and wasn't then nor now a "narrow minded idiot".

Originally posted by kajuroe
This is where you start bashing me. have fun. I know I will reading your responses.

Come on in, the water is fine. I don't think anyone will bite unless you do first. In any case, I intend on championing anyone who is getting "stepped on"...whether I agree with that persons views/beliefs or not.

posted on Jan, 20 2006 @ 06:52 AM

Originally posted by LCKob
One additional element to consider ... when talking about conspiracy, it might be a good idea to clarify the term for usage, this helps to minimize misperceptions or differing definitions based on context or source.

I did so on 3 occasions here, most recently was only a few pages ago. I said who, what, not specifically where, but when and why. Not going to do it again, tired of doing everyone else's work for them.

[edit on 20-1-2006 by saint4God]

posted on Jan, 20 2006 @ 06:57 AM

Originally posted by saint4God
YES! There is a hell and is described multiple times from multiple sources.

there's multiple sources that say people have been abducted by aliens, this is in no way proof or even supporting evidence. it's nothing but hearsay.

MAYBE! If there is or there isn't, there still isn't conflict with God being the creator.

it conflicts with the creation story of adam and eve. and if the creation story of adam and eve is wrong, then why believe the bible on any other level.

Of Course! There is life beyond earth, erego God and the heavens.

'heavens' is life? heaven is a place, not a life. 'god' is life? i would hardly call it 'life'. no one can say for sure if god even fits the description of 'life'. does he breathe air? do you know if he's physical or spiritual? because if ghosts were real, i wouldn't really call them 'life' or 'living'. as you say god is 'infinite', therefore he will never die, he is not by definition a 'life'.

[edit on 20-1-2006 by shaunybaby]

posted on Jan, 20 2006 @ 07:09 AM

Originally posted by shaunybaby
there's multiple sources that say people have been abducted by aliens, this is in no way proof or even supporting evidence. it's nothing but hearsay.

I'm not going by mankind's heresay, as in the case with aliens.

Originally posted by shaunybaby
it conflicts with the creation story of adam and eve. and if the creation story of adam and eve is wrong, then why believe the bible on any other level.

Man can from the dust of the earth, single cell growth? Even from his rib, asexual reproduction? These are not my arguments, though many feel Genesis is a description of the evolutionary process. I disagree at present, so don't care about advocating it.

Originally posted by shaunybaby
'heavens' is life? heaven is a place, not a life. 'god' is life? i would hardly call it 'life'. no one can say for sure if god even fits the description of 'life'. does he breathe air? do you know if he's physical or spiritual? because if ghosts were real, i wouldn't really call them 'life' or 'living'. as you say god is 'infinite', therefore he will never die, he is not by definition a 'life'.

Just because something is alive does not mean it has to die. That's a human perspective based on our limited experiences of biological sciences. Less than a hundred years ago, biology said that one could not travel beyond 35 mph without suffocating. Physics said it was impossible to break the sound barrier. "He who believes has eternal life". There are plenty of organisms that live without breathing air. It requires three-dimensional thinking...which is what I thought we were on ATS to do.

[edit on 20-1-2006 by saint4God]

posted on Jan, 20 2006 @ 07:36 AM

Originally posted by saint4God
I'm not going by mankind's heresay, as in the case with aliens.

good for you. there's still no proof or evidence to suggests there's a heaven, it can't be proven yet at the same time it can't be disproven. it doesn't matter how many multiple sources you say there are, it's still not proof. it's hearsay (like with the alien abductions), at best.

Man can from the dust of the earth, single cell growth?

that would take millions of years. according to bible literalists the earth is a mere 6000 to 10,000 years old. that's simpily not enough time for single cell growth. although i'm sure you knew that already.

Even from his rib, asexual reproduction?

that doesn't even make sense. why a rib? sure some frogs can manage asexual reproduction, but a human rib?

These are not my arguments, though many feel Genesis is a description of the evolutionary process. I disagree at present, so don't care about advocating it.

description of the evolutionary process? yet when darwin comes up with the idea, christians said he was completly wrong... but now you're saying christians might actually think genesis describes an evolutionary process? might be time christians started to make their minds up a bit. first evolution's completly wrong, and now it's actually described in genesis. PS. i know you disagree, i was just pointing out.

Just because something is alive does not mean it has to die.

yes it does. everything living has a lifeline.

That's a human perspective based on our limited experiences of biological sciences.

so i guess your perspective is much greater than us mere humans...

Less than a hundred years ago, biology said that one could not travel beyond 35 mph without suffocating.

i noticed you specifically said 'biology' what exactly would a biologist know about the effects on a human body from exhertions of energy? and maybe you could elaborate more on your 'facts' you're stating here.

Physics said it was impossible to break the sound barrier.

just because one or some people who define themselves as physicists, say you couldn't break the sound barrier...doesn't mean that they all believed that. and we know now that we can break the sound barrier.

here's a science one for you: before darwin came up with the theory of evolution, all scientists were creation scientists and believed in god, jesus and the actual devil with the horns in hell. however, after darwin's revelation it changed the whole face of science. hence another thing science was 'wrong' about, yet has 'corrected' itself thanks to darwin.

It requires three-dimensional thinking...which is what I thought we were on ATS to do.

you call reading a book and using them as your own philosophys as 'three-dimensional thinking'?

posted on Jan, 20 2006 @ 08:00 AM
Okay it more than suggests it. It is pretty clear. first he made people, male and female he made them. that is quite easy to read as meaning they were 'male and female'.
Then further down, he made Adam and then Eve.
the rib thing might have been the best explanation of what he did, using the language and concepts they would understand. If he started rattling off genetic code, chromosomes and dna, they may not have known what it meant.

posted on Jan, 20 2006 @ 08:07 AM

Originally posted by shaunybaby
it's hearsay (like with the alien abductions), at best.

To you it may be hearsay, but I have my proof. I'm not going to try to convince you of my proof, rather, encourage you to get yours.

Originally posted by shaunybaby
that would take millions of years. according to bible literalists the earth is a mere 6000 to 10,000 years old. that's simpily not enough time for single cell growth. although i'm sure you knew that already.

The Bible, contrary to misconception, does not lay out a timeline. I've read the argument that is does and it's far from convincing.

Originally posted by shaunybaby
that doesn't even make sense. why a rib? sure some frogs can manage asexual reproduction, but a human rib?

No clue, not my argument. Some evolutionists believe that asexual reproduction is older than meiosis. Mitosis first, gave birth to meiosis. Pun intended, but the theory exists. Not something that belongs on this thread though, plenty of others to deal with this rabbit trail.

Originally posted by shaunybaby
description of the evolutionary process? yet when darwin comes up with the idea, christians said he was completly wrong... but now you're saying christians might actually think genesis describes an evolutionary process?

I'm not crazy enough to blanket statement like that. If you wanted to say some Christians (me excluded at present) believe that God works through science, and therefore in making scientific discovery we learn more about how God made the universe, then I'll agree with that.

Originally posted by shaunybaby
might be time christians started to make their minds up a bit.

We are Borg, we share a brain and you will be assimilated.

Originally posted by shaunybaby
first evolution's completly wrong, and now it's actually described in genesis. PS. i know you disagree, i was just pointing out.

I NEVER said all Christians believe exactly the same thing on every point. I will say they all agree on one point. "For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in him will not perish, but have eternal life". Believe this? Congratulations, you're a Christian. Don't believe it? You're not a Christian. It's that simple really.

Originally posted by shaunybaby
yes it does. everything living has a lifeline.

Hehe, and they call me a literalist...

Originally posted by shaunybaby
so i guess your perspective is much greater than us mere humans...

Not MY perspective, 'cause I'm in the same boat bro. HIS perspective is much greater than us mere humans, as He said, "for my thoughts are not your thoughts, my ways are not your ways."

Originally posted by shaunybaby
i noticed you specifically said 'biology' what exactly would a biologist know about the effects on a human body from exhertions of energy?

There's a science within Biology called Physiology. Granted it's not my favorite (I prefer Genetics) but it still exists and played a very vital role in medical science and getting mankind into outer space.

Originally posted by shaunybaby
and maybe you could elaborate more on your 'facts' you're stating here.

Pre-1910 theory. Plenty of books if you're interested or available on the web. Antiquated theories along with Panspermia, Phlogiston, and the like.

Originally posted by shaunybaby
just because one or some people who define themselves as physicists, say you couldn't break the sound barrier...doesn't mean that they all believed that. and we know now that we can break the sound barrier.

It was the governing thought for quite some time, just as we have other governing thoughts in bio and phys.

Originally posted by shaunybaby
here's a science one for you: before darwin came up with the theory of evolution, all scientists were creation scientists and believed in god, jesus and the actual devil with the horns in hell.

That's not true.

Originally posted by shaunybaby
however, after darwin's revelation it changed the whole face of science. hence another thing science was 'wrong' about, yet has 'corrected' itself thanks to darwin.

Blessed be a man who read a book on geology and tried to apply it to a living science.

Originally posted by shaunybaby
you call reading a book and using them as your own philosophys as 'three-dimensional thinking'?

You're assuming that this is the only book (philosophy or otherwise) that I've read. This would also be untrue.

[edit on 20-1-2006 by saint4God]

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