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The Anti-Christian conspiracy

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posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 02:04 AM

Originally posted by shaunybaby
Not religious beliefs, Bible beliefs. There's a big difference.

That difference is what?

I'm sure there are intelligent believers of different religions. When exactly did I say the words ''Every person who believes in religion is unintelligent''?

Then is every Christian unintelligent and immature?

After 460 attempts, and a 10% survival rate, it's hardly a ''mere improbability''. This process is very much so a process that happens to reptiles, insects, fish etc. And the process involved in the laboratory, of putting a nucleas with another female egg, is that even the natural process that occurs in nature?

There is a precidence in other species. Merely because it doesn't seem to happen in mammals does not mean it never could due to mutation or some other abnormality.

Then how was Jesus the Son of God?

I would imagine that there is some definable quality present in Christ, much like genetically you have similarities with your parents. If an entity can create the universe, it can certainly create a child.

I am not seeing how your argument demonstrates an immaturity in the Christian mind. No less, many physicists of renown were some measure of religious theists.

Whether it is what you choose, Shauny, or what you do not choose... you are here in creation, and creation loves you for your existence. To believe or not to believe is irrelevant, as what is simply is.

You are well familiar with the fire and punishment of the religious thinker, and I say to you no such thing exists to me. I do not ascribe to a Creator that punishes for any reason.

Punishment is merely more comforting to those who cannot let go their anger at being personally damaged or slighted. The desire to make sense of the universe created the punishing god... a desire to believe that those who we cannot punish any longer in this life will suffer unimaginable damnation in the next. It is a comfort concept, and nary needs be anything more.

As such a concept as this, I do not ascribe to it. Others may trespass against me, hurt me, deceive me, betray me... but they know not what they do. I forgive them their trespasses. I pray they learn kindness.

For no god can damn a soul, only Man... and Man can only damn himself for what he has done himself. By Man's choice is his soul weighed and measured. And if by the impartial self a man finds himself guilty, he and only he can bar himself from beyond life.

We are, after all, the harshest judge of ourselves.

posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 04:24 PM
No, I became an "annointed one" because I chose it !

posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 05:50 PM
This "wordly system" presents double standard after double standard, etc. One has to be in denial to even phathom the "idea" that we are not held responsible for our actions afterward. The sad part: people blame God. They blame him for suffering in this world, for all the evils that take place and etc; not once thinking that we might be the problem of our own suffering.
Really think about this: No one has to be told they are doing wrong, they know what they are doing. For example, Hitler, the third reich, killing the Jewish people, sending my relatives off to concentration camps. Yes, that was wrong. Would you agree? Do I blame God? No! Should Hitler and the men and women that did those, NOT be punished?
If I steal from a retailer, should I not be punished?
There are consequences to our actions good or bad. We all make choices and we live with them. Logic tells me: if I reject Gods plan of salvation through his Son, Jesus Christ and heaven is his home then I will be separated from him and heaven through my personal choice of rejection.
Thank God he's given us liberty to accept his plan.
Man can be nothing without the Potter, whether saved or unsaved. Man is only man. Man can kill man but he can not kill the soul. There is a way unto man that seems right but in the end death.
About the virgin birth: If any person out there can believe that God causes suffering, what's so hard about the virgin birth. It's not immature, it's not stupid, it's Faith, simply put.
God is not magical or mystical. He does not hold a magic wand in his hand. He isn't keeping "tabs" so to speak. But he does know where we stand with him. There is not a shred of darkness in God. He is Light, Love and an all consuming Fire. He loves us and his thoughts towards us are of peace and goodness to bring us to an expected end. He is supernatural. God can not make anyone love him or fall inlove with him no more than we can make someone love us or fall inlove with us. He can't intrude into someones life without them first inviting him into their life. This is the beautiful part about God. Once we invite him in, it makes us wonder, how we lived without him in the first place.

God Bless You All

posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 05:52 PM
You were talking about 'hurting' and feeling unwanted and unloved and unaccepted. It's no wonder people like this turn to religion, they have nothing in their lives, heck new age and scientology even snap up these sort of people.

posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 07:09 PM
where's the religion? God is not religion. God is not religious.
God opposed religion and still opposes religion due to its spiritual bondage.
we can thank man for religion. He created it, defined it and is in bondage due to what he created. His idea of "working" his way to reach God, trying to "save" himself which man can not do, mans attempt has failed. Man can not save himself.

posted on Jun, 28 2007 @ 05:12 AM

Originally posted by beneatiah
His idea of "working" his way to reach God, trying to "save" himself which man can not do, mans attempt has failed. Man can not save himself.

What do we need to save ourselves from? Death? Are people so scared about death that they need to be reassured that they'll live in heaven for all eternity and live happily ever after? So people practically beg to this God thing and live a life of servitude, bowing down, kneeling, praying, saying sorry, being humble, and pathetically belittling oneself infront of this unproven 'figment of the imagination' entity. That's what believing in religion/God is about.

posted on Jun, 29 2007 @ 01:26 PM
You asked, "what do we need to save ourselves from?"
Man can not save himself, that's the whole point.
Religion can not and will not ever be able to save man.
Until you can understand this and give your life to God, you will always continue to fight God.
Death is not only dying and being buried in a casket 6 feet under; Death is also living apart from God, right here, right now on earth, and not having a relationship with him through his son Jesus Christ.
"Are people so scared about death that they need to be reassured that they'll live in heaven for all eternity and live happily ever after?" I'm sure all people are afraid to die, however going to heaven is just one of the benefits God gives to his children.
"So people practically beg to this God thing and live a life of servitude, bowing down, kneeling, praying, saying sorry, being humble, and pathetically belittling oneself infront of this unproven 'figment of the imagination' entity. That's what believing in religion/God is about."
People repent and go forward with God in their lives. God gives us the choice to accept him or to reject him.
Your last sentence, "that's what religion/God is all about," that's your opinion only.

posted on Jun, 30 2007 @ 06:04 AM

Originally posted by beneatiah
Man can not save himself, that's the whole point. Until you can understand this and give your life to God, you will always continue to fight God.

God is a man-made concept. So all man has done here is invented a way to be saved from this life on earth, that there is more, and that this isn't all we have. Being 'saved' is a man-made concept.

Originally posted by beneatiah
I'm sure all people are afraid to die.

That's a nice generalization.

Originally posted by beneatiah
Going to heaven is just one of the benefits God gives to his children.

Yeah I wonder how many Christians there would be if there wasn't this promise.

Originally posted by beneatiah
People repent and go forward with God in their lives. God gives us the choice to accept him or to reject him.

The old 'do good and go to heaven, do bad and go to hell'. It's scare tactics, nothing less and nothing more.

posted on Jun, 30 2007 @ 03:48 PM
If God is only a man made concept then who created man? Who created the heavens and the earth. Only fools believe God doesn't exist, but even the devil (the enemy of our soul and mind) can top the fool who believes otherwise; he believes in God and shutters in his presence because he knows he only has a short time and will be physically defeated he already is defeated spiritually.

Being saved is not just a one time only experience: o.k. you're saved, now as you were. There's a difference in that persons life whether it's a long time process or a total transformation at that point. Being saved is a choice.I don't think you understand this. Having a relationship with God through his son, Jesus Christ, is a choice. He did not die on the cross in vain.

"Yeah I wonder how many Christians there would be if there wasn't this promise."
You were at one time. Why are you rebelling?

"The old 'do good and go to heaven, do bad and go to hell'. It's scare tactics, nothing less and nothing more."
Have you not read about the Pharisees, the Herodians and the Saducees?
No good deed a person does no matter how long they've been doing it no matter how good they think they are, good deeds alone can't get a person into heaven. Only a relationship with God through his son Jesus Christ can get a person into heaven. But it's a continual process. It's not just a one time thing. Live it everyday.
Can you not see "the old do good and go to heaven, do bad and go to hell" is really the same thing? Can you not see this?
Scary is knowing the way out and rejecting the way. Scary is knowing the way out, acknowledging it for a short while, walking away and not coming back.

posted on Jun, 30 2007 @ 05:20 PM

Originally posted by beneatiah
If God is only a man made concept then who created man? Who created the heavens and the earth.

If we're playing the who created who game, then who created God? And who created the thing that created God? We end up in a loop going on and on, that's why it's easier for Christians to argue that 'Nothing created God'. Wow, how convenient. The concept of a devine spirit that created everything is man-made. The idea and philosophy surrounding an omnipotent being is all man-made. God only created the heavens and earth because man says so, and man wrote it down. God only created man, because again man says so and has written it down.

Originally posted by beneatiah
Only fools believe God doesn't exist.

Why is this?

Originally posted by shaunybaby
"Yeah I wonder how many Christians there would be if there wasn't this promise."

Originally posted by beneatiah
You were at one time. Why are you rebelling?

I've never at any point in my life been Christian.

Originally posted by beneatiah
Only a relationship with God through his son Jesus Christ can get a person into heaven.

But there are still guidelines and rules to follow to get in to heaven. Hence, 'have a relationship with God through Jesus Christ, or you go to hell', simple as. It's the same thing as do good, go to heaven, do bad, and go to hell. Sure it's a choice, but it's saying if you don't make this specific choice then you will go to hell. It's scare tactics whichever way you look at it.

posted on Jun, 30 2007 @ 07:52 PM

Originally posted by shaunybaby
But there are still guidelines and rules to follow to get in to heaven. Hence, 'have a relationship with God through Jesus Christ, or you go to hell', simple as. It's the same thing as do good, go to heaven, do bad, and go to hell. Sure it's a choice, but it's saying if you don't make this specific choice then you will go to hell. It's scare tactics whichever way you look at it.

Put yourself, for a moment, in the shoes of God. If you were to devise a system for which your creations would be judged upon, what would you have done differently?

This gives me an idea for a new thread....

posted on Jul, 1 2007 @ 06:04 AM

Originally posted by TheB1ueSoldier
Put yourself, for a moment, in the shoes of God. If you were to devise a system for which your creations would be judged upon, what would you have done differently?

I would not be so sneaky as to devise a system to judge my creation on, I would also not judge fullstop. Surely everything single tiny blade of grass and organism God has created, yet he's willing to let people go to hell and spend eternity with a supposed Angel that betrayed him, rather than letting them come to heaven and perhaps showing them that God indeed loves all his creations.

All hypothetical ofcourse.

posted on Jul, 1 2007 @ 06:45 AM

Originally posted by Tassadar

woah, wait a second

Homosexuality is a sin, just like any other.
Homosexuality is also a choice, made by men, to rebel against God, and their God's plan.
Morality is not relative.
God is just.

- Tass

You Sir, are why I fear christians... being part buddhist, part atheist you come off as completely and utterly insane! Honestly.. you do!

People who chose to believe in God or any kind of non-existing deity are people who has either been brainwashed through their upbringing or been brainwashed by communities because they are some point got so confused that they needed someone to tell them what to do and how to live their life. In other words, people with that kind of blind and ignorant faith are not only weak minded and have a weak character but also extremely dangerous for any society that is in an evolving state.
You cling to old outdated beliefs and ways of life that require a stagnent state of both state and people.
Besides this your outrageous values in moral are again trying to enforce itself upon those unfortunate to be in state of distress, fx unwanted pregnancy... I wont go and say homosexuality is a distress cause in my view its normal and acceptable, and if I ever see a homophobe cursing and hurting a homosexual due to a reason of religion I will strike that person down with furious vengance...

On a side note... you all remember the crusades in the medieval times?
The christian crusaders rode all the way to the middleeast to "convert" these pagans and waged a long war upon them.
That mentality still exist, however not outspoken. It's not up to us non-believers to prove that it exists cause we all know this by gut feeling. It is however the job of christians to prove that they are no longer mad with delussions of grandeur and are able to openly embrace and accept every member of any other religion who is not involved in this in a fanatic way.

Now, does that make me a hypocrit? No, it doesn't, as I firmly believe (from meeting several devout christians and heard them speak and seen how they act) that someone who believes in the overrated fairytales or legends about Christ is insane and should be treated or dealed with accordingly.

The only reason christians feel they are strong in their faith is because they at no time are alone with it. You go to church together, pray before dinner together and when those nice people who fight for free abortion you can sit properly at home with a straight back, your coffee in your hand and sit notting to each other while saying "oh, if those poor people would just embrace jesus" Jesus crist what a load of crap.

I dare you to spend 3 months a big brother house or something similar alone with 10 atheists. Then we will see how strong your faith makes you.
At the same time I'll bet ya that any atheist is as strong on his own as 10 of your insane cutists.
That's the beauty part of not believing in those insane stories. At any time in any given situation I take responsibility for any action I make. I never ever feel that I'm in a situation that I can't handle on my own. How often do you poor people of faith seek guidance from "elders" or member of clergy because there is something you don't know or can't figure out the answer to?

Religion must be put down like a rabid dog... no matter what kind it is. Cause with religion gone atleast we can't attribute fanatisism to that.

and btw... buddhism is not a religion, it's a philosophy.

posted on Jul, 1 2007 @ 08:01 AM

Originally posted by flice

You Sir, are why I fear christians you come off as completely and utterly insane!

and if I ever see a homophobe cursing and hurting a homosexual due to a reason of religion I will strike that person down with furious vengance...

I firmly believe (from meeting several devout christians and heard them speak and seen how they act) that someone who believes in the overrated fairytales or legends about Christ is insane and should be treated or dealed with accordingly.

Religion must be put down like a rabid dog... no matter what kind it is. Cause with religion gone atleast we can't attribute fanatisism to that.

If you can hang on for a little longer, your christian problem will cease.

But get ready for a whole new set of problems(tribulations).

posted on Jul, 1 2007 @ 01:26 PM
Of course Christianity is under attack. People don't like being told that they are sinning in the eyes of God. Particularly homosexuals, they think Godwill love them anyways, which is true enough. He said he wishes none should perish, but his LAW is the rules and God follows his own LAWS. Homosexuals are loved by God but they are unrepentent sinners and the Bible is clear where unrepented sinners go.

The other problem is the Christianity umbrella is too big, too many faiths claim to be followers of Chrsit that aren't. Take the Catholics, Mormons and jehovahs witness' for example.

The other thing is the RELIGION of EVOLUTION has and is being taught from kindergarten on as FACT, which we all know is NOT FACT. So if little Johnny is taught at home that god made the earth in 6 days and about 6000 years ago and then goes to school and is lied to by the school what canlittle Johnny do. He has to choose who he is going to believe,and when the teachers tell actual proven lies to convince them and never tell them they are lies the likely outcome is little Johnny will think the earth in billions of years old and we all came from rocks. So if the earth is billions of years old and we allcame from rocks the Bible can not be true...

You also have to consider the prophets warnings about these times. The WORD will be taken out of the world, man will follow man and traditions of men and not GOD. Those that follow God will be persecuted for that faith and one day will be beheaded for it. To tell a homosexual that god hates sin and that they should seek God is now in most nations a HATE CRIME, interesting how satan changes things isn't it. Its a LOVE CRIME, if the person wasn't concerned about the homosexual he wouldn't tell him nothing and let him live in sin without God. But in obedience to God we are to spread the WORD to all the people in Love. So you tell me who hates whom?

I want to say this to you christians being attacked for god and his Word. The Bible says that those that curseyou and God are actually HEAPING BLESSINGS UPON YOU through their curses. Think about that for a minute, when they curse and hate you for spreading the WORD, God counts this as blessings to you. HOW COOOOL IS THAT!!!!!!

So, try to correct in Love, try to spread the WORD of God to all you meet and the message of Salvation. If they strike you on the right cheek, give them the other. Do not stop loving and teaching others because of the response by society. If you thought serving God would be easy younly have to recall the apostles and disciples. Which one of them didn't end up in prison or hung on a cross or stoned or some other horrible treatment. If those men and women faced that, why would you think that that may not be what you will get too. I say expect the attacks and possibly one day to go to prison over your faith, but always remember, GOD IS IN CONTROL and also remember that WE WIN!

God Bless and keep those that are his, and may he give you PEACE.


posted on Jul, 1 2007 @ 01:57 PM

Originally posted by theindependentjournal
The other thing is the RELIGION of EVOLUTION has and is being taught from kindergarten on as FACT, which we all know is NOT FACT.

Evolution is fact, it's a natural occuring process. Or are you just having trouble with the bit about apes and man having a common ancestor? Please take your propaganda elsewhere.

As for the rest of your Pro-Christianity babble, professing that Catholics and JWs are wrong, you're nothing but a hypocrit. You say you and your religion is full of love, yet there you are spreading hate.. ''you're wrong, you're wrong, you're going to hell'' etc. As for your misinformation on evolution, that's up to you, be ignorant or not be ignorant, it's your choice. You're the equivilent of a child sitting with a Bible on his lap with his fingers in his ears shouting 'lalala i'm not listening, lalala i'm not listening'.

People aren't Anti-Christian, infact you need to be pretty tolerant to even be in the same room as a Christian. There used to be this 'Christian Power' all over, like with Christmas, Easter etc. These used to be accepted, however now we're in such a multi-cultural society, Christians are getting shunned, instead of Christmas holidays we have winter holidays. This isn't anti-christianity in any form. Christians just can't take that there are other religions out there, 'moving in on their patch' so to speak. If Christians had it their way their religion would be the only religion and they'd bring back laws to stop anyone saying 'God doesn't exist'. That's the Christian Dream.

posted on Jul, 1 2007 @ 04:20 PM
Evolution is NOT FACT, that is a LIE. There is NO evidence for it and only evidence against it. As far as the ctaholic response, I didnt bash anything maybe you should reread it. I said:

The umbrella of Christianity is bug and covers those that don't follow Christ as GOD and SAVIOR. Christian means Christlike, follower of Christ, it means Christ is central I think most would agree. Well those mentioned and others do NOT put Christ first as GOD and SAVIOR, this is not bashing and saying your right or your wrong. It simply means that they are called what they are not. I love the catholics and mormons and JW's and I never said I didn't.

You should watch a series of seminars on Creation Science vs. Evolution Science and maybe learn about your brainwashing. The books do teach that Evolution is fact, but there is no SCIENCE that proves that or backs that THEORYup. And since there is no observable evidence it takes "FAITH" to believe in evolution and FAITH is the realm of Religion not Science. I am posting a link below to a series of seminars I spoke of above, I don't expect you to watch them, they are 17 hoursin total. But I would hope you would,if you started watching one you would because of Curiosity watch them all. The first one is the AGE of the Earth, the second one is the Garden of Eden and the Third one is Dinosaurs, and the fourth one is the LIES in the Textbooks. The dinosaur one is GREAT for kids who like dinosaurs.

I don't care if you believe in evolution, it's your right to believe as you see fit. What I don't allow to happen is for people to use LIES as facts to support their Belief(Religion). So lets not try to attack me and stick to the facts of my statements, which were not accusatory ormean in nature against anyone.

God Bless those that are his and give them Peace.
Pray for the PEACE of JERUSALEM

Creation v. evolution seminars

posted on Jul, 1 2007 @ 06:21 PM

Originally posted by theindependentjournal
Evolution is NOT FACT, that is a LIE. There is NO evidence for it and only evidence against it.

Stop spreading this nonsense.

Originally posted by theindependentjournal
You should watch a series of seminars on Creation Science vs. Evolution Science and maybe learn about your brainwashing.

If anyone is guilty of brainwashing and spreading ignorance it's your friend Dr. Dino.

Originally posted by theindependentjournal
The books do teach that Evolution is fact, but there is no SCIENCE that proves that or backs that THEORYup.

Are you addicted to spreading false imformation?

Originally posted by theindependentjournal
Creation v. evolution seminars

By posting this link you've just lost any sort of credibility. This Hovind guy is an absolute laughing stock. He's a propaganda spreading fake. The fact that you posted this link as your 'evidence' shows your ignorance in all it's beautiful glory. Nobody in their right mind takes Hovind seriously. His ideas are ridiculous. He's even got a park where it shows dinosaurs living with humans only 6000 years ago. Exactly what is this based on?

Evolution is not the topic of this thread however. Perhaps you would like to post your Dr Dino information on this thread:'

I'm all 'for' the evolution of human intelligence, but quite frankly Dr Dino and people who are ignorant enough to be duped in to believing him are holding any sort of advance in intellect back. I've watched some of his so-called 'seminars' and it's propaganda, pure and simple.

posted on Jul, 1 2007 @ 09:14 PM
Before anything, God was and is and will always be. There's no need to deny his existence now. The signs for the rapture are fundamentally evident and are everywhere. The tribulation is next. The anti-christ will not rule in America. He will be revealed after the rapture. However, those that are lost now and aren't willing to surrender their lives to Jesus Christ now, they will feel the affects of the tribulation and still defy God. It will happen, it is going to happen and right now, we're at the open door for the rapture. Then Christs second coming. What a day? Can't wait for that day!
There are guidelines and rules for everything. I'm sure you are well aware of this.
Who would not take freedom? Who would not take joy, peace, love, happiness? Who in their right mind would not take the free gift of salvation given by God through his Son?
God gives us the choice to accept or to reject his plan! Those who accept his plan are his, to live and be with him eternally. Those who choose to reject his plan can not live and be with him eternally.

posted on Jul, 2 2007 @ 01:06 AM

Originally posted by shaunybaby

Originally posted by TheB1ueSoldier
Put yourself, for a moment, in the shoes of God. If you were to devise a system for which your creations would be judged upon, what would you have done differently?

I would not be so sneaky as to devise a system to judge my creation on, I would also not judge fullstop. Surely everything single tiny blade of grass and organism God has created, yet he's willing to let people go to hell and spend eternity with a supposed Angel that betrayed him, rather than letting them come to heaven and perhaps showing them that God indeed loves all his creations.

All hypothetical ofcourse.

You haven't answered my question. If you were God, what would you change about your system of judgment? Don't just criticize the current system, I want to know how you would do things differently.

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