posted on Feb, 27 2020 @ 09:49 AM
Throughout history, borders have changed for various reasons from ecological(pestilence,famine,drought) to economical to usurping of power through
If one were to take a macro perspective look at the planet today in 2020, they would notice many things but one things they may notice is that 400
million people are situated with a majority of the land, and fresh water.
Obviously, 6+ billion people sharing 50 percent of the world’s resources will only last for so long, whether the resources are exhausted or the 6+
billion simply want more of the pie.
If I were elected Prime Minister of Canada for the Conservative Party, I would immediately draw up a framework to start moving people to Canada. I am
not taking about simple migration either. I would sell the eastern side of Hudson’s Bay to China for 1 trillion plus dollars. I would have them move
200 million people here and build a new China, Chanada?
The reason I would sell the East side is because i would be having an oil pipeiline come from Alberta-Manitoba-to Churchill connecting us to the ocean
or tidewater as the landlocked folk call it. Once the chinese has built the city with ports and everything, the Fed government built the pipeline as
well as a highway from Timmins; I would then issue a remittance payment to every Canadian for 10k, at a price tag of 350 billion, I would pay off the
countries entire debt of 500 billion, institute truly free healthcare and post secondary with 50 billion allotted.
Finally I would negotiate a North American (consisting of Us, Canada, Chanada) union military border and have America supply our army as we built it
to be something Respectable as well as honouring our committment to NATO of 2 percent.
What do you all think? Should I negotiate away my land/resources today or lose it by force/whatever tomorrow?