a reply to:
Very interesting, there was a theory that EVERYTHING we have made will be erased by time, the longest lasting object's are those made of solid stone,
large solid stone.
So what would we find if we had the technology and the ability to search HUGE the area of that orbital region in space, factor in the potential for
orbital decay over time?.
We are also a race that reuse what can be reused, ancient sites robbed out of stone and metal and only the largest stone that it is not in our
interests to hack apart and quarry for some reason remains untouched, even then over time it can be eroded to the degree that we may no longer
recognize that it may have once been artificially shaped - at least on the exposed surfaces that are eroding away and hiding any such object's true
There are theory's also that the great pyramid's were actually once much older step pyramid's and the later Egyptians rebuilt them with fine smaller
stone's on the outside but that is grasping at straws because we do not know.
My belief is that our race - or our forebears since we may be significantly different to them due to inbreeding of survivor's - did have
I also believe that OUR world may have played host to many previous world's, perhaps not all of them human and just perhaps other races have existed
and vanished in the billions of years of it's existence, most of the earth's previous continent's are now deep in the mantle and our geological record
becomes ever more precarious and interpretive the further back we go.
As far as Egypt is concerned the Giza pyramid's are not the only ones devoid of inscriptions (Except the potentially fraudulent one), the Osireion is
one such site and it is actually very deep, there are other sites including temples that have been shown on this very site were the pillars seem to be
placed on top of earlier pillars as if temples were built on top of the roof's of previous older temples perhaps many time's over, the one I am
thinking of has the apparent top of a temple pillar below the floor and the lower level (temple) is apparently completely filled with sand with the
floor of the later temple actually being the older temples roof.
So could there have been previous ages of man, could a handful of primitive survivors have stumbled into the ruin's of an ancient civilization and
reused them - we do reuse sites.
IF there is more to it then I also believe that someone already knows and has evidence BUT they keep it a secret for perhaps a whole raft of
edit on 26-2-2020 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)