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Bob, I don't think this is safe...

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posted on Feb, 26 2020 @ 10:40 AM
Hello all!

Earlier this morning, I sat down with a good hot cup of tea while starting my day at work. I clicked on over to FaceBook to check out any interesting 'going ons' with family and noticed a message from my Uncle.

It was just a funny Mardi Gras video.

I commented on it, joking that he had way too much time on his hands. He sent me a message back fairly quickly telling me that he was home sick from work. Like much of my family, he also works in the Oil and Gas industry. His words:

I home sick with the ******* flu. They flew me in from offshore. They tested me and sent me off with in a hour.

Me: That was quick. Don't want you infecting everyone else. Hopefully you didn't catch that Kung Flu

Yea i got to the rig Thursday morning after sitting in a heliport all day Wednesday and a long ass boat ride. Then i hear med flight with 6 departing the rig that they tried to keep quiet then by sunday morning i was soaking through my cloths and every muscle in my body wanting to cramp uncontrollably. That **** hurts. So i couldn’t stand it no more and seen the medic. She tested me and they put me on the flight coming out that morning with a face mask and told me to tell the pilots i had a cold if they asked

Me: wtf? That's not exactly safe

You know how it is when its you all rules apply when its them its do as i say not as i do kinda **** I tested positive for type b. Its goin around over here bad but most are type a. I on the down side now thank god

Now granted, this is likely just a common flu (I'm not familiar with the different strains) but I wouldn't think that lying to an chopper pilot about having the flu (With a facemask on) and telling him you have only a cold, would be the safest idea. This fella has to fly in and out all day, every day, possibly spreading that flu to others.... and the sickness never ends.

Sending my uncle home, moving him away from the other 200 people on the rig is likely the best idea since you don't want to infect others. Though, it does sound like that particular rig is going to assure that the flu will affect everyone or mostly everyone on it because it's already had time to go around between people there. Unfortunately you can't always prevent this when you're working around a lot of people but to have them tell a rig hand with a flu virus to hide the fact that he has a contagious virus will simply only enable the virus to spread more.

This is kind of what's happening in China and likely all over the world. Keep quiet! Go home and don't tell anyone you have a contagious virus along the way. Doesn't matter who you infect.

Just how much sense does that make? And here, rigs are supposed to be super safe with no work around protocols. Someone needs to get their **** together and stop evading protocol! There was no reason for that. The pilot wouldn't have refused to bring sick persons in but he damn sure could have protected himself more and helped to prevent a spread by disinfecting his craft before and after each flight.
edit on 26-2-2020 by StallionDuck because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 26 2020 @ 10:59 AM
a reply to: StallionDuck

I caught the flu at 3:30AM on February 11, 2020. My fever hit 104. I went to the doctor the 13th as I could not sleep due to the 24 / 7 pain. They tested me and said I had 100.7 degree temperature and the flu and put me on drugs as I was within 48 hours of onset. It went away and I was non contagious after 4 days but stayed away from my wife for 7 days. She did not get it nor did our cat as I stayed in another room. I did not have a cough nor shortness of breath. As I write this i still am not up to my pre flu strength. It took a lot out of me along with 8 pounds.

Coronavirus was never discussed nor brought up by the medical staff. I did and they really did not want to talk about it.

I texted by PhD brother as hes into this stuff educationally and academically and he simply would not discuss it. He was acting weird. He is also employed by a large University as a department Chair and Professor. I thought his response was strange as that's not him.

A story came out of Georgia about 200 people who came from China were sent home with self evaluation test kits for Cornovirus. That was back on the 12th of February. NOT one peep since from the Georgia’s Department of Public Health. Look it up. NOTHING!

Georgia residents returning from China forced into ‘self-isolation’ over coronavirus fears

To me it seems like the USA response is to don't ask and don't tell as all is well.


edit on 26-2-2020 by Waterglass because: added

edit on 26-2-2020 by Waterglass because: added

edit on 26-2-2020 by Waterglass because: added

posted on Feb, 26 2020 @ 11:28 AM
Let me add I been watching this myself am worried enough to be updated .
Here is my thinking . One reality Government does not want to address ANYTHING that could effect income from imports buying or taxing and It goes against Government To announce or start preparing for a event that will cause ANY slow down of the economy Even Preparing is enough to panic people .
So how do we the public evaluate the Real world danger of Terrorism or Virus out brakes or climate change or even a volcanic erupting and the impact it may cause in our life ?
Well its not as hard as you mite think the idea of ANY government being able to keep a world changer event under wraps is Ludicrous which is why I know 99 % of the so called conspiracy post here are just a figment of peoples imagination .
Its one thing to down play a virus that so far has killed one person here in the stats and may have killed 2500 in its place of oregian China and infected 70 - 100 k total .Fact is its not being downplayed China the cesspool of the wolrd and even in the cesspool is self out of the BILLION people only a DROP in the bucket being infected . After all what is the difference if the accutle number is 100 k and the accuty dead is 5 k in a country with 1.5 billion .
Now face it From google At least 14,000 people have died and 250,000 have already been hospitalized during the 2019-2020 flu season, according to estimates from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention .
so even if this virus gets full blown here with our much much cleaner system the deaths will be MUCH MUCH lower then china and YES much much lower then the number of DEATHS now counted from THIS years flue .
This virus IS NOT a world changer the flue will kill more even full blown .

So why would Our government want to panic the markets . fact is market is panicked even with it being downplayed .
I may get it and die you may get it and die I may get the flue and die a 1000 ways to die but life goes on .
So until a Virus shows up that has a fality rate of even 25 % and spreads through AIR and is fast the wolrd is in no danger of collapsing . BUT when that virus does show up NOTHING any Government can do will prepare or stop the enviable collapse .
25 % death rates meens 75 % to 90 % sick rate and everything comes to a grinding hult .
You like doom porn well its not a question of IF this will happen BUT when it will happen and the human race has had a UNusaley long grace from the last brake out and is way over due .
Reason why doom porn is so poplar is we all KNOW one day its wont be just another cry of wolve there will be a real wolve and he will eat us alive .

But dont be afraid Humans will not die off without on heck of a fight we are the MOST adapatle most stubborn Most viscus species this earth has ever seen and wont go quietly into the night .

I have 6 boys and 4 grand kids even now killing off my own personal gens wont be easy .

posted on Feb, 26 2020 @ 11:35 AM
a reply to: Waterglass

That is a really scary thought. This could be why the US seems to be clear of this infection when in reality, it could be everywhere around us by now.

Here I was a couple weeks ago thinking that I'll be alright... Should things get out of hand and this virus hits within 500 miles of me, I'll simply take my work home with me and stay home until this thing blows over. No affecting others, no getting infected. Plenty of food in the freezer, plenty of canned food and perishables.

Now.... I'm thinking that if this is more common place, I could catch this bug without even knowing it. That could really ruin my day, especially if I'm as susceptible to the really bad aspect of it (x_x).

And here I laughed watching "Last Man on Earth" when the show depicted people trying to protect themselves from the virus that kills almost everyone on earth by hanging plastic canvas over their beds, the walls and floors, separating roommates and all that. The show is a comedy but the dark humor is fitting.

I'm not afraid of this thing going all Night of the Living Dead or anything but I seriously wouldn't want to catch something that kills people who have a history of smoking. I smoke and that's not cool. Hell, I might even have an early onset of diabetes and not even know it. My grandmother had it. Possibly even some mild heart issues. I can see how this would scare people.

posted on Feb, 26 2020 @ 11:55 AM
a reply to: StallionDuck

Contrary to popular belief, viruses don't do well on planes. I was traveling in Asia during the SARS outbreak so did some research into viruses on planes. Even without disinfecting the plane, and some pretty ugly bugs living on board, they don't spread. The cabin air filtration system blocks almost every bug that gets into the air.

posted on Feb, 26 2020 @ 12:11 PM
a reply to: midnightstar

There is a huge difference between downplaying and out right hiding the truth.

Sure, I could die tomorrow from a falling meteor. Who knows. Maybe I'll fall between my couch cushions and not be able to get out and stay stuck there without water for weeks till I succumb. None of that makes any difference whatsoever. We're all gonna die. We just don't all have to die right this moment. Premature death is a pretty sad way to go.

From all of the years past, we know one thing... If anything catastrophic happens, the US Government will NOT be straight with us. If a meteor hits a month from now and the government knows about it, we likely wont know until we see the great flash in the sky. Even if we had a 50% chance of survival by digging a 5ft hole to hide in, they still would not tell us because they wouldn't want to cause panic.

That makes zero sense but unfortunately it's exactly how it goes. With that knowledge, you can strongly surmise that if this flu was here in the US and actually killing people, we would be none the wiser simply because of tactics like this. Someone doesn't want us to know.

I get it... It'll bring down the markets but what good are the markets when no one actually prepares for this huge potential problem and a chunk of your population dies because of it - with none the wiser to prepare and prevent - those same markets wont stand a chance when people actually find out what's happening.

Matter of fact, I honestly believe the panic would be a thousand times worse in this case. I rather prepare everyone with the truth than to watch a nationwide riot take place from my TV shortly before all of the electricity goes out from people going ape $#!^ and burning down the country because our government didn't give 2 $#!^s about us.

That wouldn't end well for anyone. I think government does this to be able to escape to their own bat caves without alerting the masses so the masses don't try and stop them from escaping what comes next, because you know we will. If we know we have a chance of being laid to waste while our government hides in their holes, you can bet your ass we'll make sure they're coming with us and from there, it's every man/woman/child for themselves.

Our politicians and leaders shouldn't be the last people on earth. It's because of them the world is in the shape that it's in. I would fight tooth and nail to assure that the captains go down with their ship while the real ideal of humanity does what it can to prevent itself from going extinct. Personally, I believe a farmer, fisher, ditch digger, mechanic, all the people who actually have living skills, has more of a reason to live than a politician. Should it come between the two, there would be no contest.

posted on Feb, 26 2020 @ 12:28 PM
a reply to: StallionDuck

If a meteor hits a month from now and the government knows about it, we likely wont know until we see the great flash in the sky.

24 hours on an ELE event,
Not a peep before.
That was signed off on by most all countries.

posted on Feb, 26 2020 @ 12:30 PM
a reply to: midnightstar

YES much much lower then the number of DEATHS now counted from THIS years flue 

So how can you discern the two illnesses if you dont test for one. If you have flu like symptoms and die from such symptoms, would they test for the CV? The answer is no. Unless you have contact with someone from China, they are not testing for the virus. I believe you can have multiple viruses at the same time.

Here is my thinking . One reality Government does not want to address ANYTHING that could effect income from imports buying or taxing and It goes against Government To announce or start preparing for a event that will cause ANY slow down of the economy Even Preparing is enough to panic people . 

I am just asking, why should we trust the government to tell us the truth? Throughout all of the scandals, the lies, the known deceptions of American politics, lets not forget personal gains, why should I believe anything they are tell me?

I may get it and die you may get it and die I may get the flue and die a 1000 ways to die but life goes on . 

Once again, it isn't only about death. It is how it affects the quality of life. If so many people get it, because it is contagious, it can disrupt every facet of life. Life will go on, yes, but only after so many people spend months recovering.

But dont be afraid Humans will not die off without on heck of a fight we are the MOST adapatle most stubborn Most viscus species this earth has ever seen and wont go quietly into the night . 

This is why many of us have congregated to this thread. To compile information so each and every one of us can discern for ourselves what we think may or may not be happening.

I for one believe there is too much to lose for certain factions to release real time data. It isn't about what we think is right. It is about the people who hold the keys to society and what they think we need to know.

posted on Feb, 26 2020 @ 01:17 PM
I don't trust any information coming from this government. It's just Fake news to manipulate the proletariat into keeping the agenda of "work, consume, watch TV and STFU"

Business as usual....

posted on Feb, 26 2020 @ 01:21 PM
a reply to: StallionDuck

Telling the pilot anything is essentially lying.

Without flu testing, the illness is not known. Telling the pilot its a "cold" is no more or less valid than anything else.

I think Coronavirus has a 2% mortality rate...which is lower than the 7% seen in flu. Im not sure there is much need for alarm either way.

posted on Feb, 26 2020 @ 01:55 PM
a reply to: bigfatfurrytexan

Yeah but he knew before he got on the chopper what he had. They tested and found that he had a "b strain".

posted on Feb, 26 2020 @ 03:04 PM
a reply to: olaru12

Yep, the song remains the same.

posted on Feb, 27 2020 @ 07:54 AM
Just make your body a toxic environment for the bugs...they are just bugs and they die....use food based remedies to fill your body with natural bug killers....then just wait till you get it...if you are ready for it and can stop it in 2 transmission dynamics simultaneously then your own body will have time and ability after the initial skirmish to build its own immunity.and if its engineered to fight your bodies ability to build an anti-body then you have still prevented it from travelling through your body on the pathways which allow it to quickly overcome your defenses in a blitzcreig is hitting people bacterially and the same time....people can transmit both ways at the same time as well...the virus can exist in the bacterial realm and in the viral realm simultaneously....because it is a weaponised Pleomorphic Bacteria...same one that causes the impacts we mistakenly call cancer...and yes the Global evilcabal has been using their intimate knowledge of this specific Pleomorphic Bacteria for CENTURIES to keep us all sick allowing them to "Farm""Milk"and "Discard" us.

posted on Mar, 2 2020 @ 05:16 PM
a reply to: Zaphod58

Have you ever appeared before the ICC in the Netherlands? For crimes against humanity.

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