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originally posted by: Boadicea
a reply to: carewemust
I honestly don't think this child has any idea what he's talking about. He has no idea what sexual attraction even is yet. He has never personally experienced it. He has no frame of reference. He just knows that everyone is talking about it and openly proclaiming their own, so he's doing the same. Of course a 9-year-old boy who still thinks girls have cooties would think he likes boys more... right now he does. But not sexually. And he cannot know what he cannot know yet. Someone needs to tell him that there's no reason and no need to make such a choice or declaration now (or any time really), and he has plenty of time to make that choice for himself. Nothing's written in stone yet.
But this is where the political and social agenda of the LGBT activism has taken us. Not the average person who happens to fit into one of those categories... the folks who are in fact and in deed just trying to live their lives in peace. Rather, I'm referring to those with a political and social agenda imposing their will on the rest of us... being regulated and legislated and adjudicated.
Everyone is expected to declare their sexuality to the world ad nauseum and virtually wear it on their sleeve as a constant advertisement of some sorts. The days of "don't kiss and tell" are over. These days, "too much information" is the norm. And it's not only unhealthy (as evidenced by anyone thinking a prepubescent 9-year-old child can even know this, much less should have/want to declare it to the world), it's downright creepy.
I'm an old married woman. This is it for me. Even if I'm widowed, I will never be romantically/sexually involved with anyone ever again. Period. So I really don't give a rats patootie what anyone else's sexual orientation is. Not my concern and none of my business. Private and personal information like that should be kept private and personal.
What the hell is wrong with you people!
It's obvious he is not nine! He is a lot older than that!
originally posted by: Boadicea
a reply to: Jay-morris
What the hell is wrong with you people!
Um... surprise! I'm just one person here.
It's obvious he is not nine! He is a lot older than that!
Obvious, eh? Just sooooooooooo obvious??? Okay. To you... obviously
But not to me. I have no idea what you think you know or how you think you know it, but I don't know it and have no way to know anything except what the article says. At least not about this particular boy's age. Everything I said about 9-year-old boys in general still applies.
If you've got something more, please share.
He was gay when he was 2
Because I have an eight year old daughter, and no way in hell is that kid nine. I would say more like 12. Like not, like I said before. That's the tallest, maturest nine year old I have ever seen! Either the article is lying about the age if the kid, or someone else is.
originally posted by: MarioOnTheFly
a reply to: bigfatfurrytexan
He was gay when he was 2
I honestly dont get this...I have a 2 year old daughter now. For the life of me I cant understand what you wrote. She's barely speaking words, learning the meaning...playing with toys, watching cartoons. How in the hell would you know that the child "is gay". Please...give me some details on how you knew..or the child knew...'cos I dont get it.
As an 80s kid, it was pretty obvious what sexual orientation other kids my age were from age seven or so. It's not as if kids don't have crushes or play kiss catch.
originally posted by: MountainLaurel
Let's say this was totally organic and not a shameless staged event using a 9 yr. old kid ( who looked older, making it a little less cringe worthy ) and Pete would have acted like an ADULT speaking to a KID and said something like....
" You're a little young to be worrying about this " Billy ", enjoy being a kid, do well in your studies, enjoy your friends and pursue your interests. When the time comes to start dating, bring to that relationship the best of who you become, no matter the gender or race of the person you choose to Love.
He could have even thrown in that he ended up being a happily married man running for the POTUS, so believe in yourself. A hopeful message, an appropriate message to a kid. Now that would have been a great reply....he lost a great opportunity to appeal to more moderate Dems.... Fail for Pete.
originally posted by: jjkenobi
Completely disgusting to prey and publicize the sexuality of children. I'm sure liberals loved it.
originally posted by: face23785
a reply to: primus2012
All part of one of their long-term goals: to make pedophilia legal. Just keep exposing children to more and more sex, slowly normalizing it.
originally posted by: carewemust
originally posted by: Kalamitous
originally posted by: carewemust
I played with both boys and girls at age 9. Didn't have sex with neither. Just smooched and stuff.
So did you "smooch" boys and girls to figure out which one you liked or had you already figured it out by then?
My first exposure to horney matters came from a babysitter.