posted on Feb, 26 2020 @ 04:50 AM
a reply to:
That sounds exactly like my folks. My in laws however are a little older and both have asthma. One of my in laws is in their mid 70s and has major
lung issues due to major scarring from a previous lung industry decades ago related to their work in chimneys and industrial settings - unfortunately
that person also still smokes.
The rest of us seem to fight off colds and viruses pretty well (we deal with colds in this house every couple weeks since we have a little one in
I work near DC but live a good 90 minutes outside town, and I dont have to take much public transportation. Without getting into details the things
I've heard various places mirrors what you said - for many people this thing is so mild they wouldn't even know they had it, the major risk is the
elderly and especially those with comorbidities.
Vitamin D, elderberry, hydration, and a healthy nutritious diet are important.
PS - weve had disagreements on various boards in the past but I hope you and yours stay healthy!