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346 Americans released from Quarantine in California

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posted on Feb, 18 2020 @ 02:53 PM

Coronavirus Update: 346 Americans Emerge From Quarantine At California Military Bases

Everyone should keep an eye on California. I read one story that a guy that visited Wuhan got the sickness much later than the 14 day.
If that is the case, California will see something.

edit on 18-2-2020 by JAGStorm because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 18 2020 @ 02:57 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

The third patient is a 54-year old Korean male who arrived in Korea from Wuhan on Jan 20, and was confirmed and isolated on Jan 26. With the last contact between the two patients having occurred on Jan 25, the incubation period of the virus in the 28th patient would be 18 days or longer.

18 days or longer???!!!
Who came up with 14 days, and how do we know that is the true incubation period?
edit on 18-2-2020 by JAGStorm because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 18 2020 @ 03:02 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

The story was that a person that was out of China when the outbreak occurred returned home to Wuhan later, uninfected. The person came down with the disease 42 days after he returned.
It could be that he didn't actually get the virus in his system for 38 days after he returned, but there is just no way of knowing.
The story you have about the people that were isolated points to a longer incubation period though.

posted on Feb, 18 2020 @ 03:56 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

The new study is lacking in some details. Was that their first exposure, or were they exposed again? How many patients showed over 14 days incubation? It's also not yet peer reviewed.

According to this, the mean incubation period (0-24 days), based on 1,324 cases was 3 days. Based on 425 cases, the mean incubation period was 5.2 days (4.1-7.0). So 14 days is currently considered long enough by most of the health organizations monitoring the virus.

The CDC also based it on previous, similar virus incubation periods.

posted on Feb, 18 2020 @ 04:19 PM

originally posted by: JAGStorm
Everyone should keep an eye on California. I read one story that a guy that visited Wuhan got the sickness much later than the 14 day. If that is the case, California will see something.

Probably a good idea to keep an eye on anywhere that has a large Asian population. San Francisco, sure. But also places like Vancouver, BC.

posted on Feb, 18 2020 @ 04:21 PM
I figured that when I heard mentioned here that 1000 people were home quarantined in los angels, that if true would almost guarantee that someone was exposed and not notified.

posted on Feb, 18 2020 @ 05:03 PM
You did realize that observation is not the only process medical staff perform in these cases , yes ?
There is this thing called testing.

posted on Feb, 18 2020 @ 05:38 PM
I live just outside of the capital city of California.

There is a very large Asian population here: Chinese, Hmong, Laotian, Cambodian, and Vietnamese.

So far, not a sign of illness.

Or fear.

posted on Feb, 19 2020 @ 01:39 AM
a reply to: JAGStorm

The wicked witch has released her monkeys 🙈🙉🙊

posted on Feb, 19 2020 @ 05:03 AM

originally posted by: Blue Shift

originally posted by: JAGStorm
Everyone should keep an eye on California. I read one story that a guy that visited Wuhan got the sickness much later than the 14 day. If that is the case, California will see something.

Probably a good idea to keep an eye on anywhere that has a large Asian population..

That would be Union City, Newark, Fremont, Milpitas, Belmont, San Carlos, Sunnyvale, and especially San Bruno, lol.

No, but seriously mostly

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