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"A Mothers Pride" of her suicide attacker son.

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posted on Sep, 7 2002 @ 05:59 AM
Where are the Israelis supposed to leave? Israel? The "occupiers" are not the Israelis. Four-fifths of Trans-Jordan was given to the Arabs and one-fifth to the Jews. Of that measely one-fifth, Gaza and Samaria (what the Arabs renamed the West Bank) was part .

The Arabs want the destruction of the Jewish state and nothing short of that will do.

posted on Jul, 31 2005 @ 09:07 PM
Thomas Crowne Said-
I wonder how loving you'd feel if it were your nation attacked, and your countrymen killed. Don't try and answer, you don't know; yet.

Now Thomas, correct me if im wrong but....
do you dare imply that new zealand has not been attacked, suffered, infiltrated by extremists. even infiltrated by nations we are told to treat like allies.
namely france and isreal.
because we have suffered Thomas.
We suffered in afghanistan,
i was there.
we suffer in Iraq.
and all we sent to Iraq was engineers to build schools and hospitals.
we suffered in east timor,
i was there,
the aussies were there.
the americans sent a little pudgie guy with a breafcase full of launch codes as a threat to indonesia. (so we were told at the time however i cant confirm that i dont really care to anyway)
and then after the tsunami we are expected to give all this money and aid to the one country who has, is and will cdause the most damage and instability to this part of the world.
and then i come on here to find opinions stating that we dont know what its like, we only care when its a threat to us.
if it was only when we were threatened then i would say NZ would be involved in more fighting around the world than we are currently.
My personal favourite is the possibility of going to war with Indonesia.
they need someone to tell them who is the boss of this part of the world.
thats what i think anyway.
i think i got a bit sidetracked.
my bad

posted on Jul, 31 2005 @ 11:34 PM
link persons terrorist is another persons freedom fighter is another persons hero...

I agree with you up to the point that the "combatant" is a young child. And not just a young child fighting, but committing suicide-all in "Allah"s name.
(personally, I feel that any God that wants young children to commit suicide is!@#$%^&*

posted on Aug, 1 2005 @ 12:04 AM
... is another person's forgotten cannon fodder.

posted on Aug, 1 2005 @ 12:17 AM
Here's the thing, the reason I don't spend much time talking about this subject.. the Israel/Arab dispute is something we on earth are never going to be able to resolve. This conflict is the cosmically deepest thorn in the flesh of humanity. If you believe in prophecy, it kind of makes sense. I personally grieve for people on both sides of that fence. It kind of reminds me of the book of JOB. For some reason, no matter how many times I've read that story, it doesn't make me feel better. It just perplexes me. And then I kind of get mad at the idea that I and the rest of you are nothing more than pawns on a chessboard. It seems so wrong.

But what are the answers?

In my opinion, a Palestinian state should be created. I think Jordan could go a long way in helping out with that. That would be a great first step - if only all parties involved were truly serious about finding resolution.

That in itself, is the biggest question.

posted on Aug, 1 2005 @ 12:40 AM
I have found it best to just stay far, far away from such topics...

But please do carry on all.

posted on Aug, 1 2005 @ 01:50 AM
Now these aint MY views at all, but I want to head down a certain train of thought and hopefully get some answers.

How come Israel just cant wipeout completely the entire palistine race?
Or at least declare war on them until they are so small in number, they will no longer be a threat.

It worked for the early Americans didn't it?
I mean America was once home to the native Indians was it not?
There was no peace accord agreement was there?

The same can be said for Australia too.
There was no peace agreement - the Aboriginal people where entirely wiped out in Tasmania and the main land Aboriginals where almost wiped out too.

Right through history one race has dominated and destroyed others - so why cant Israel do the same to the Palastinians?

posted on Aug, 1 2005 @ 01:58 AM
So you're being serious?

Why dont' we just go out and anhilitate a people b/c we/Israel can? You've got to be kidding me.

[edit on 8/1/05 by EastCoastKid]

posted on Aug, 1 2005 @ 02:00 AM

Originally posted by BlindedByTheLight
Now these aint MY views at all, but I want to head down a certain train of thought and hopefully get some answers.

How come Israel just cant wipeout completely the entire palistine race?
Or at least declare war on them until they are so small in number, they will no longer be a threat.

It worked for the early Americans didn't it?
I mean America was once home to the native Indians was it not?
There was no peace accord agreement was there?

The same can be said for Australia too.
There was no peace agreement - the Aboriginal people where entirely wiped out in Tasmania and the main land Aboriginals where almost wiped out too.

Right through history one race has dominated and destroyed others - so why cant Israel do the same to the Palastinians?

Ugh, I said I like to stay out of things, but this comment, ugh this is the worst post I have seen in a long time.


posted on Aug, 1 2005 @ 04:26 AM

Originally posted by Thomas Crowne
Where are the Israelis supposed to leave? Israel? The "occupiers" are not the Israelis. Four-fifths of Trans-Jordan was given to the Arabs and one-fifth to the Jews. Of that measely one-fifth, Gaza and Samaria (what the Arabs renamed the West Bank) was part .

The Arabs want the destruction of the Jewish state and nothing short of that will do.

This is the kind of logic that will lead to no further solution. As you well know TC, the West Bank is OCCUPIED territory, taken in 1967 from Jordan. It is NOT part of Israel as the state existed after it's creation.

One in three Palestinian children under the age of 5 suffers from chronic malnutrition. I suspect the same figure does NOT hold true for Israeli children. Until this kind of injustice is solved then the cycle of hate will continue...

I don't agree with attacking civilians, it's purely not right, but again it is something that happens from both sides. Israeli soldiers don't mean to kill Palestinian children, but still they die. And in some cases you have to wonder whether it's entirely accidental...

posted on Aug, 1 2005 @ 06:02 AM
What part of "NOW THESE AINT MY VIEWS AT ALL, but I want to head down a certain train of thought and hopefully get some answers." dont you understand? sheeesh!

posted on Aug, 1 2005 @ 07:13 AM
Those poeple have serious mental problems. Im just greatfull I wernt born there. If theres any mind control going on then that is it, die and kill others and we'll be proud? SICK

posted on Aug, 1 2005 @ 01:04 PM
Gosh! This is one Hell of a thread. WOW! Civvie casualties caused by friendly forces. Collateral Damage. Insane! Oh gosh, where do I start?

As one who has been 'there' and done 'that', I am appalled by the senseless loss of life both in Iraq and in Afghanistan. There are those who would wish the conflicts to continue - on both sides. It is always the poor civvies who get caught up in any armed conflict. We should pull all our forces out and let them get on with it. Iraq is slowly turning into America's new Viet Nam.

So an Arab mother shows pride in her son who chose to end his life in a blaze of glory. Do not applaud him and do not applaud her. They are both victims of circumstances which we, thank god, have never experienced.

The hatred that Arabs feel for the Israeli's is not borne lightly. You only need to look at Gaza and Tel Aviv to realise that the grass is definately greener on the other side of the street! The Arabs want what the Israeli's have - rightly or wrongly - saying that the land is theirs. Fine! Let the Israeli's give it back - then watch in horror as the Arabs cock it up!

The Arab nation - at least behind the scenes, want the total destruction of the State of Israel. In one way or another, since 1948, they have been fighting Israel and loosing. That is what drives this hatred on and on. There will never be peace, until the State of Israel has been destroyed. Then the Arabs will turn their attention to those nearest them.

Israel is as no other Nation on this earth, has stood alone for so long. YES! I know the USA supports Israel but under Bush Snr and now that Moron in the White House, that aid is slowly being whittled away. The 'Roadmap To Peace' was the stick - continued support from the USA - the carrot.

And Noosnomrm hit the nail on the head when he says, 'One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter!' Spot on Mate. Just look at all the support the Yanks gave the IRA. Pot - kettle - black, as we say in the UK.

You Americans should take a long, hard, calculated look at the leadership of your country. The invasion of Iraq - for whatever reason, has become a major mistake.

You must campaign to bring your brothers, uncles, dads and neighbours home. How many more civvies must you allow to be killed before you cry, 'Enough Is Enough!'

posted on Aug, 1 2005 @ 01:23 PM
Has noone here ever stopped to think just why a young man chooses to kill himself to harm his enemies?

Nobody wonder why a mother would be proud for her son to do this?

All we seem to get is 'all them arabs are crazy motherf*ckers'

Does noone here wonder where Muslims have acquired this hatred for the Jews and Israel in particular?

Israel is as much to blame as Palestine for the troubles of the region.

These poor deranged kids blow themselves up because they dont have anything to live for, there are no jobs, few schools and the land is occupied and colonised by foriegners.

Their mothers can be proud because they beleive that this may be another step on the road to victory, as if just one more bomb will make the Israelies abandon their settlements as they have in the west bank.

posted on Aug, 1 2005 @ 02:31 PM

Originally posted by BlindedByTheLight
What part of "NOW THESE AINT MY VIEWS AT ALL, but I want to head down a certain train of thought and hopefully get some answers." dont you understand? sheeesh!

Don't let the folk who attacked you prevent your going off the beaten path when looking for answers to complicated problems.

You do have a point, European Americans warred with the Indians and we won, because its survival of the fittest. Israel will give and give and the Palestineans will Kill and Kill ...Until Israel has enough and wipes them off the face of the Earth.

The Palestineans are a sick, twisted and violent society that has contributed NOTHING to the world ( typical Muslims) and they will be put down like mad dogs one day and I won't shed (1) stinkin tear for them, because they had so many chances and they choose more violence over peace.

If war is what they want....I hope IDF gives it to them in spades.


[edit on 023131p://111 by LA_Maximus]

posted on Aug, 1 2005 @ 06:49 PM

Originally posted by Uncle Joe
Has noone here ever stopped to think just why a young man chooses to kill himself to harm his enemies?

Nobody wonder why a mother would be proud for her son to do this?

All we seem to get is 'all them arabs are crazy motherf*ckers'

Does noone here wonder where Muslims have acquired this hatred for the Jews and Israel in particular?

Israel is as much to blame as Palestine for the troubles of the region.

These poor deranged kids blow themselves up because they dont have anything to live for, there are no jobs, few schools and the land is occupied and colonised by foriegners.

Their mothers can be proud because they beleive that this may be another step on the road to victory, as if just one more bomb will make the Israelies abandon their settlements as they have in the west bank.

If i was in that situation i'd think long and hard about having 10 kids

I dont care how bad the situation is over there, a parent should NEVER want this of a child.

And her crazy understanding that her son will be praised by god for this and yet the innocent sons of the enemy will go to hell, thats mind blowing, how much brain washing does it take to get to this level of insanity????

posted on Aug, 1 2005 @ 07:15 PM

Originally posted by LA_Maximus

The Palestineans are a sick, twisted and violent society that has contributed NOTHING to the world ( typical Muslims) and they will be put down like mad dogs one day and I won't shed (1) stinkin tear for them, because they had so many chances and they choose more violence over peace.

Ever stop to think why there are Palestinian suicide bombers? It wouldn't have anything to do with the fact that they were basically ousted from their home turf without much consideration for their wellbeing, would it?

Sadly, your statement is so terribly biased that it's hard to give credence to the post at all; you've successfully discounted any positive aspects of both Palestine and muslims in general, and that's a very blinkered (and very tragic) outlook.

If you were on the receiving end of being told "Well, terribly sorry old bean, but we're going to give this land to these exiled (insert religion/ethnicity), and you're going to jolly well have to live with it", you'd probably have quite a different point of view.

There's fault on both sides - both Palestine and Israel are responsible for the violence and loss of life. And there's also fault on the UK and allies for basically igniting the fury to begin with - regardless of how altruistic the intent may have been.

posted on Aug, 3 2005 @ 01:05 PM
People in palestine have 10 children. Why?

Because they are often too poor or to ill educated to use contraception, they keep having children because they enjoy sex.

There position is helpless, there is no way that anyone will do anything to really help them, instead they will pour funding to both sides in the struggle.

Israel has killed at least a thousand innocent induviduals during the intefada, including at least one journalist moving under a clearly visible flag of truce.

Palestinians have nothing to live for, no work, no real rights to land, if Israel wishes to take territory they simply bulldoze any houses in their way, how is a nation supposed to evolve under these conditions?

Perhaps if these restirctions were removed the Palestinians could 'contribute something to humanity'.

posted on Aug, 3 2005 @ 01:33 PM

Originally posted by dom

Originally posted by Thomas Crowne
Where are the Israelis supposed to leave? Israel? The "occupiers" are not the Israelis. Four-fifths of Trans-Jordan was given to the Arabs and one-fifth to the Jews. Of that measely one-fifth, Gaza and Samaria (what the Arabs renamed the West Bank) was part .

The Arabs want the destruction of the Jewish state and nothing short of that will do.

This is the kind of logic that will lead to no further solution. As you well know TC, the West Bank is OCCUPIED territory, taken in 1967 from Jordan. It is NOT part of Israel as the state existed after it's creation.

One in three Palestinian children under the age of 5 suffers from chronic malnutrition. I suspect the same figure does NOT hold true for Israeli children. Until this kind of injustice is solved then the cycle of hate will continue...

I don't agree with attacking civilians, it's purely not right, but again it is something that happens from both sides. Israeli soldiers don't mean to kill Palestinian children, but still they die. And in some cases you have to wonder whether it's entirely accidental...

i just sorta happened on this pretty neat, but older (circa 2002)
FLASH 3 parts /optional click to see each

its basically a quick breeze thru 3000BCE~Present
part 2 is from the British Mandate to present
part 3 is mostly vivid/gory scenes at bombings, et al

i thought the FLASH was enlightening Information...
others of you might find it more like "Spinformation"

posted on Aug, 28 2005 @ 11:27 PM
i can not honestly say that in that same situation,
if i did believe that i would go straight to heaven,
that i woyuldnt do anything in my power to help restore the freedom of my people and for the future of my family.
in saying that,
i dont believe i will go to heaven if i do that and its not my people so i dont think that is something i would do.
i only say this to try to point out that its always different depending what side you started from.
if your jew you no doubt (however not definitively) think they are terrorists.
if your Muslim/Arab you no doubt think the Isreali's are terrorists.
its all about context.
you cant knock either side till you have walked in their shoes.
and to be honest the chances are that the majority of us probably havent walked in those shoes have we?

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