posted on Feb, 14 2020 @ 07:30 PM
So, one day we went out to the corrals and the cows were off their food (very rare). They all looked very full, too full.
We'd given them a 700 lb. bale of 100% alfalfa. We knew you never let cows graze green alfalfa, but these bales were dry....Well sort of.
I can't really go into the (gross) details, but resolving the issue wasn't pretty. Though, it was amazing because most of the animals affected
calmed down so I could put stitches in after the (harpoon, and off-gas).
You see, cows, contrary to popular belief, can't really "Phart", so gas builds up inside them if they eat the wrong food, or the wrong food at the
wrong time. Wet alfalfa, is the wrong food at the wrong time.
And it wasn't that wet really, because we had 10 tons of it stored inside our garage (not the barn). Damn near burned the house down, and almost got
bit by a rattlesnake baled up in the stuff, but I was more worried about the cows!
Bloat is a bitch, it's not pleasant and it's not comfortable for anyone.
Just thought I'd share.