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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- -24-

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posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 11:48 PM

originally posted by: PilSungMtnMan
I give this Austin (mini me Q) 6 months or less and he’s no longer with us.

Good evening, all.

It won't even be six months. Dude popped his head in on another thread that I follow on another site last night trying to give we researchers there orders and whatnot. He made a single post and I quickly challenged him to video himself making a drop in real time. Rather than address the challenge provided to him he simply left the thread and didn't return. However, this morning he had created a thread of his own claiming that "Q's identity has been verified" and whatnot and I hounded him in that thread for awhile as well. Posing the same question to him, "Why won't you record yourself making a drop. And better yet, why won't you even respond to this challenge at all?"

Eventually he told me that he will prove himself by doing just that. But wouldn't say when that would be. Insulted me some, and then left the site all together and hasn't been back.

His story has a fatal flaw and he can't address it. He has been building the backstory for this thing for two years now and he could very easily prove beyond a shadow of a doubt who he is by simply doing as I suggested. Record a post drop in real time. Heck, he could even have folks watch him do it live on his YouTube channel. In two years he hasn't thought of this. And now, if you ask him about it, he will either ignore it or try to insult you.

He couldn't even be bothered to make more than a single post in a dedicated Q thread that is over 5,000 pages long. The guy is a total fraud.

"Wait until you find out who you've been talking to here." (as I pointed out to him today, nobody knows who he is and therefore simply doesn't fit the bill)

The thing that most concerns me however, is this push by OTHER people to get folks to try and follow him across multiple platforms. You can see it on Twitter and you can see it on no less than both the Q threads I follow outside the chans. This indicates to me that he is yet another Pied Piper operation and I am curious about the people who incessantly push this on folks despite having been explained to many times already that he cannot possibly be Q. Q has said multiple times under the header "IMPORTANT" that he will not EVER be communicating outside the chans. People know this, people have been told this, people ignore this and repeat themselves ad nauseum.

Not in the past, present, or future.
Any attempts to suggest otherwise should be regarded as FAKE NEWS.

Also, I'd be willing to bet that Austin made a big "gulp" in his throat when he saw General Flynn had began following him. He's attracting some attention from some folks he probably doesn't want to be attracting attention from. lol. OR, that's not really General Flynn's account.

edit on 12-3-2020 by PioneerFigureSkating because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 11:49 PM

originally posted by: Sabrechucker
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

I still feel their is something to Q's Corona posts that may have been over looked.

I think you may be right. "Corona" was mentioned in several posts on Aug 30, 2018. Q first mentioned on Feb 10, 2018 (Q713). I lost/misplaced my links but CORONA is/was the name of a deep sea oil rig in the North Sea owned by APACHE Energy. Not yet sure if the SEALs took it offline/deactivated it. True or not IDK but if true than why?

Dang it, now you're gonna make me go on a Easter egg hunt again.

posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 11:51 PM
a reply to: Vasa Croe

Castle green something something
Green good to go.
Was trump wearing a green tie today?

posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 11:51 PM
This double post was brought to you by the number 17

And the letters NSA
edit on 3 12 2020 by dashen because: Q

posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 11:58 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

CIA Satellite Offline
30 Aug 2018 - 6:44:36 PM
Package Complete: CIA Super Computers Offline
30 Aug 2018 - 6:37:25 PM
Their we're old Corona satellites up there..just make me wonder.

Corona Satellites

posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 11:59 PM
Not sure but here is a recent report that discusses the current facts as we know them.

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi
I don't know how the U.K. plans on preventing non-UK Europeans from traveling to the USA. For that matter, I wonder why President Trump excluded the United Kingdom from the 30 travel restriction.

One big takeaway from this was the people who died in the US are from the same Sr Citizen's home.
edit on 13-3-2020 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 11:59 PM

originally posted by: Sabrechucker
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

It's A Nasty Flu People!! Stop making hand sanitizer's the hottest commodity on Earth.

I have not once posted in one of the 500 Corina Virus threads...It's all BS

I still feel their is something to Q's Corona posts that may have been over looked.

I also feel like Trump and Xi have had a few conversations regarding... Tariffs, and how to end the spread of this FLU.

When the MSM makes a big deal out of something..Ignore it. When they ignore attention. Ala ask the Q!


MSM kept getting crushed as fake news with zero to show for Russia, Ukraine, Impeachment. So, what always sells? Death.

Enter Tecate. They blend in some anti-Trump and now all eyes on MSM and who gets Tecate next and trying to connect stock market to economy. All in the hopes to level Nov election by removing “it’s the economy stupid”.

Why people who KNOW the fake news media can’t be trusted is, again, fooled with the hyperbole.

posted on Mar, 13 2020 @ 12:03 AM

originally posted by: Vasa Croe

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow
a reply to: Vasa Croe

Because he's under court order to keep quiet.

Ah....kinda makes sense....though I'd think he could talk about whatever as long as it isn't part of the case.

May have also been advised by his lawyer to not engage the public via twitter.

"Joe Flynn provides the latest update on the LT GEN (R) Mike Flynn legal battle and the Deep State illegal war being waged against him. This fight is a generational fight. We must be continually vigilant."
Great interview from 3 weeks ago.

posted on Mar, 13 2020 @ 12:05 AM
a reply to: PioneerFigureSkating

Re: Austin “mini Q”

The folks pushing this guy out to mainstream know he’s a fraud and hope that when exposed (or his outlandish sci-fi message) it will mainstream discredit Q or at least try to make guilty by association.

Since he’s out in the open (in my state no less) the true Q/MI gatekeepers may execute their own version of “cease & desist”. Regardless, it will not end well for mini-Q.

posted on Mar, 13 2020 @ 12:09 AM

originally posted by: dashen
a reply to: Vasa Croe

Castle green something something
Green good to go.
Was trump wearing a green tie today?

I think all the green colors would mean more if it wasn't St Patrick's month.

posted on Mar, 13 2020 @ 12:11 AM
a reply to: PilSungMtnMan

Yes. As I pointed out to the other group, when he made only a single post and then left the thread at the first sign of being challenged, it proves he isn't posting for OUR benefit. If he was who he said he was there is zero chance he would have behaved like that.

He's trying to sucker in the people who aren't fully invested into it by putting a face to the name. Then, he most likely has something planned on down the line to discredit the whole thing. Maybe even a false flag type event that he can then pin on Q. It's fairly obvious too.

Same with the Somerset Belenoff stuff though, he is working with some people that have some pull. Otherwise his videos would have been taken off of YouTube by now. He has been reported for those threatening videos numerous times and YouTube is not following their typical protocol for videos that are Q related material. Ironically, he is trying to use the videos that he pledges violence against the heads of state of foreign nations as "proof" he is Q. Which is another thing Q has explicitly stated he is not about. Q does not call for violence.

The guy is a fraud. 100%.

posted on Mar, 13 2020 @ 12:13 AM
a reply to: Sabrechucker

Yea, who really knows what was and is up there. It was decades later when the public found out an agency on the ground called NRO even existed. The guy in charge of the NRO Corona satellites was a C!A officer. No joke, he worked both agencies.
His name was James Q. Reber.

posted on Mar, 13 2020 @ 12:20 AM
a reply to: PilSungMtnMan

Just in my circle of friends and family, the ones who just came around to realizing the MSM is BS.. are now sucked right back into their every word..scary.

posted on Mar, 13 2020 @ 12:37 AM
a reply to: redmage

and Montograph says that Austin is most definitely DoD in some capacity BUT

the FACT his videos are still up is in itself significant . . . not in the least with comments like "this is the Last this I thought I'd ever be doing- But the DIA and Q+ are making me, so here goes,

EDIT: YT link thinkn idn't working so try this directly

"we're not going to be drug dealing or gang banging anymore to fund our black ops" ---"I'm rich AF due to Btc thanks to 'teext messages from the future' as I like to call them! lol 😁 this guy's the crack!

I'm not sure how many of his recent videos you have watched, but again, as he says being asked to do these videos was the LAST thing he expected to be asked to do . . . however, some of the footage in the video is, as it's said;

"a picture tells a thousand words" and old mate Montagraph says "there's NO WAY he could post such footage without either Q clearance Or certain arrest for Treason!"

But Austin says these videos he's making are to "give the public an inside look at how a Real Covert operation works" and he explains things Nobody else could explain - - I can't wait for him to elaborate upon them - as he's been doing i.e. doing "Part 2"s of some of his vids where he responds to some of the comments, but it's pretty simple really.

R: Q is a "quantum computer capable of 'considering' 160 sextillion computations simultaneously e.g.

And you must admit, making Direct threats to specific people, most notably a few of the "royals" he says are part of D6 he also calls "the Royal Death Cult" which is his "target" and the complete destruction of it's being across this planet has become his "mission"! The "funny haha" aspect is both his presentation, the charisma he displays is as natural as it gets, he's a "people person"" with extremely High level IT skills,

Plus, he's as close to a 'genius' as they come IMHO and the DIA "got him early on" when he was 17 and his 'first mission' was as a Christian 'ambassador' for the UN (or some other org) to Cuba, when he met the 'young techy who is now the Presindent - - we've stayed in touch and "someone I plan ti use as a back channel to squash McNasty's little beef with Cuba" lol ... this is insane .. ly good to watch. I really like this guy and can see how he's been so effective as Q

It's obvious he's been speak Spanish since he was a kid while living in Mexico and other Spanish speaking countries

I think It's really worth You MT watching his videos of the past 2 weeks esp, as the footage he shows of TOP SECRET places with him in them, sometimes "doing things" that may or may not be black, grey or white hat activities, although I'm inclined to thing he's doing both, hacking the 'bad guys' for intel etc and 'protecting the Good Guys

e.g. Austin from downvotes and nasty comments,
lol, but of which there seem to be very few - except for those using the "no outside comms" argument. Once upon a time I would've agreed with you 100%, however, my perspective of Q and what I have always believed Q was "for real" and I quickly understood the significance of Q choosing to use that Chans as his "primary comms" at the start as his 'primary news source AND comms link' as Austin mentions - - it was The Only "unpolluted media platform out there" and he had to get these Truths across to the 'average person'

Also the Chans" connected him to a massive and unique part of "the internet minds and groups" which Are capable of swaying mass opinion significantly and quickly, it's kinda like "crowd computing" lol except "the message HAD TO get out to the real world" - the message of How FUBAR the other guys Truly are and how complicated it can be to "drain the swamp"!

It's clear now the way they used their (military, 35yrs ahead of current publicly known of) quantum computers to figure out potentially 'key moments' and used them to their best advantage was brilliant. Austin's reference to "a global scavenger hunt/

Imagine, thousands of HFA's (not unlike myself) with their diverse interests, abillities and opinions, working together to take these 'crumbs' and then figure out their true meaning when it comes to "joining the apparently unrelated "dots" of data to help the 'hive mind' disseminating LARPS etc and/or making an 'idea' go viral with many people investigating and searching the web! Wow, you can almost instantly have thousands of people trying to prove it's a LARP ... for a YEAR they tried, then they kind gave up, if you asked you'd get a "Popular Mechanics debunked Q" so now that's been explained" so they said! "Word" they said! #^#%%#%^$)(&%O I thought . . . I'm with Q in spirit you mofos, capiche?

that was then, this is NOW and there's been a "change of tactics" and it appears that Q certain factors decided that Q became "optical", viola! As he, "baby Q" as he's called himself explain

There's also this amazing family connections with his family grandfather etc were corrupt AF and while they became defence IT contractors and he became DIA before he'd even left high school so he'd never thought it was an issue . . .yet, it just made Him, Austin S, come this moment in time "uniquely placed and trained to be used by as I imagine at the beginning, was one hell of a learning curve for most but Austin is super smart - says he's had his brain 'augmented' to be better ...? Nothing new except here's someone who said it's been done to them! And "they's the result" -- and if you don't get it, Q is also The First self admitted time traveler who just might have some "future proves past" type examples to show and explain to us.

and the things he says/explains not only make "complete sense" as well as seamlessly tying into the Q story, various "ops" etc and how some of Q's crumbs were specifically for him
I'm believing this guy to Really be who he says he is, Q!

Amazing but these are amazing times and All his vids are still up and a few contain 100% "treason=>your dead" type pictures and other information! And they have been up there no for a few weeks, one even gives the queen of Denmark 30 days to "accept their offer OR expect a "Bogdoganov tyoe visit" if you catch my drift!"

that in itself says to me REAL. The "inside footage" supports much of the rest.. I believe the man and say "G'day Q bro, thanks for everything and I know there's many more of us here downunder who have appreciated your ability to pique their Qriosity and 'expand their minds' in a Good way and it's much appreciated by me, JJ
Loved it at the start, never forget Q saying "you're gonna love Q" . . . he was right! 😁
edit on 13-3-2020 by JohnnyJetson because: (no reason given)

edit on 13-3-2020 by JohnnyJetson because: linkys

edit on 13-3-2020 by JohnnyJetson because: (no reason given)

edit on 13-3-2020 by JohnnyJetson because: QQQQQ

posted on Mar, 13 2020 @ 12:40 AM
This is some 'Top' level comedy gold right here... can't make this up.

Nepal government suspends all Everest expeditions due to coronavirus.

The Kathmandu Post

One dude stuck at top of Everest told to keep tweeting as long as possible. Stay frosty fren.

posted on Mar, 13 2020 @ 12:40 AM
Joy Behar takes a break from The View....

posted on Mar, 13 2020 @ 12:48 AM
a reply to: JohnnyJetson

This whole thing smells rotten. Glamis too. To me I feel like a statement such as "we're not going to be drug dealing or gang banging anymore to fund our black ops" Feel like a complete coordinated setup to take down Q. Next we’ll see articles written about the Q cult and their horrendous activities 🧐 oh wait they did that before didn’t they? Same playbook to me.

Sorry no disrespect to you JJ at all, I just happened to hit reply on yours. Love all you guys/gals and alll the work you do in these threads!

posted on Mar, 13 2020 @ 12:58 AM

My biggest Twitter follower is Fake Admiral Rogers. Actually a lot of my followers have 100s of thousands following them, and I do get some big time likes on my artwork...

Twitter is not really my home field though. The era of gaining lots of followers was like 5 years ago.

posted on Mar, 13 2020 @ 01:01 AM

originally posted by: FlyingFox
Joy Behar takes a break from The View....

I have a prediction: We will loose a beloved celebrity to what they say is the Coronavirus virus and they will blame trump. Ellen and all the talk shows will mourn and blame.

posted on Mar, 13 2020 @ 01:36 AM
a reply to: Creep Thumper

There are ways of making a home bidet of you don't have one.

Garden hose.


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