posted on Mar, 9 2005 @ 10:08 PM
Well once you take the value of life for granted, its starts small then moves on, the young, the old, what next? The mentally retarded, the sick, the
burdensome................sad but we reap what we sow...
Study: Newborn euthanasia underreported
TRENTON, New Jersey (AP) -- Euthanizing terminally ill newborns, while still very rare, is more common in the Netherlands than was believed when the
startling practice was reported a few months ago -- and experts say it also occurs, quietly, in other countries.
Dutch doctors estimate that at least five newborn mercy killings occur for every one reported in that country, which has allowed euthanasia for
competent adults since 1985.
In 2002, doctors at University Medical Center Groningen helped create the so-called Groningen protocol, a list of standards for performing and
reporting euthanasia of newborns with serious, incurable deformities. The aim was to encourage more reporting and discussion.
Two pediatricians at the hospital, Drs. Pieter J.J. Sauer and Eduard Verhagen, report in Thursday's New England Journal of Medicine that 22 mercy
killings of newborns who otherwise would have lingered in intensive care for years were reported to authorities from 1997 to 2004, about three each
year. But national surveys of Dutch doctors have found 15 to 20 such cases a year, out of about 200,000 births.
Study: Newborn euthanasia underreported