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Progressive taxes do cause people to move

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posted on Feb, 11 2020 @ 12:09 AM

originally posted by: Edumakated

originally posted by: AugustusMasonicus

originally posted by: crayzeed
When they've got you where they want you then they'll hit you with higher taxes etc. but there will be no where else to move to to escape. And you think it's about saving a few dollars.

If I were to move to Tennessee from New Jersey my salary goes with me. What doesn't are my property taxes so if I go from paying tens of thousands a year to a few thousand that's a real savings. If I'm there for 10 years it's a huge amount that I keep, not a 'few dollars'.

Property taxes are a scourge. First off, you never really own your home because if you don't pay the property taxes, govt can take the property.

Second, here in IL which have 2nd highest in country, the bulk of the bill is covering pensions. So basically I'm paying 15k year to fund lavish pensions for govt workers.

I'd move in a heart beat to a lower tax state if it went so disruptive for my family.

Illinois here too. Im taxed TO DEATH in this state. Even businesses cant afford to do business here...but the average person is just beaten down by taxes. Our property tax has gone up yet again but my home has decreased in value. They auction the power off TO THEMSELVES.. so we pay way too much for power. Sales tax is stupid.. and add on to that TIF areas that make it even higher.

We plan on moving eventually and swear we are going to do it "next year"We dont have to stay here for the hospitals in St Louis anymore.. so we could move easier.. but man, Im getting too old for this moving all the time crap. We're here due to the AF base and DoD contracts there... gotta nice huge neato historic home.. I just cant handle the area and taxes. Its like progressive hell here.

posted on Feb, 11 2020 @ 06:48 AM

originally posted by: scrounger
you make a valid point but IMO missing the overall point jagstorm was making

that a flat tax would benefit most everyone... the percentage was just spitballing.

I'm not against a flat tax, you just can't flat tax people's homes, it would make them completely unaffordable.

posted on Feb, 11 2020 @ 11:34 AM

originally posted by: AugustusMasonicus

originally posted by: Edumakated
I'd move in a heart beat to a lower tax state if it went so disruptive for my family.

I've thought about moving, if I went to Tennessee I'd be the King of Nashville with their dinky $3,000 a year property taxes.

I quickly looked up Nashville (love that place)
and this came up on zillow. (within Nashville borders, I'm sure there are some much higher just outside) Anyways they do have low LOW taxes!
This place is 4.6 Million, and their taxes are only 34K a year.

I took another place in Illinois, similar stats:
This place is 4.5 Million and their taxes are 81K a year!

47K a year difference in taxes!! I think the Illinois taxes are actually higher now.

posted on Feb, 11 2020 @ 11:36 AM
a reply to: JAGStorm

Yeah, my taxes would be about 85% lower than here in New Jersey. That's the real reason people are moving.

posted on Feb, 11 2020 @ 11:50 AM

originally posted by: JAGStorm

originally posted by: AugustusMasonicus

originally posted by: Edumakated
I'd move in a heart beat to a lower tax state if it went so disruptive for my family.

I've thought about moving, if I went to Tennessee I'd be the King of Nashville with their dinky $3,000 a year property taxes.

I quickly looked up Nashville (love that place)
and this came up on zillow. (within Nashville borders, I'm sure there are some much higher just outside) Anyways they do have low LOW taxes!
This place is 4.6 Million, and their taxes are only 34K a year.

I took another place in Illinois, similar stats:
This place is 4.5 Million and their taxes are 81K a year!

47K a year difference in taxes!! I think the Illinois taxes are actually higher now.

On a good day, I might be able to get $500k for my current home. The sad thing is that is what I paid for the house 15 years ago! My tax bill when I bought the house was about $6000/yr. It is now about $15,000. So my tax bill more than doubled while on an inflation adjusted basis, my home has actually lost value! Talk about Return on Investment!

I pay the tax bill on a $1.5 million house in most major cities.... ridiculous.

posted on Feb, 11 2020 @ 11:58 AM
With the amount of taxes we pay in NM, you would think they could do something about the murders, violence, crime and homelessness. I wouldn't mind paying high taxes if the standard of living was better, but the infrastructure is crumbling while the fatcats enjoy the benefits of their corruption. If I move, it will be to someplace in Europe where at least I can get a decent Margarita.

posted on Feb, 11 2020 @ 12:12 PM

originally posted by: olaru12
With the amount of taxes we pay in NM, you would think they could do something about the murders, violence, crime and homelessness. I wouldn't mind paying high taxes if the standard of living was better, but the infrastructure is crumbling while the fatcats enjoy the benefits of their corruption. If I move, it will be to someplace in Europe where at least I can get a decent Margarita.

Here in Wisconsin our taxes are high, but my property taxes have actually gone down three years in a row and my property value has gone up significantly. So i'm not complaining.

Our road are crumbling and services are slim. We pay less than half of our neighbor South, so again, not complaining.

posted on Feb, 11 2020 @ 08:17 PM

originally posted by: AugustusMasonicus

originally posted by: scrounger
you make a valid point but IMO missing the overall point jagstorm was making

that a flat tax would benefit most everyone... the percentage was just spitballing.

I'm not against a flat tax, you just can't flat tax people's homes, it would make them completely unaffordable.

I agree too high an amount would make them unaffoardable.

but to be honest there will never be a time with no property tax.. I wish they were because IMO if you have your house paid off it isnt fair you could loose it due to taxes.
Its like paying rent on a mobile home spot.

but I digress

a small reasonable FIXED amount is durable

just keep it low , DONT LET LOCAL GOVERNMENT raise it, and make it on volume


posted on Feb, 11 2020 @ 08:26 PM

originally posted by: scrounger
a small reasonable FIXED amount is durable

just keep it low , DONT LET LOCAL GOVERNMENT raise it, and make it on volume

What is 'volume'?

posted on Feb, 11 2020 @ 11:25 PM

originally posted by: AugustusMasonicus

originally posted by: scrounger
a small reasonable FIXED amount is durable

just keep it low , DONT LET LOCAL GOVERNMENT raise it, and make it on volume

What is 'volume'?

the more homes/properties you have, the more taxes they collect.

for example.... 1,000 properties at say 2,000 property taxes each.. they get 2,000,000 collected taxes.

the more they make people want to live / own businesses in city/county. the more revenue they get.

note the amount is not exact and only for discussion... but you get the point.

make people WANT to live and/or have businesses there, the more you gonna get.. make it so people dont want to live there, you loose money.


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