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Nostradamus 2020

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posted on Feb, 9 2020 @ 09:38 PM
Hello ATS,

I am reading some Nostradamus predictions and I came across some interesting tid-bits that if they do come true could have some major impacts upon the world. Among soome of the predictions are WW3 which starts in the M.E., the re-election of Trump, and major earthquakes/tornadoes/hurricanes among other environmental issues. I highlighted each prophecy/ prediction so that people can browse and interject opinions.

Big War in the Middle East Middle East powers (Iran, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Yemen) will start the war against another great western superpower (USA) . Is World War 3 (WW3) about to happen? "Weapons of war will scem in the sky That same year even holy men will become enemies They will unfairly attempt to suppress the sacred law The believers will die by war and shock".Economic crisis in 2020 Are we on the verge of an economic crisis in 2020? The analysts’ opinions from around the world are divided, but no one denies that black clouds have gathered upon the global economy. Hundreds of closed hedge funds will go bankrupt, and the international exchange market will need to close in short time – maybe even for a week, to stop the panic of selling shares, that will slowly envelop the stock markets. Nostradamus also predicted the 2008 crisis, and in 2020, things are not great: – the exchange markets are in free fall and have reached panic levels – the end of the crisis is still out of sight – the United States is facing an economic stagnation for several years – the economic fundamentals are no longer applying today.2020 Presidential Election: Trump will win again “The exiles because of anger and intestine hatred Will bring a great conspiracy to bear against the King Secretly they will place enemies as a threat, And his own old ones against them sedition.” This quatrain refers to a man leading a powerful state (Donald Trump, the President of the USA), to political intrigues, conflicts, and a “king” in danger. Although attacked from all sides, Trump will be reelected as president of the USA. Wildfires on a staggering scale Wildfires will occur in Europe: Greece, Croatia, and heat waves will hit countries such as Portugal, Spain, Netherlands, Germany, and France. In 2020, America will be melted by wildfires and excessive heat: New Mexico and California, New Mexico, Palm Springs, Los Angeles. Nostradamus predicted wildfires in Australia: “the sky will be darkened, the fields will be burned by heat.” Brexit in 2020 – A Great Empire Will Fall “Near a great bridge near a spacious plain the great lion with the Imperial forces will cause a falling outside the austere city. Through fear the gates will be unlocked for him.” The raised wall represents Great Britain, which will leave the European Union in 2020 and will trigger economic collapse.This decision will prove to be historical, and it could lead to the fall of the United Kingdom because Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland don’t agree with the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union. England will have a new king Nostradamus quatrain doesn’t specify if Queen Elisabeth, the monarch with the longest reign, will die, or the reason why Great Britain will have a new king.Record Number of Storms According to Nostradamus prediction, the year 2020 will register a record number of storms that will transform into hurricanes. America is going to be the victim of some of the strongest tornados ever registered. Some of the tornados will have a diameter of 1.6 km and will sweep in a line up to 48 km, with wind speed over 320km/h.Sea level rise – in the quatrains, it is foretold that pieces of what is today known as Antarctica will detach and melt, which will lead to the rise of sea level by several meters. The scientists also draw attention to this matter. They claimed that today’s temperatures had also registered 3 billion years ago when the ocean level was much higher than now. The consequences of this increase could be hurricanes, flooding, a lot of refugees, water and food crisis, and global conflicts. Destructive Earthquakes The prophet announced the occurrence of a strong earthquake in the future that will lead to the sinking of the entire state of California under the ocean’s water. Also, the seer predicted the occurrence of some cataclysms that will radically modify the world map, and also the outbreak of the Third World War, which would start in the Middle East. Nostradamus foretold a great earthquake in 2020, in America. In the New World (the West Lands), California seems to be the logical guess. This will happen next time Mercury is retrograde in Cancer (between June 18 and July 12). Europe is no safer from earthquakes this year. It’s not a matter of whether a seism will take place, the question is when exactly in 2020 it will happen. The next earthquake will measure between 7 and 7.4 grades on Richter’s magnitude scale, and it will happen in Turkey.Implanted chips The French prophet had seen in one of his visions how people will walk on the streets with chips implanted in their bodies. In reality, an American company from Wisconsin has already put into practice this idea. The employees had chips implanted to replace the badges and presence at work.Humans will live on the Moon In one of his visions, Nostradamus saw people living on the Moon in 2020; on the other hand, scientists claim that NASA is planning Moon expeditions next year. Kim Jong-Un will be dethroned According to Nostradamus, Kim Jong-Un will be dethroned by his people, who will rebel. Russia will get involved in this conflict, and the image of Russia will change forever.

So, what does ATS think? Some of these predictions are really interesting to me. Kim Jong Un being de-throned and escaping to Russia, and California being swallowed by the ocean stand out to me. What says ATS?

+6 more 
posted on Feb, 9 2020 @ 09:44 PM
Except that in the opening letter Nostradamus said his work was about France and Europe.

It is entirely feasible to fit some of the Quatrains in any period of history you wish to.

Whomever is writing this is just cashing in on Nostradamus' work .... and it happens regularly.


posted on Feb, 9 2020 @ 10:22 PM

originally posted by: pheonix358
Except that in the opening letter Nostradamus said his work was about France and Europe.

It is entirely feasible to fit some of the Quatrains in any period of history you wish to.

Whomever is writing this is just cashing in on Nostradamus' work .... and it happens regularly.


Hm.m.m.m....thanks for that. I'll admit I didn't know that.

posted on Feb, 9 2020 @ 10:36 PM
a reply to: lostbook

A good book on the coming war. Nostradamus And The Islamic Invasion Of Europe

posted on Feb, 9 2020 @ 10:49 PM
a reply to: lostbook

Whatever you make of this

i have consecrated my nocturnal & prophetical deductions, composed mostly of one natural instinct: accompany of one poetic fury, than by rule of poetry, & the most part composed & accorded to the calculation Astronomic, corresponding to the years, months & weeks of the regions, countries, & of the most part the cities, & puled from all Europe, understanding the Africa, & one part of Asia by the changing of the regions, which are approaching the most part of all these climate, & composed of one natural faction:

That is a literal translation of one paragraph of the letter to King Henry.

To study this you have to be able to understand and translate Provincial French (circa1600) to Modern French and then to English.

Words meant different things then to now. Translations are very difficult but every pundit who knows high school French does it which is why you really can't take any serious notice.

Hitler used the Quatrains extensively in propaganda and produced a lot of absolute rubbish.


edit on 9/2/2020 by pheonix358 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 9 2020 @ 11:43 PM
I had a college history professor who use to give and evening fanfare every Halloween on campus on Nostradamus. Packed house. When people left the auditorium though talk about bummed out. The professor debunked Nostradamus's whole life, to include his relative who took over the operation after Nostradamus died. Looked like a bunch of 5 year olds being told Santa is your parents dummy.

One thing I recall, info moved very slow back then. He however had contacts that would give him the fresh news. He used it to dupe people. By the time they got the official news he was basically saying told ya. There were other things but it's been a while, 20 plus years or so but the professor hit it out the park. He probably wrote a book on it because he was a subject matter expert on Nostradamus.

posted on Feb, 10 2020 @ 09:39 AM
a reply to: lostbook

I've read all the quatraines....what you posted is not in them

They are available online in old French, modern French & English....
edit on 10-2-2020 by manuelram16 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 10 2020 @ 09:47 AM

...“Near a great bridge near a spacious plain the great lion with the Imperial forces will cause a falling outside the austere city. Through fear the gates will be unlocked for him.”

That seriously sounds like a review of a Star Wars Movie, or Lord of The Rings.

Nostradamus never predicted anything - he wrote lots of stuff, and some of it fits after the fact with events that happened.

posted on Feb, 10 2020 @ 02:23 PM
a reply to: lostbook

But you're not using quatrains to back up the predictions. All I see are predictions.

Can you lay out from which quatrain each of those predictions come from?

Lastly.... If it's a Nostradamus prediction... It's bunk. No one can interpret his predictions until they happen and it's not even clear that any of his predictions are legit. It could all just be relative BS.
edit on 10-2-2020 by StallionDuck because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 15 2020 @ 04:39 AM

originally posted by: StallionDuck
a reply to: lostbook

But you're not using quatrains to back up the predictions. All I see are predictions.

Can you lay out from which quatrain each of those predictions come from?

Lastly.... If it's a Nostradamus prediction... It's bunk. No one can interpret his predictions until they happen and it's not even clear that any of his predictions are legit. It could all just be relative BS.

A single quatrain often appears to fit with many different events, for sure.

That's why he wrote the quatrains in groups of four separate quatrains, which perfectly match to one, and only one, specific event. If you only take them as one quatrain, you will never find what they really mean. Or might get lucky about one of them, which would fit other events by itself, and what makes it NOT fit any other event, are the other three quatrains which match the first one, as a group, for a single event, and no other.

My interpretations of the moon landing hoax, in four quatrains, and of 9/11, in four quatrains, are two examples that I've far, anyway.

posted on Mar, 15 2020 @ 04:43 AM
Something which may prove the quatrains beyond doubt, are mentioned in the moon hoax quatrains. The hoax will eventually be discovered, and revealed to the world. But not until 2255, if I am correct in my calculations.

Maybe something else will come to light, before then, but who knows?

posted on Apr, 10 2020 @ 06:07 PM

originally posted by: pheonix358
a reply to: lostbook

Whatever you make of this

That is a literal translation of one paragraph of the letter to King Henry.
Hitler used the Quatrains extensively in propaganda and produced a lot of absolute rubbish.


(Non-Standard Reply, Not Ready)

Epistle to Henry II
It is to a most prudent and most wise Prince that I have dedicated my nocturnal and prophetic calculations, which are composed rather out of a natural instinct, accompanied by a poetic furor, than according to the strict rules of poetry. Most of them have been integrated with astronomical calculations corresponding to the years, months and weeks of the regions, countries and most of the towns and cities of all Europe, including Africa and part of Asia, where most of all these coming events are to transpire. They are composed in a natural manner.

Indeed, someone, who would do well to blow his nose, may reply that the rhythm is as easy as the sense is difficult. That, O Most Humane king, is because most of the prophetic quatrains are so ticklish that there is no making way through them, nor is there any interpreting of them.
(Incomplete Reply) The Wife is of European Descent...The Husband is of African Descent............the Marriage is not Consummated, its an act for the (generations with out sin, the pyramid builders) Angel of the Lord to Perform............exceeding the gospel's law in violating the relationship/covenant for the sons of man under joseph in sin/death..........Near the end of that cycle, creates the death that originates from Asia, and goes from East to West Globally, (follow Earth Ozone Damage, as latent, low yield Mother Earth Response.....the human involvement of additional murder is not a big factor) to the Son of Man Moses, probably in the USA. The Action is Global, until the Son of Man is no longer on planet earth.
(Sons of Man under Joseph in the New Testament, God's specific intent for them to have a family ............... not necessarily related to Polygamy is not apart of your language, in natural sin, as history has been modified ............. is separate topic (for additional information), Nostradamus is Referencing) (Back to Topic) .............. (the President avoiding impeachment, and a crisis shortly after,

C2Q44 The Eagle driven back around the tents
will be chased from there by other birds:
When the noise of cymbals, trumpets and bells
will restore the senses of the senseless lady.

40 Years from Halley's Comet (2021) = 40 Years of Exodus with Moses
41 Years from Halley's Comet (2020) = 41 Years Matthew's Genealogy (NOT NECESSARILY OF "WIVES", of the Wife Covenant for Son's of Man Under Joseph)
42 Years from Halley's Comet (2019) = 42 Years Revelation
"144,000 of Moses" @ Revelation is God's No Controversy Answer. @@@ 41 Years, God gave a Law that he addressed in the New Testament, God used Moses to address that law, God had to address Moses specifically, since he would be here again for that Law.

(12/21/2020 this year ... instead of the parable "42", its "1260 for 2061" halley's comet)
edit on 10-4-2020 by icceivenin because: (no reason given)

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