posted on Feb, 9 2020 @ 07:36 PM
As a few members know, I found ATS while doing some online research for a potential Pen and Paper RPG and just never left. From time to time I have
half an idea for an adventure, or at the very least a good start. Just recently had one and thought I would share, which could have went into any
number of forums. And then I thought, why not allow for contribution by those that would want to participate. As a collective, we might inspire each
other into a story for a sizable module or perhaps even a campaign.
As such everything here is open for use or manipulation for our home groups. Even for those that just read without participating. Genre/world setting
so much as the idea is to write a story, rather than an actual module so things should be fairly malleable whether you are playing Star Wars, D&D,
Rifts, d20 Modern or what have you. So DM notes shouldn’t really focus on system rules/mechanics but could make a reference to a Rogue. Wizard,
Goblin or Orc in either notes or the story itself. That is okay because the reference may be easier to describe a kobald’s den/warren versus a cave
full of Jawas with meandering tunnels or a crack house with secret passages in the walls and between the floors. I have faith that people can read and
adapt just fine to their game.
All that said, format should be italics for author notes, bold text for DM notes and plain text for the story.