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46 Presidents and the astrology of Sirius and Alnilam.

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posted on Feb, 11 2020 @ 04:30 AM
John F. Kennedy was the next President!
John F. Kennedy's Eternal Flame Is in Arlington, Virginia:-
The Flame was consecrated on 15th March 1967, being the IDES OF MARCH, ancient Greek day marker was used at location being sunset of previous day, you can see the sun setting below at 18:09pm.

At the same time Alnilam and Belt of Orion was culminating, someone liked their classical symbolism!

posted on Feb, 11 2020 @ 05:01 AM
So now i bring back parans for Bobby Kenedy's death and relationship with his brother J.F.K.
Bobby Kennedy paran chart for his death is below, using ancient Greek day marker, sunset previous to date. He was assassinated shortly after midnight at 12:15 AM on 5th June 1968 in Los Angeles.

John F Kennedy's astrology chart looks spooky when ancient Greek day start is applied being sunset previous to date!
Although over one degree margin but less than two, it is the same chart as Bobby Kennedy's assassination, Sirius setting with the Sun!

Was he groomed for high office because he had this alignment?
I have an opinion, no need for debate, that the fatal bullet that killed JFK was an accidental shooting by George Hickey, a C.I.A. agent that was in the car behind the president and discharged his gun by accident by slipping which hit JFK in the head.
I feel that the assassination of his brother Bobby does show the signs of conspiracy.

posted on Feb, 11 2020 @ 05:14 AM
The next president was Lyndon B. Johnson, i can not find any alignments regarding his birth:-
Lyndon B. Johnson, died on 22nd January 1973 on his ranch in Stonewall, Texas:-
Using ancient Greek day marker being sunset of previous day, we find as Sun set at location, Sirius was rising, paran graph on attachment:-

posted on Feb, 11 2020 @ 05:54 AM
The next president was Richard Nixon, i can not find any alignments regarding his birth.
I haven't found any alignments for Richard Nixons death, however his empeachment is interesting on the date of 30th July 1974 in Washington D.C. is when all legistature was finished by the Senate regarding making Nixon comply with it's wishes, therefore the end was in sight for empeachment:-
On this day in Washington D.C., Sirius was the Heliacal rising star, graph on attachment:-

Another interesting date regarding the empeachment of Nixon is 24th July 1974, as shown below:-
It does look electional using midnight day marker, Chiron conjunct Asc. Uranus conjunct Desc. and Saturn & Mercury conjunct I.C.
The I.C. is 13* 20' Cancer and Sirius by projected measure is 13* 44' Cancer.
Chart on attachment:-

posted on Feb, 11 2020 @ 06:03 AM
Before the next President, i thought we could look at the birth chart of Lynette Fromme who, at actual time of birth had a Sirius M.C. by paran.
A strange member of the Manson Family Cult that attempted to assassinate Gerald Ford, although there are no alignments for the attempt on 5th September 1975, link below:-
Paran graph on attachment:-

posted on Feb, 11 2020 @ 06:12 AM
a reply to: Astronomer62

So now i bring back parans for Bobby Kenedy's death and relationship with his brother J.F.K.

A little OT, but I love how JFK did a lot of his campaigning door-to-door even though most others eschewed that in the age of TV, radio and other media.

Here he is campaigning door-to-door in West Virginia:

posted on Feb, 11 2020 @ 07:11 AM
Ouch, so many people were so poor in 1960's, i see John didn't want to go up the cracked step, he would have fallen through it!

posted on Feb, 11 2020 @ 09:18 AM
There are no alignments to the birth of Sara Jane Moore, or to the attempted assassination of Gerald Ford on 22nd September 1975.
Link below regarding assassination attempt:-
Gerald Ford was born on 14th July 1913 at 43 minutes past midnight, i have used projected fixed star measure at location of Omaha, Nebraska.
I also used midnight day marker where Sirius is 12* 53' Cancer, the I.C. is 14* 16' Cancer so out of sync of one degree by 23 minutes.
I have included this as Jupiter is within two and a half degrees from the M.C., so would have expanded the Sirius orb.
Astrology graph on attachment:-

posted on Feb, 11 2020 @ 09:27 AM
Jimmy Carter was the next president that was born in Plains, Georgia on 1st October 1924, at 07:00AM links below:-
I have used ancient Egyptian day marker on date and location being Sunrise being at 06:35 AM, while Sirius was culminating at True South, paran graph below on attachment:-

posted on Feb, 11 2020 @ 09:49 AM
I need to write a lot regarding the next President, being Ronald Reagan, his belief in astrology, his governorship of California and his attempted assassination by John Hinckley Junior, it was his family that bank rolled George Bush's (senior) attempt to become president, he lost and become vice-president.
Hinckley's older brother, Scott had a dinner date scheduled at the home of Neil Bush, the vice-president's son, the day after the assassination attempt on Reagan????????
I haven't found any alignments regarding Ronald Reagan's birth:-
Ronald Reagan died on 5th June 2004, in Los Angeles, California, his death was marked at location by ancient Greek day marker, being sunset of previous day when Sirius set with the Sun along the Western horizon:-
Astronomy graph on attachment:-

Information regarding the attempted assassination of Ronald Reagan by John Hinckley Junior is below:-
Ancient Greek day marker applied to 30th March 1981 in Washington DC, making it sunset on 29th March 1981, while Sirius was culminating, Jupiter and Saturn are rising and Sun, Mars and Venus are setting, graph on attachment:-

It is highly likely that Ronald Reagan timed his inauguration as Governor of California to just after midnight on 2nd January 1967 (strange time?) in Sacramento, as at that time Sirius was culminating at True South, link below:-
Graph below:-

Nancy Reagan did have astrologer friends like Joan Quigley, and undoubtedly some presidents have used electional astrology, but a lot of birth and death details aligned to Sirius and Alnilam are not as easily explained!

posted on Feb, 11 2020 @ 10:47 AM
Some astrologers may ask why i look also at day starts being Sunrise, midnight and previous sunset with charts, i do so as it is ancient practice, to give an idea with sunset alignments, i'll give a Florintine Calendar link below:-
How this is done is choosing the date so that either Sirius the Isis Star or Alnilam, Belt of Orion, being the Osiris Star are aligned to the location by one of three day starts, obviously modern midnight, ancient Greek day marker being previous sunset to date, or ancient Egyptian or Roman day start that is sunrise.
For intentional astrology belief, this is called PARANS, but does follow astronomy when you know the rules. Parans use all four angles at location, being due North, South, East and West, and has 3 day starts, so in a year at any location using these 2 stars, the most they can come up by chance is 24 times however by using Summer Time we will lose one date usually for midnight, and usually we can get a double alignment on day at least once at any location, so the most by chance is 22 times out of 365 days!
So you know what the beliefs are regarding aligning the stars to Due North, South, East and West in straight lines from location i have left a link below regarding Parans (shortened):-

edit on 11-2-2020 by Astronomer62 because: Adding info.

posted on Feb, 12 2020 @ 04:01 AM
George H. W. Bush was the next president, i haven't found any alignments regarding his birth or death:-
He was involved in the illegal invasion of Panama that happened on 20th December 1989, the date was marked twice in Panama City, by paran at midnight, Alnilam, Belt of Orion was culminating, and by by ancient Greek day marker, previous sunset, while Alnilam was rising, it does look like electional astrology:-
Paran astronomy graph on attachment:-

posted on Feb, 12 2020 @ 06:10 AM
The Next President was Bill Clinton, astro Databank must have red faces as they posted an astrology chart of his birth that the M.C. or culminating angle is wrong, how this happened i have no idea, it should have been in Gemini but they have it in Cancer???
My accurate chart is below, you will find he has an Alnilam M.C. by projected measure:-

edit on 12-2-2020 by Astronomer62 because: adding link.

posted on Feb, 12 2020 @ 07:14 AM
The Next President was George W. Bush.
When looking at George W. Bush's parans using ancient Egyptian day start being Sunrise, we find Alnilam rising as well on his birthday, the plot thickens.

posted on Feb, 12 2020 @ 07:33 AM
I haven't found any alignments to Barack Obama to his birth, but may show in death.

In the case of Donald Trump, his Sun being at 22* 56' Gemini is closely followed by Alnilam, Belt of Orion and Osiris star at 22* 42' Gemini by projected onto the Ecliptic measure. We could use that measure to look at sunrise or sunset where the alignment by this belief would be rising or setting!

posted on Feb, 13 2020 @ 02:48 AM
a reply to: Astronomer62

I'm still with you... and quite intrigued! I'm very much looking forward to where you're going with this. I don't use fixed stars, so this is new to me.

On a side note, my brother-in-law was born the same day as Trump and also has Leo Rising. My brother-in-law was born on the other side of the country though...

posted on Feb, 13 2020 @ 03:49 AM

originally posted by: Boadicea
a reply to: Astronomer62

I'm still with you... and quite intrigued! I'm very much looking forward to where you're going with this. I don't use fixed stars, so this is new to me.

On a side note, my brother-in-law was born the same day as Trump and also has Leo Rising. My brother-in-law was born on the other side of the country though...

Hi Boadicea,
Parans are far more locational than the projected on to the ecliptic measure that a lot of astrologers use, but parans are the most ancient form of astrology, your brother-in-law would have his Sun conjunct Alnilam.

I have found a very juicy conspiracy regarding rectified birth charts on Astro Data Bank that is very dubious, and i doubt that i will ever trust them again. Astrologers use Astro-Databank and many of the files here regarding presidents have been taken from Lois Rodden
I'm not sure how much i can write today, but astrologers use Astro Data Bank so much! It all leads back to Thomas H. Burgoyne who was a mystic in 19th century who studied hermetic astrology.
Lois M. Rodden was the driving force behind Astro Data Bank, she learned astrology from the Church of Light, connected to Thomas H. Burgoyne, links below:-:-
Before analysis can begin, i'm afraid we need to investigate this, but only births regarding time, not day, these dates are well known but time usaully has been rectified by Lois Rodden, i need to explain this before going further, it does effect a few charts, but not too many. Parans always use sunset, midnight and sunrise anyway.

posted on Feb, 13 2020 @ 04:22 AM
I thought i would start with Roddens rectified chart of Helena Blavatsky, which was the first thing to puzzle me, and the reasons behind it!
If you scroll down to to "Source Notes" you will see Rudhyar wanted to give her a Sirius rising, but that is down to wanting to give her Hermetic meaning, but doesn't make it true!
Lois Rodden has rectified chart to show Alnilam rising at time of birth.
Some think birth happened on the night of 30/31st July, don't get confused as Russia was following the Julian Calendar at the time, so 12 days has to be added to make astrology charts accurate!
Rodden gave Madame Blavatsky a rectified time of birth as 02:17 AM, only because she wanted her to have hermetic meaning with the other star i study, being Alnilam, Belt of Orion and Osiris star!
The time was chosen to have Alnilam rising by paran at location, but this doesn't make it true, and makes the whole chart inccurate, i wish hermetic astrologers and secret brotherhoods would stay out of astrology, it makes things very difficult to study a contaminated chart!
Even childrens books are heavily contaminated with hermetic philosophy:-

Paran Graph above showing Alnilam rising!

edit on 13-2-2020 by Astronomer62 because: Edit.

posted on Feb, 13 2020 @ 05:49 AM
a reply to: Boadicea

We know that Lois M. Rodden rectified her own birth chart as she didn't know the time.....but did she enhance it, make it a more powerful chart?
There are 4 Royal Persian Stars, they are powerful, being Aldebaran, Regulus, Antares and Fomalhaut, which you have on your chart.
It would seem that Lois M. Rodden wanted two persian stars on her chart for the time of birth that was rectified and shows Antares on the M.C. (True South) by paran and Albebaran on the Nadir or I.C. by paran (True North).
Graph below:-

posted on Feb, 13 2020 @ 10:43 AM
Harry S. Truman was a 33 degree mason, the time of his chart is by the "Memory" of Lois Rodden, or was she trying to put a star on the M.C. by projected onto the ecliptic measure.
It would seem she was trying to rectify chart to show Sirius on the M.C.
When Harry Truman was born, the M.C. was 11* 50' Cancer and Sirius was 12*29' Cancer by projected measure, this is comical!
The time given on Franklin D. Rooselvelt birth horoscope is 30th January 1882 at 20:45pm New York. he was a 32nd degree Freemason.
At this time the M.C. would have been 22*08' Gemini, and Alnilam, Belt of Orion and Osiris Star was at 21*50' Gemini by projected measure!
The rating system used by Astro Data Bank is on link below, however if Rodden wasn't completely sure i think she would rectify charts to show powerful stars:-

edit on 13-2-2020 by Astronomer62 because: Edit.

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