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Corona hysteria

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posted on Feb, 7 2020 @ 09:54 PM
a reply to: DustybudzZ

Nothing against the OP as seems on fence in debate, others here,

It would be just as easy to start a thread titled,

"Why are people downplaying dangers of Corona-virus or outright living in denial, are they government stooges? "

It'd be pandering but probably run 10-20 pages.

There are so many things wrong in China right now it begs questioning.

posted on Feb, 7 2020 @ 09:58 PM

originally posted by: Kenzo

Pardon my French, but to me this coronavirus hysteria is getting out of hand.

Last time i checked , it look like that the epicenter is still China, and if i remember right the one dead in Philippines was Chinese.

Are you wanting martial law ? Becouse if everybody get hysterical it may go to that, even without any real pandemic situation.

Have a few beers and calm down .....

My 2 cents

Meh, I think it is being handled pretty mature. Inquiring outside of cyber space and in real life in the Western Hemisphere most are not even paying attention to it. On the Internet and social media, you are getting a mixture of information from within China, brave souls on social media in China, trolls, children, and CCP propaganda. This is going to effect the world economy if you just focus all your attention on social media it’s not informative hysteria on the contrary, it’s chaos.. Reading and listening to most I see fear not hysteria. Complaining about an unknown deadly virus effecting the 2nd biggest economy on the planet, won’t stop it. Sadly it will negatively effect all of us. Most people if they get sick from it will get the sniffles many after a few days may contract pneumonia, other may contract pneumonia and die etc. this happens to thousands all at once. It’s a fact it’s happening in China, and no one on the planet can guarantee it will not happen anywhere else, so ya, there is some hysteria. 🤦‍♂️ It’s well deserved. We are dealing with a technology we did not design, and do not fully understand. And also can effect us as a species in a very negative way in our evolution.

This virus should remind us all we are but specs of dust in this universe we exist, yet do not understand.. sadly this thread sounds a bit ignorant and should be a reminder why we yet do not travel the stars in great space ships colonizing other planets etc.
edit on 7-2-2020 by Bicent because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 8 2020 @ 04:30 AM
Here are some readings , all about pollution and how it effects immune system. I was earlyer thinking that the high pollution in China might suppress peoples immuno system there to the level where they are basically quite sick allready even before this new coronavirus. So when they have any new bugs in China, was it corona or influenza etc their body/immuno system cant necessarily anymore function enough to fix the problem, and as pollution itself has allready caused inflammation and cytokines in lungs....

So this seems to be more related to "host" than pathogen`s the weakened status of host that causes them to not being able to work the issue properly, and the coronavirus was the last could be also influenza virus too. I suspect that in Hubei province there is something unusually high toxic in air or water/food ....that causes immuno system damage so high people there are dieng in masses.

If CCP knows this , they may fear the consequences of people starting to connect the dots...becouse ultimately the goverment CCP is the accountable for letting the situation flip to this current state, while they use every year a lot $$$$ to build Chinas maybe CCP is afraid of escalation inside China ?


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And if this is the reason of high infected numbers & deaths , it means we here outside China are quite safe in most countrys....there are also high polluted areas also outside China too, thought if we look Hubei province numbers, i doubt that there is anywhere so toxic as Hubei .

posted on Feb, 8 2020 @ 05:40 AM

posted on Feb, 8 2020 @ 05:42 AM

originally posted by: all2human
Nobody is doubting that this is Bad, that we are not witnessing a Pandemic on an epic scale

Friend, I can show you several individuals who are absolutely denying this is any sort of pandemic and even saying it's not that bad in the Coronavirus Update 2 thread. I'm not going to break the T&C policy I'm committed to enforce as a member of Staff here by naming names, but take a look through that large thread and you should be able to find them fairly quickly.

posted on Feb, 8 2020 @ 05:52 AM
September 11, 2001... the day illusions of safety were demolished and the innocence of ignorance was lost in North America and, realistically, a lot of the world. September 12, 2001... a LOT of people with open, raw emotional wounds and crippled psyches started carefully reconstructing the falsely safe and Rockwellian world they wanted to believe they still lived in within their brains AND, for too many of them, added safeguards that gatekeep that artificial utopia to shield it from future events that get a little too real for them.

We're seeing a combination of some still raw wounds and the psyche gatekeepers in action right now. It's getting a little too real, so the answer is to lash out at the perceived source of the problem, the possible truth that differs from the official narrative told to us by those who the pretenders HAVE to believe are honest and trustworthy or the whole charade comes tumbling down around them. Dont get mad at these folks, pity them because reality is a bitch and that's a painful thing to realize daily through one's whole life, imagine how excruciating it is to have decades of realization dumped down your neck over the course of a few days or less,

posted on Feb, 8 2020 @ 01:38 PM
I don't see hysteria...
I see a lot of people on social media who post "news" and hope to be the first to have announced it in their circles, or hope it'll give them likes, followers, shares, etc.... I see sensationalists!
I see conspiracy theorists who want to get to the bottom of this on all aspects of it
I see preppers who really just hope this is the one they've been prepping for!
And some who just want to keep their families safe because they know one day a big event will hit them.
I also see a lot of ignorance, I see a lot of people who only believe what the msm is telling them, which isn't much right now so 'all is fine' . I see a lot of ppl who trust their government and believe they will be kept safe, completely ignoring what is happening in China right now, thinking that their own gov would never do that to them.

And especially here in Europe I don't see anything at all because no one is even discussing it in the streets.

Today in our Aldi's, they had 3M ffp2 masks for sale... they were hardly sold

posted on Feb, 8 2020 @ 01:55 PM
a reply to: burdman30ott6

I have no more to add
I wIll be watching these threads with interest.

edit on 8-2-2020 by all2human because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 9 2020 @ 11:25 AM

originally posted by: BrianFlanders

originally posted by: Hecate666
I don't know how this shouldn't cause any concern?

The regular flu is a cause for concern. Blowing it out of proportion is irresponsible, dangerous and unethical.

The "regular flu infects millions per year, but only has a mortality rate of about .1 percent. According to official reports, this one has a morality rate of 2-4 percent.

Our immune systems are pretty good at dealing with the "regular" flu since weve been exposed to it for 100s of years. This coronavirus is novel... similar to the spanish flu (of course with less mortality).

That being said, it's pretty obvious that we're not getting real numbers from China.

If you've been following this since before the first 100 official infections came in, you know how slowly it took for that number to grow.... at first. But it's an almost asymptotic growth now (and that's based on "official" numbers).

posted on Feb, 9 2020 @ 03:54 PM
15 days.

If by Monday February 24th no outbreaks outside of China have been recorded we will know if hysteria is in order.

My personal opinion is given the measures and videos coming out of China this is a serious event.

The actual numbers of infected/dead would be impossible to determine - even with a cooperative government.

There are simply not enough medical resources and admin for that available at the hot spots.

posted on Feb, 9 2020 @ 04:35 PM
Going by statistics that indicate the number of new cases has plateaued I could assume the quarantine measures in place globally are starting to work. Just hope that complacency doesn't result in further breakout hotspots.

posted on Feb, 9 2020 @ 06:18 PM
I believe in china that many infected with the Coronavirus are dieing from what is called a cytokine storm.

The same thing happened in china during the SARS epidemic in 2003 and the bird flu H5N1

cytokine storm can be treated if caught early. we have a new drug called Tocilizumab that is aproved by the FDA to treat cytokine storm.

If they can stop large scale infection numbers in the US for 3 to 6 months doctors in the US can develop a treatment program and the Coronavirus will not be a big problem.

posted on Feb, 9 2020 @ 06:49 PM
What frequency eradicates this type of virus level

Scientists may one day be able to destroy viruses in the same way that opera singers presumably shatter wine glasses. New research mathematically determined the frequencies at which simple viruses could be shaken to death.

"The capsid of a virus is something like the shell of a turtle," said physicist Otto Sankey of Arizona State University. "If the shell can be compromised [by mechanical vibrations], the virus can be inactivated."

Recent experimental evidence has shown that laser pulses tuned to the right frequency can kill certain viruses. However, locating these so-called resonant frequencies is a bit of trial and error.

"Experiments must just try a wide variety of conditions and hope that conditions are found that can lead to success," Sankey told LiveScience.

To expedite this search, Sankey and his student Eric Dykeman have developed a way to calculate the vibrational motion of every atom in a virus shell. From this, they can determine the lowest resonant frequencies.

As an example of their technique, the team modeled the satellite tobacco necrosis virus and found this small virus resonates strongly around 60 Gigahertz (where one Gigahertz is a billion cycles per second), as reported in the Jan. 14 issue of Physical Review Letters.

A virus' death knell

All objects have resonant frequencies at which they naturally oscillate.

posted on Feb, 9 2020 @ 09:25 PM
It's never a very serious situation, until it's a very serious situation. And then it's too late.

While I don't endorse full-on panic, being over-prepared is better than being under prepared. If this is a 5% or so fatality rate, that's incredibly dire for a virus that seems to spread very easily. On surfaces, and in the air as well. Also don't gauge your thoughts on sites like this. Look at local, city, state, country governments. How seriously are they really taking this?

Once we realize this wasn't taken seriously enough, it will be too late. Better to be over prepared and thought foolish, than being under-prepared and dead. China is vastly under-selling this virus.

posted on Feb, 10 2020 @ 10:46 AM
Hope for the best, prepare for the worst. Then expect something in the middle.

posted on Feb, 10 2020 @ 11:03 AM

posted on Feb, 10 2020 @ 11:06 AM
a reply to: Kenzo

the hysterical part is anyone not understanding that all the international actions regarding this virus speak volumes about the potential catastrophic scenario it may imply. unprecedented actions require unprecedented causes.

posted on Feb, 10 2020 @ 01:00 PM
a reply to: Kenzo

Pardon my French, but to me this coronavirus hysteria is getting out of hand.

Still feel that way?

40,000 Coronavirus cases may be the tip of the iceberg as death toll nears 1000

posted on Feb, 10 2020 @ 10:22 PM
There is just one litle thing, which may make it a whole new ball game

You cant go and compare China without taking account what is the real health situation there as a whole, i allready sayed the pollution but fear porn is still very much alive .

Alost 100 million Chinese have Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)

1.6 million people every year, or about 4,400 per day becouse of pollution according to a new study. 4400 die a day


There`s also ozone problem there and other hazard gases in the ground level where people then breathe them.

The Chinese are sick people , and it`s their own fault....1.4 billion makes a lot pollution. So to me it`s not really wonder that the allready sick there start dropping dead with new corona virus...but basically influenza causes same issue with respitary/lungs ...and they have allready polluted inflammatory lungs.

posted on Feb, 10 2020 @ 11:11 PM

originally posted by: MoonMine
15 days.

If by Monday February 24th no outbreaks outside of China have been recorded we will know if hysteria is in order.

My personal opinion is given the measures and videos coming out of China this is a serious event.

The actual numbers of infected/dead would be impossible to determine - even with a cooperative government.

There are simply not enough medical resources and admin for that available at the hot spots.

This only applies if you believe what you are being told.

So many people here say you can't trust the MSM or tptb but then they go and recite "their" news and word as gospel.

We will be lied to. "They" do not want a breakdown of the system. The system however insane it may be, is the only sanity that the masses have.

When the system breaks down, we all break down.

But don't worry daddy government will take good care of you..

Not necessarily talking of the comment you left. But people in general.

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