Bernie Socialism was based on the Chavez model and he was an avowed Marxist, who later formed the United Socialist Party of Venezuela.
This is a shorthand version of what the Venezuela Socialist did in their country.
What gave Venezuela a great economy was the oil industry. Once it was established it was bringing into the country Billions of Dollars. But as in
most free market Capitalist countries people can make it if they want through hard work and determination, If you choose not to you will be and
remain poor. Many of the farmers sent their children to colleges in Venezuela and the US so their Children could get good jobs in the newly enriched
economy of Venezuela.
Chavez won the popular vote with his Socialist agenda of free healthcare, free education and free Housing in 1999 (sound familiar). Chavez had a
great system going as long as the oil prices stayed at the rate of $120 to $150 per barrel. We learned later that Oil was artificially inflated since
the 1980 by OPEC. It was the money from the Oil that funded all the social programs he put in place.
On his death bed in 2013 Chavez picked Maduro to his successor. Maduro Administration did well until Oil prices plummeted. That is when we saw the
Socialist system Chaves set up collapsed and left the people worse off than before the oil industry boomed. Maduro tried to rig the system by
manipulating the currency and freezing it a 10 bolívar fuerte to the dollar to be able to support the socialist programs his predecessor put in
place. This made Maduro, the police, military and politicians rich because they controlled and owned most the stores and they sold everything a very
high artificially inflated price.
Bernie and the Socialist Elites of the left want to model Chaves system here in the States. Bernie has often in the past referred to it being a prime
example of Socialism that works, what he doesn't tell you is that the system was based on the price of oil. The problem is Bernie and the other
Democratic Candidates are vowing to stop oil and fuel production in the US. The reason behind that is so they can get back to the artificially priced
oil and gas so they can tax the oil and use it to support some of the social promises they are making on the trail. The problem is oil is not a stable
industry so taxation on everyone is the only way to pay for all the free stuff they are promising.
If they do follow the Venezuela model fully, not only will the system fail, they will move to rig elections to stay in power, they will move to change
the constitution, remove legitimate branches of Govt and control the supreme court.
This is what the Bernie model of Socialism is based on, a false and manipulated system that will only lead to a total collapse of the US economy,
destroy jobs, destroy industry across the land, and destroy hundreds of millions of peoples retirement, savings and investment accounts. This is the
Democrats design for socialism in the US.
Once again, Socialism has failed in every nation it has been implemented in. Look to the other nations in South America who also tried to follow this
same Socialist Agenda as Bernie and the Democrats are proposing for the US.
edit on 2/5/2020 by ChesterJohn because: (no reason given)