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China completes an emergency coronavirus hospital

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posted on Feb, 2 2020 @ 12:03 PM

China completed building on Sunday a massive, makeshift hospital in Wuhan that will serve as the frontline in battling the coronavirus epidemic, according to a report.

Huoshenshan Hospital was built in less than two weeks to treat patients at the epicenter of the virus that has killed more than 300 people, BBC reported.

The hospital, which has 1,000 beds, started construction Jan. 23 and will begin admitting patients on Monday, according to Chinese state media China Global Television Network.

China completes emergency coronavirus hospital in just days

Images found on imgur.

China is still building another emergency hospital that should be ready to open Wednesday. It is called Leishenshan Hospital and is about 25 miles away from Huoshenshan Hospital.

Did you notice anything about two of the pictures above? It looks like the windows of the hospital are designed to keep people in the hospital. I guess that makes sense. But can't help thinking of FEMA camps.

A little info about the name of the hospital.

Huoshenshan Hospital (Chinese: 火神山医院; pinyin: Huǒshénshān Yīyuàn; literally: 'Mt. God of Fire Hospital')

Wiki - Huoshenshan Hospital

The name "Huoshen" (火神; 'God of Fire') named after Zhurong, an important personage in Chinese mythology and Chinese folk religion who was known as ancestors of the Chu people, and Yan Emperor, a legendary ancient Chinese ruler in pre-dynastic times who was known as ancestors of the Chinese people.

The name is also related to the concept of wood (木) in wuxing (五行), wherein wood begets fire (火). In traditional Chinese medicine, the lung belongs to the metal element (金) which governs the lung (肺). As fire overcomes metal, the name conveys the hope that lung disease caused by 2019-nCoV will eventually be eliminated.

So, lets all hope the wood becomes fire and that the fire overcomes the nasty metal.

posted on Feb, 2 2020 @ 12:30 PM
You could not get the permits to build a hospital in two weeks here. Not even if it was an emergency. I bet if the hospital put a tent up to treat patients in the summer it would take them three weeks to get the permits.

I worked in construction, and on some hospital renovation for three months. A friend of mine was in charge of the hospital job so I went to work for him for about three months, prevailing wage job. It took a week just to get a change order on the cabinets or to get an ok to move an outlet. It sucked when you couldn't just keep going because the architect screwed up and you had three different areas partly done, waiting for a change order...

posted on Feb, 2 2020 @ 12:43 PM
My first thought is where are they going to get the staff?

Pull from already over worked hospitals?

Other countries?

Or just random people with minimal training to try and keep them alive long enough to maybe see a doctor or nurse...

ETA: I think this might be the easiest key to how bad it is... if they are fully staffed with medical professionals its not as bad as we fear, if its not then time to go to the next level of preparation.

Not sure how we could find out the truth considering how locked down china is about information though...
edit on 2-2-2020 by Irishhaf because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 2 2020 @ 12:45 PM
Really amazing how quickly this was built. Wonder what they will do with it when it's not needed anymore?
edit on 2/2/2020 by M4ngo because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 2 2020 @ 12:50 PM
a reply to: LookingAtMars

less than two weeks

Incredible , we'd struggle to build it in less than 2 years even then it would be over budget and unfinished.

Hats off to the Chinese engineers.

edit on 2-2-2020 by gortex because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 2 2020 @ 01:15 PM
a reply to: M4ngo

The hospital is modeled after the Xiaotangshan Hospital, which was built in the suburbs of Beijing in six days for the 2003 SARS pandemic.

Beijing's Xiaotangshan Hospital to reopen

In its 51 days of operation, it treated 680 confirmed SARS patients with only eight deaths, for a mortality rate of less than 1.2 percent – the lowest in the world. None of the 1,383 medical staff was infected.

There was controversy over whether to keep the hospital after the SARS epidemic, as it was built in seven days and many of its facilities were not well established. On April 2, 2010, seven years after the end of SARS, the Beijing Medical Management Authority decided to demolish all the wards of Xiaotangshan Hospital, and in 2012, it was turned into a rehabilitation center.

With the number of coronavirus patients exceeding the total number of SARS patients by January 28, the renovation of Xiaotangshan Hospital shows the determination of the Beijing authority to suppress the epidemic before a full-scale outbreak.

Well they turned that one into a rehabilitation center. Scared to find out what they were rehabilitating.

posted on Feb, 2 2020 @ 01:19 PM
a reply to: Irishhaf

Good question.

In an emergency, especially one like a pandemic, putting your most skilled and experienced staff in the line of fire, increases the likelihood that you will end up with no one to even train any new staff or volunteers.

posted on Feb, 2 2020 @ 01:24 PM
There are reports from several reports (Daily Mail etc) that Thai medics have found a cure for the coronavirus.

The Chinese may have built these hospitals for naught. At great expense.

posted on Feb, 2 2020 @ 01:24 PM

originally posted by: Irishhaf
My first thought is where are they going to get the staff?

Pull from already over worked hospitals?

Other countries?

Or just random people with minimal training to try and keep them alive long enough to maybe see a doctor or nurse...

ETA: I think this might be the easiest key to how bad it is... if they are fully staffed with medical professionals its not as bad as we fear, if its not then time to go to the next level of preparation.

Not sure how we could find out the truth considering how locked down china is about information though...

The Chinese are probably putting people through intense training as to helping care for the people with viruses. They can teach nurses in three months what it takes two years here in America to teach, much of the crap in our education is unnecessary for the field the people are going into. The first three years of college here has little to do with the field you are going into. They do not have all the regulations we have here, requiring degrees to up a class of worker. A nurse there equivalent to a LPN here with a few years of work experience could be quickly trained to do an RN job without going for two years of schooling, maybe two months of intense schooling because of their experience and observations of what the RNs do.

If this hospital is for pandemic cases, they do not have to train everyone there to treat every disease or injury, this is an emergency. In our country, that is not possible to do because our regulations prohibit it. We are in a worse position than them if a lot of our nurses get sick, hospitals will close down here if there is nobody to help, people will be sent home even though there are some good people here who know how to do things.

posted on Feb, 2 2020 @ 01:34 PM

originally posted by: Floridadreamin
There are reports from several reports (Daily Mail etc) that Thai medics have found a cure for the coronavirus.

The Chinese may have built these hospitals for naught. At great expense.

They are doing a mix of a HIV proteinase inhibitor ritinavar/Lopinavir and the tamaflu active chemical. or basically bromelain which can destroy that enzyme viruses make mixed with white pine needle tea. Or maybe just have them eat grapefruit which does both of those things, although I do not know if the proteinase in grapefruit would actually destroy that viral protease or not. I have seen evidence that Pineapple proteases do but not much research was done on grapefruit proteases.

A weeks supply of both of those meds if generic would not be that expensive, maybe a couple of hundred bucks for a treatment here in the USA. I would bet that those HIV meds are way cheaper in many countries than here too.

posted on Feb, 2 2020 @ 01:39 PM
a reply to: Floridadreamin

Thai medics have found a cure for the coronavirus

I do hope so.

I don't think other plans should be put on hold yet. This is not a cure per this Thai Dr.

Cocktail of flu, HIV drugs appears to help fight coronavirus: Thai doctors

"This is not the cure, but the patient's condition has vastly improved. From testing positive for 10 days under our care, after applying this combination of medicine the test result became negative within 48 hours," Dr. Kriangska Atipornwanich, a lung specialist at Rajavithi, told reporters.

"The outlook is good but we still have to do more study to determine that this can be a standard treatment."

Chinese health officials have already been administering the HIV and flu drugs to fight the coronavirus. The use of the three together in a cocktail seemed to improve the treatment, the Thai doctors said.

edit on 2-2-2020 by LookingAtMars because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 2 2020 @ 01:55 PM
This is just for domestic public relations to show how the authorities can do things quick. Sorry for the cynicism, but this is just how the Chinese authorities work.

You have to remember that the Chinese health service is not like a developed healthcare system like in Europe, for example. Building a hospital which will fall to pieces in a year or two, or when the staff are returned from whence they came is a bit of a waste.

posted on Feb, 2 2020 @ 02:11 PM
Now what's the name of that hospital?? Oh yes, concentration camp.

posted on Feb, 2 2020 @ 02:22 PM
Coronavirus: Cement mixers become celebrities in China lockdown

The popularity of this footage has led to the construction vehicles at the Huoshenshan Hospital earning unusual fame.

Cement mixers have found themselves with nicknames like "The Cement King", "Big White Rabbit" and "The White Roller".

A large flat-bed truck carrying construction supplies has affectionately been termed: "Brother Red Bull".

Some of the diggers are given affectionate names based on their colour, such as "Little Yellow" and "Little Blue".

Looks like they have been locked down too long

posted on Feb, 2 2020 @ 02:36 PM
Its a means to an end and will of been designed with a short lifespan bit like how huts were built in WW2.

Its one advantage of their way of doing things that once its decided that something happens it happens fast.

Bet inside will look a right dogs breakfast but its probably better than some of the other places.

posted on Feb, 2 2020 @ 02:55 PM
a reply to: gortex

Oh aye....till it collapses or sets on fire or nothing works or the drainage backs up
Chinese builders aren't exactly known for their health & safety!
Let's not forget all the folk involved in this task were probably told "get it done within 10days or else"
edit on 2-2-2020 by PhyllidaDavenport because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 2 2020 @ 03:20 PM

originally posted by: paraphi
This is just for domestic public relations to show how the authorities can do things quick. Sorry for the cynicism, but this is just how the Chinese authorities work.

You have to remember that the Chinese health service is not like a developed healthcare system like in Europe, for example. Building a hospital which will fall to pieces in a year or two, or when the staff are returned from whence they came is a bit of a waste.

From what standpoint is it a waste? If it helps stem the tide of a growing epidemic and saves lives, is it a waste if it turns to dust when the disease has run its course?

posted on Feb, 2 2020 @ 03:34 PM
Yea I am less cynical, Chinese were on the world's stage here. With the Hong Kong protests, they had to do something. I'd think they would have medical personnel from all over China by now along with military medical doctors. At least this gives them some hope of slowing in down and treating people.

posted on Feb, 2 2020 @ 03:36 PM
a reply to: LookingAtMars
Heck, I'm impressed.
Somewhat reminiscent to Chernobyl. I want to include Fuki too.

Bushido is actually going through with it?
Whether by own hand or another to cross the "pain" threshold is something to be admired?

Right, how am I sure there aren't any bodies buried in the footings? If there are any they died with honor in my book.

edit on (2/2/2020 by loveguy because: first word wasnt right

edit on (2/2/2020 by loveguy because: punctuation underload good grief whats next

posted on Feb, 2 2020 @ 04:01 PM
a reply to: Maxatoria

Bet inside will look a right dogs breakfast but its probably better than some of the other places.

The pics at the imgur link in the OP show some images of the inside of the hospital.

It doesn't look too bad so far, if they are real pics.

I do see some dents here and there.

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