I agree with the vast majority of your ideals.
It is the practical part of getting the laws changed where I see the problem.
1. People form parties etc. independent of the government. I don't see how restricting people from identifying with a party would work. After all,
when I form the CobaltCPD party built around drunken, debaucherous sexscapades how dare you restrict my freedom
jk. My parties line includes
banning all guns....LEGALIZING ARTILLERY AND CHEMICAL WEAPONS, banning abortion, legalizing infanticide, banning gay marriage, also banning straight
marriage, ban people from not smoking. this will be one hell of a party
jk Also all illegal aliens will be legal, but legal aliens will be made
illegal cuz why not?
2. Agreed. It would be nice to see this expanded to Senators, Governors and members of the House of Rep. etc. We just have to get the people voting
for this law to agree to limit their terms....might be difficult.
3. Agree 100%. The issue is practical. How do we get the people in power to pass laws restricting their own powers. Especially given that the courts
no longer "check" power like they used too. (Checks and Balances outta whack in our gov't yo!) Honestly the tight march of the executive branch and
legislative branch has damn near broken checks and balances.
4. I think, but I am not sure, that many private organizations already do this. Also a list of stances is problematic because of insane detail levels
required regarding certain issues. See the CobaltCPD party.
5. How often are votes held? What is the process for nominating an issue for this type of vote? Where are the lines drawn.
6. Agreed. Now if we could get them to vote for a giant pay cut...
7. Alot of private non-government organizations etc. (NGOs) and the press already do this. The quality of their work is a whole other question. Their
technically is an organization within the government that does this already called the GAO I believe.
8. I'm for limiting the powers of the executive branch. However I don't wanna vote on every roll of toilet paper the government needs.
9. Agreed. I like 65 better. Now we gotta get a bunch of power hungry men over 60 to vote on that....
Honestly I agree with you on most of the ideals here. Unfortunately the structures of power and reality don't seem to line up. A fun exercise would be
to come up with some big brain play to get these laws passed as I agree with your ideals quite wholeheartedly.