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Coronavirus may have originated in lab linked to China's biowarfare program

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posted on Jan, 28 2020 @ 03:02 AM
I was researching the coronavirus and noticed certain details, such as the fact that it can be transmitted prior to the onset of symptoms and also, it has a high transference rate of up to 4 or higher - this means that every sick person usually contaminates 4 others. I am not certain on the details, however, it seems as if it is not going to be contained. Also, I believe the outbreak is only a few weeks old. I have been looking at the growth rate, it is obviously exponential.

Here is some actual data on the R value:

Findings: The early outbreak data largely follows the exponential growth. We estimated that the mean R0
ranges from 3.30 (95%CI: 2.73-3.96) to 5.47 (95%CI: 4.16-7.10) associated with 0-fold to 2-fold increase in
the reporting rate. With rising report rate, the mean R0 is likely to be below 5 but above 3.

Preliminary estimation of the basic reproduction number of novel
coronavirus (2019-nCoV) in China, from 2019 to 2020: A data-driven
analysis in the early phase of the outbreak

The 2003 SARS outbreak had an R-value of less than one.

Control of the 2002–2003 severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) outbreak was based on rapid diagnosis coupled with effective patient isolation. We used uncertainty and sensitivity analysis of the basic reproductive number R0 to assess the role that model parameters play in outbreak control. The transmission rate and isolation effectiveness have the largest fractional effect on R0. We estimated the distribution of the reproductive number R0 under perfect isolation conditions. The distribution lies in the interquartile range 0.19–1.08, with a median of 0.49. Even though the median of R0 is 1, even with perfect isolation. This implies the need to simultaneously apply more than one method of control.

Model Parameters and Outbreak Control for SARS

At any rate, while researching the coronavirus, I happened to fall upon the fact that the Chinese happen to run a biowarfare research facility near the same location as the outbreak.

Further research led to this article:

The deadly animal-borne coronavirus spreading globally may have originated in a laboratory in the city of Wuhan linked to China’s covert biological weapons program, said an Israeli biological warfare analyst.

Radio Free Asia last week rebroadcast a Wuhan television report from 2015 showing China’s most advanced virus research laboratory, known the Wuhan Institute of Virology. The laboratory is the only declared site in China capable of working with deadly viruses.

Dany Shoham, a former Israeli military intelligence officer who has studied Chinese biological warfare, said the institute is linked to Beijing’s covert bio-weapons program.

Coronavirus may have originated in lab linked to China's biowarfare program

It is a fact. That research laboratory exists and I heard even specializes in this kind of virus. I believe it is also the only one like that in China. Isn't this way too much of a coincidence?

Think of it this way. If the coronavirus had escaped the lab, would the Chinese admit that? Umm... no. And think of it like this, as well - what are the chances of a virus this potent being released naturally?

Taken altogether, the probabilities seem to point to it originating in the lab. I'm guessing that even if this theory isn't true, it is going to spread throughout the internet sooner or later. Politicians will have to address the issue at some point.

Just to be clear, some people think that it could contaminate up to 90% of the world's population in less than 18 months and afterward, stick around like the common flu as a permanent thing.

We aren't talking about a localized event here. This virus is going to spread throughout all of China rather easily and probably all throughout the U.S. There is no way to contain this one.

It is just rather early at this point, but by Feb. 4th, it is projected to have infected over 100,000 Chinese and it is going to grow from there. There is no reason it will slow down.
edit on 28amTue, 28 Jan 2020 03:17:20 -0600kbamkAmerica/Chicago by darkbake because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 28 2020 @ 03:44 AM
This coronavirus might be a diversion, i would at least keep that option open at this point. The real suspect is to me 5G .

Pathogens and even mold are known to be " activated " with EMF radiation, so one option is also then 1+1 corona+ 5G

5G is weapon, do not underestimate what it can do .

posted on Jan, 28 2020 @ 03:52 AM
I hate to say this because it might sound cruel but if they were intending to make a virus to use against their enemies and it backfired then it would be called instant carma! Just saying.

posted on Jan, 28 2020 @ 03:55 AM
a reply to: darkbake
If it is a bio weapon why don't they incokulate their own population before wiping out the rest of mankind? It would seem like they are shooting themselve in the head so to say?

posted on Jan, 28 2020 @ 04:03 AM
You are American...

Clench your arse cheeks...

Just chill out.

A bloke from Europe.


posted on Jan, 28 2020 @ 04:15 AM

originally posted by: Ljleming45
I hate to say this because it might sound cruel but if they were intending to make a virus to use against their enemies and it backfired then it would be called instant carma! Just saying.

As it spreads from country to country, it's even here now. and if it is spread before symptoms appear, well then, have fun shopping...

posted on Jan, 28 2020 @ 04:16 AM

originally posted by: JON666
a reply to: darkbake
If it is a bio weapon why don't they incokulate their own population before wiping out the rest of mankind? It would seem like they are shooting themselve in the head so to say?

'escaped the lab' is quite different to being released.

posted on Jan, 28 2020 @ 05:27 AM
a reply to: darkbake

Actually if you research a bit deeper and more thoroughly you will come to learn that it was first patented by the British in 2015.

Where the corrupt british government sent it from there who knows.

posted on Jan, 28 2020 @ 07:03 AM
a reply to: darkbake

It is a fact. That research laboratory exists and I heard even specializes in this kind of virus. I believe it is also the only one like that in China. Isn't this way too much of a coincidence?

Think of it this way. If the coronavirus had escaped the lab, would the Chinese admit that? Umm... no. And think of it like this, as well - what are the chances of a virus this potent being released naturally?

Think of it this way...ever buy tools at Harbor Freight??

This should tell you something about China's ability to contain deadly pathogens at their "research laboratory".

posted on Jan, 28 2020 @ 07:10 AM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

Yeah this is what concerns me, the facility was certified internally by the Chinese not by an outside non biased international organization. This is pretty normal though in some nations but there are additional accreditation programs that work internationally.

We mess up here, fired, go to jail, get sick and die.

With the other comments about shedding during incubation, that can happen during periods of infection with diseases. Even HIV is really only contagious when it’s infecting dendritic cells and other cells rather than t-cells, unless you get a deep tissue contamination injury from something contaminated by the virus. They’re just weird like that as they move though our systems and they use different routes of infection.

ETA: Just checked one accreditation organization, nope they were not certified by an outside agency. 2 private research areas in Wuhan are, not the government one. Even Fort Detrick has outside accreditation.

AAALAC International

edit on 28-1-2020 by TheAMEDDDoc because: (no reason given)

edit on 28-1-2020 by TheAMEDDDoc because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 28 2020 @ 07:48 AM
If you’ve had it once you’re immune right?
Until it mutates of course

posted on Jan, 28 2020 @ 08:18 AM
The sequence is available for free with free software to analyze at pubmed.

There are two very strange things about this virus.
One the places that it is different genetically... are COMPLETELY different and never seen in any virus before. Including location where it was squeezed into a former nonsense location.

Second in a lancer study released two days ago... something strange. In a house with 6 family members infected... EACH person had a different mutated copy of the virus ! Mutations at this rate are NOT common in a virus! It’s acting like it has RNA rather than DNA!

posted on Jan, 28 2020 @ 08:25 AM

posted on Jan, 28 2020 @ 08:28 AM
a reply to: BillyJoeeOzark

Coronavirus is an RNA based virus, aren’t they prone to up to 10% error rates during each insertion and copying within each cell within the host. That’s a crap ton of error within one person, possibly. The genetic material doesn’t encode much, just construction stuff, antigens for binding to cells and reproduction material.

posted on Jan, 28 2020 @ 08:40 AM

originally posted by: Kenzo
This coronavirus might be a diversion, i would at least keep that option open at this point. The real suspect is to me 5G .

Pathogens and even mold are known to be " activated " with EMF radiation, so one option is also then 1+1 corona+ 5G

5G is weapon, do not underestimate what it can do .

5G is a weapon?

No offense, but are you daft mate?

And I'm not even a Brit...but it seems like that phrase was invented for times like this.

edit on 1/28/2020 by Riffrafter because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 28 2020 @ 08:40 AM
a reply to: CthruU

Speaking of Britain here`s a video from 10 years ago, the guy in the video is retelling of someone who is supposedly high up in their Military and a Mason, who was at a meeting of 30 other high level officials and he was shocked to hear they were planning world events to depopulate the world by 50%.

So hearsay only.

Listen to what he had to say about China at 5:30 mark though.
This is part 2 of 6 and all I have watched.

posted on Jan, 28 2020 @ 08:41 AM
a reply to: TheAMEDDDoc

I know from husband that private labs will get inspected by pretty much every government regulatory agency they sell to. Life in a private bio-pharma lab is a never-ending round of getting ready for inspection/being inspected. Sometimes they know who's coming and when; sometimes they don't. And the hammer falls hard internally and externally for any slight infraction.

I recall a series of breaches at US government containment labs (live samples sent via mail, etc.) not so long ago. Husband was working QC then and he couldn't believe the things they were getting caught doing. Where he worked, they would have been shut down outright for the same.

Now we have a place not getting inspected by anyone ...

posted on Jan, 28 2020 @ 08:47 AM
a reply to: ketsuko

Lol that’s actually really funny, we just started a huge program tracking samples that can potentially alter genes. Absolute chaos from what I hear because the labs are pushing back on why were regulating it now. As biohacking and availability of genetic material and bacteria become more common, they will regulate even more. You can do CRISPR in your living room if you wanted, Netflix has a new series about it that I want to watch, UnNatural I think it’s called. I highly recommend diagnosis as well with Lisa Sanders on Netflix.

posted on Jan, 28 2020 @ 02:21 PM

originally posted by: Ljleming45
I hate to say this because it might sound cruel but if they were intending to make a virus to use against their enemies and it backfired then it would be called instant carma! Just saying.

True! Unless they wanted to use it on themselves to weed the weak out of their population? But definitely. This is how I imagine karma works!

Ehh... this virus could also help with overpopulation issues in general. It kills the weakest 2%, basically. Unless it mutates, though?
edit on 28pmTue, 28 Jan 2020 14:24:06 -0600kbpmkAmerica/Chicago by darkbake because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 28 2020 @ 03:41 PM
a reply to: TheAMEDDDoc

I tried to dumb it down a little. People here do not know the difference between a non positive producing strand , rna , and retro virus. I believe as with other researchers that the protease section may be very close to HIVs. Hence why anti hiv drugs seem to inexplicably work. We will know in a few days.

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