a reply to:
Well, I have only ever known a life under Fiat. My only knowledge of the way life and society was under the rules of that system are through popular
culture and testimony from others or articles/books. However, my speculation of how it worked then is fairly simple. Either you worked and saved to
own something, or you did not have it.
Eliminating that way of life has essentially placed a burden on subconscious thought of what money is and how it functions for daily life.
Now anyone regardless of education level can just put some numbers in a box on a form or screen, and whala! Whatever you want whenever you want it.
This gives a false perception that money is just "no big deal" in the subconscious thought. The consumer now becomes .ore reckless, and will spend
recklessly. Because for many you g adults, they never understand the actual consequences of the process of borrowing. That connection is not made in
the mind so easily when let's say there is an instant approval for a shopping spree at a new department store. This attack on the psychology of the
human mind is preferable for a submissive obligated indentured servant in a ways.
This process is designed to Target the emotional states and associated chemical releases which continues to reinforce this behavior in a sort of
feedback loop. The consumer perceives that they even own all these things when they do not really. Not until the final payment is made, which for a
few generations now, no longer happens.
With so much to supposedly lose, and dwindling free time due to continuing to have to work longer and harder over time it easily wears down the heart
and mind. This is not targeted to any particular individual but in a general way towards as many as possible. Those who do not practice their critical
thinking continue to accrue a larger debt.
Who can fight the power when they can't even lose a single four hour time slot without disrupting their rent payment, going homeless and throwing
their life in shambles?? The NWO and NNWO and OWO all have the same objective. To simply separate enough citizens from their own confidence and
ambition so that we do not have sufficient numbers to pose an organized threat to disagreements in governance.
Here is another thing I have pined on repeatedly. So many people I have heard say, I am one, insignificant, with no power. But we all have in us a
very powerful weapon that sheds no blood and committs no violence. Your choice to give away your power to the rulers. We already know the finance
system intimately from open source information. The power comes from their ability to multiply their perceived wealth with a small donation from the
laborer, the citizen, the proletariat. If we deposit money in their banks,
we are willfully surrendering our power to them. We voluntarily fill
their coffers with trillions of dollars in fees from electronic funds transfer annually.
None of that money actually exists, because it was never physically produced, and handed over from one to another. They simply followed a mathematical
algorithm on a device and claimed it.
Don't focus on the legislation or other modern technicality of the process, but solely on the behaviors and choices being made. The goal for a free
citizen (relatively speaking) is to make the choice to support a perceived TPTB, or dissent by identifying every avenue in their life where their
actions and choices do not contribute to that power. We know EFT's and most modern deposits of alleged money help them derive their power. However, we
mostly still carry the choice to be the one who contributes that little bit, or refuses to do so. Sometimes that choice can come with mild hardships
known as Inconvenience.
However, up until only the last fifty years or so of human existence, those mild hardships like driving to get a meal instead of having it delivered
or better yet cooking it, saving until you do not have to borrow and be beholden, paying utilities in person, mailing money orders and certified
checks with stamps and even more simple daily things were just called part of life.
Have we all decided we are not alive anymore or have we been tricked into expecting a dream existence is reality?? I don't really know, I just make my
choices and live with them. Even if it takes a little extra time out my day to process. We LL have to slow down, like modern humans I mean. This race
to a synthetic machine existence is odd and I question who or what is the source of this social programming.