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Best summaries of the "New World Order".

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posted on Jan, 27 2020 @ 01:00 AM
Hello. Many topics on these forums I have a strong and deep understanding and can contribute to the discussions. One I'm less knowledgeable regarding is the "New World Order" type conspiracies. I am curious if someone here can point me to some good breakdowns of the different conspiracies that surround New World Orders. I'm particularly interested in this from an international perspective. So If you are in a non-US country please chime in. Thanks Everybody.
edit on 27-1-2020 by CobaltCPD because: Bungled a sentence. Clarified cause it didn't make sense.

posted on Jan, 27 2020 @ 01:47 AM
a reply to: CobaltCPD
Well I will summarize really quick . The old new world order happened post ww2, where America's MIC was just getting it's walking legs after realizing they suddenly controlled like half the Earth's resources and taxable land through its debt slavery system. This all boils down to money after all. After a few years of getting started with the Korean war, they continued on a war path while controlling all the worlds information as well . Somewhere in the seventies, there was blowback. The monetary system was threatened and the old order was suddenly obsoleted in a mass confiscation of the next several generations of the public's wealth by ending gold standard.

This is where the new world order of that time branched off in one direction while an evolution happened in another. New minds, ways of thinking had corrupted our elected and appointed officials as Henry Kissinger helped to open the Chinese markets to our companies with promises of forever dividends. This system was profitable as all hell because it was corrupted. The old world order resided itself to the Western hemisphere and Arab Emirates mostly through its military connections. The new world order at this point is seeking growing partnership with private technology companies seeking to dominate through information control.

This is where the likes of the previous Bush and Clinton dynasties, their circle of co-horts, and the rise of technology companies and their founders began to forge their networks and plans blinded to love of their country by seemingly endless Communist money continuing to flow from China to destroy America. Unfortunately they had no idea the reckoning that was building from the momentum of free information as no central authority can control it anymore with the internet becoming a young adult. Hillary Clinton testifying in committee that we are losing the info war was not humoring Alex Jones. The NWO literally no longer had total control of information to their populations.

Their bagman for the Rothschild's dynasty Mr George Soros fed the civil unrest that was threatening the country initially, and ironically it spawned a counter movement which peaked to a boiling point of life or death for the USA in 2016.

Now in 2020, what we are witnessing is the return of the old new world order. The one initially there from post WW2 to until the moment they thought they killed gold. The current leader would like to work with this one as they are more aligned with American interests, our founding principals, and not to the Communist Chinese as this new NWO had been beholden too. Their duty was to take the money and be unlimited rich while paving the way for China to easily steal the torch of global leadership.

However, they come with their own set of faults that are being addressed as the slimy vermin currently being routed from the opposition party have shown, can be rather dirty. What we now have is a world where the USA is no longer the final say in geo political matters and international finance. It sits at a table in a multi-polar world where countries with money, guns, and balls will go forward with their priorities despite our objections. We see this in Syria, Yemen, Libya Hong Kong and South America where the actual war is between the USA, Russia, China, Turkey, Iran, Arab Emirates and her majesties Commonwealth plus France even though the fighting is happening in other states, states where rival hegemony clash. But really the USA, France and the Commonwealth are like the same entity. The throne however, and for whatever #ing reason I do not know why is in Jerusalem.

I don't know what the future brings, depends on all of our collective choices I suppose. But I know it sure is a helluva time to be alive as far as history goes.

posted on Jan, 27 2020 @ 02:05 AM
a reply to: worldstarcountry

I wanna give a big thank you for that incredible breakdown! That is some good information and detailed which is what I like.

Any advice on where to find information on what you refer to as the "old new world order"?

Big thanks again for your breakdown.

posted on Jan, 27 2020 @ 02:06 AM
a reply to: CobaltCPD

I think that if you study this website you may quickly discover that in general, that the majority of our more vocal members believe that the New World Order sums up like this. Donald Trump is is the current major general of the forces fighting against it .

posted on Jan, 27 2020 @ 02:19 AM
a reply to: TerryMcGuire

Thanks. I'm down to absorb a broad series of views on the topic. I'm trying to find information on the beginnings as we speak, but beyond that are their any major points of contention? Different branches of thought?

Thanks again.

posted on Jan, 27 2020 @ 02:25 AM
a reply to: CobaltCPD
Honestly that was a highly simplified summary that is missing a # ton of context. The old new world order is mostly the old money families of industry and finance, still mostly responsible and in ownership of most of America's food, steel and energy production. They are essentially the majority stake holders in your big agriculture, defense, transportation and mining corporations. All that means is one family owns at least 51%, while the other 49% could easily be sit up between tens of thousands and in some cases millions of shareholders with as little as a tenth of a share in ownership.

These are the same families that set about, through policy and military connections, the cold war against the spread of Communism, which was just a euphemism for payoff the leadership of a country, or pay their replacement to kill them and take over so their companies could be offered preferable market access and even complete private ownership of that states taxable land, resources and industries.

I am only 34, so the names of that era I just don't have as good familiarity with because I was only born in 1985 and have been Immersed in the more recent history a d NWO of my lifetime.

posted on Jan, 27 2020 @ 02:32 AM
a reply to: worldstarcountry

Thanks again. I used to post here in the early mid-2000 so I'm trying to fill in general gaps. I'm familiar with alotta of the bullet points I'm just trying to connect all the dots now. So yeah, I'm really just looking for broad information etc.

My main interest in the old stuff is cause the internet was alot younger back then so the info was simply not available, so yeah, the early stuff I'm trying to find cause the questions have been kicking around in the back of my head for awhile.

posted on Jan, 27 2020 @ 02:38 AM
a reply to: CobaltCPD
Well, just got to investigate who/which company owned the majority, or was the single largest producer of an industry in that time. Up until the seventies, industrial production were calling the shots. After the seventies, they took a back seat to big finance, which is still in charge but is now even competing against big tech for control of directing foreign policy.

Most big pharma was tied to the old money powers, but with the sale of Monsanto, I'm not really certain in what camp big pharma sits.

And let me just say it is very pleasant to see someone who wants to talk about the original conspiracies again and how they continue to tie into today. I feel we will certainly be working together in the near future on shared goals.

posted on Jan, 27 2020 @ 02:45 AM
a reply to: worldstarcountry

Somehow I missed the fact that Monsanto was sold.

*brings out crotchety old man voice*

Back in my day if you were evil you were Monsanto or United Fruit! Damn finance guys watering down our evil with their stupid mergers! /crazyoldmanrant

Also the power of modern "Big Finance" is truly staggering.

posted on Jan, 27 2020 @ 03:22 AM

originally posted by: CobaltCPD
a reply to: worldstarcountry

Somehow I missed the fact that Monsanto was sold.

*brings out crotchety old man voice*

Back in my day if you were evil you were Monsanto or United Fruit! Damn finance guys watering down our evil with their stupid mergers! /crazyoldmanrant

Also the power of modern "Big Finance" is truly staggering.

When I was a kid I had a friend who told us his father worked for United Fruit.

We all thought that was the funniest thing we had ever heard and ribbed him mercilessly for it. When I got a little older and learned more about the truth behind this company, I was astonished.

posted on Jan, 27 2020 @ 03:40 AM

When I was a kid I had a friend who told us his father worked for United Fruit.

We all thought that was the funniest thing we had ever heard and ribbed him mercilessly for it. When I got a little older and learned more about the truth behind this company, I was astonished.

Yeah, United Fruit seems goofy and friendly as just a name, until u learn the full story. Then u gotta pick ur jaw up off the ground when u realize they took it to a level u cant even imagine. It is kinda surreal like a British comedy.

posted on Jan, 27 2020 @ 01:50 PM
a reply to: worldstarcountry

You offer a lot of thoughtful stuff there WSC. May I ask you your thoughts on dumping the gold standard.
Certainly we loosened our dependence on it in the early 30s in order to combat the great depression all allowing the flow of currency into the economy in order to jump start it with work programs and such. This then extended on into the war period.

But to what do you considered to be the driving force of total abandonment in the early 70s. I have wondered that it might have been that ''those in the know'' could see the coming advances in tech, even back then, and understood that the financial limits imposed by the gold standard would not allow the rush of innovation that was being prophesied by the futurists who were looking at rapidly advancing technology. That a more fluid monetary system would be necessary.

I take some of this from the dropping of regulations on corporate taxes as well as corporate mergers and such under Reagan in the 80s in order to bolster corporate strength and the ''trickle down theory''. Continue that with the cancellation
of media regulations in the 90s under Clinton allowing the monopolization of media we see today. All of this thanks to abandoning the gold standard. That's some of my thinking.

posted on Jan, 27 2020 @ 10:09 PM
a reply to: TerryMcGuire
Well, I have only ever known a life under Fiat. My only knowledge of the way life and society was under the rules of that system are through popular culture and testimony from others or articles/books. However, my speculation of how it worked then is fairly simple. Either you worked and saved to own something, or you did not have it.
Eliminating that way of life has essentially placed a burden on subconscious thought of what money is and how it functions for daily life.

Now anyone regardless of education level can just put some numbers in a box on a form or screen, and whala! Whatever you want whenever you want it. This gives a false perception that money is just "no big deal" in the subconscious thought. The consumer now becomes .ore reckless, and will spend recklessly. Because for many you g adults, they never understand the actual consequences of the process of borrowing. That connection is not made in the mind so easily when let's say there is an instant approval for a shopping spree at a new department store. This attack on the psychology of the human mind is preferable for a submissive obligated indentured servant in a ways.

This process is designed to Target the emotional states and associated chemical releases which continues to reinforce this behavior in a sort of feedback loop. The consumer perceives that they even own all these things when they do not really. Not until the final payment is made, which for a few generations now, no longer happens.

With so much to supposedly lose, and dwindling free time due to continuing to have to work longer and harder over time it easily wears down the heart and mind. This is not targeted to any particular individual but in a general way towards as many as possible. Those who do not practice their critical thinking continue to accrue a larger debt.

Who can fight the power when they can't even lose a single four hour time slot without disrupting their rent payment, going homeless and throwing their life in shambles?? The NWO and NNWO and OWO all have the same objective. To simply separate enough citizens from their own confidence and ambition so that we do not have sufficient numbers to pose an organized threat to disagreements in governance.

Here is another thing I have pined on repeatedly. So many people I have heard say, I am one, insignificant, with no power. But we all have in us a very powerful weapon that sheds no blood and committs no violence. Your choice to give away your power to the rulers. We already know the finance system intimately from open source information. The power comes from their ability to multiply their perceived wealth with a small donation from the laborer, the citizen, the proletariat. If we deposit money in their banks, we are willfully surrendering our power to them. We voluntarily fill their coffers with trillions of dollars in fees from electronic funds transfer annually.

None of that money actually exists, because it was never physically produced, and handed over from one to another. They simply followed a mathematical algorithm on a device and claimed it.

Don't focus on the legislation or other modern technicality of the process, but solely on the behaviors and choices being made. The goal for a free citizen (relatively speaking) is to make the choice to support a perceived TPTB, or dissent by identifying every avenue in their life where their actions and choices do not contribute to that power. We know EFT's and most modern deposits of alleged money help them derive their power. However, we mostly still carry the choice to be the one who contributes that little bit, or refuses to do so. Sometimes that choice can come with mild hardships known as Inconvenience.

However, up until only the last fifty years or so of human existence, those mild hardships like driving to get a meal instead of having it delivered or better yet cooking it, saving until you do not have to borrow and be beholden, paying utilities in person, mailing money orders and certified checks with stamps and even more simple daily things were just called part of life.

Have we all decided we are not alive anymore or have we been tricked into expecting a dream existence is reality?? I don't really know, I just make my choices and live with them. Even if it takes a little extra time out my day to process. We LL have to slow down, like modern humans I mean. This race to a synthetic machine existence is odd and I question who or what is the source of this social programming.

posted on Jan, 27 2020 @ 10:17 PM
a reply to: worldstarcountry

Holy # I type a lot when I am drinking. Anyways, I also do my best to be vigilant and find who the current movers and shakers are by following the now semi-public Bilderberg spectacle every year. Pictures, videos, topics discussed are things that we should all be aggressively monitoring. If they already know who we all are, we must know who they are as well.

The 65th Bilderberg Meeting to take place from 1 - 4 June 2017 in Chantilly, Virginia, USA.
Bilderberg 2019 Conference Spotlight and Attendees

posted on Jan, 27 2020 @ 10:52 PM
a reply to: CobaltCPD
Here's a Link to a famous old ATS thread that I think will help with some understand of the old/new world order.

All Roads Lead to Rome

edit on 27-1-2020 by Alchemst7 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 28 2020 @ 12:19 AM
a reply to: Alchemst7

Big thanks. About to devour that link.

posted on Jan, 28 2020 @ 09:19 AM
a reply to: worldstarcountry

Thanks. We seldom get this level of conversation anymore around here, the discussion of how our psychological make up is being radically changed by this fiat economy. Several of the points you make above I have summed up for myself as ''borrowing from our children'' or simply borrowing from the future. Question is is will there even be a future and if there is, will they look back and learn any lessons from having their lives stolen from them be cause it is clear now that that ''borrowing '' really amounts to ''theft''.

And I think you correct in observing the massive change in personal responsibility brought about by such easy access to ''lent debt''. If you default, just wait a week and then borrow more. Fuel that borrowing with a blanket barrage of commercialism feeding the knee jerk ''wants'' of a large portion of society and way to many of us are like ping pong balls being bounced back and forth between ''want creation'' and ''want satisfaction'' for what little satisfaction there is anyway.

And much of the conundrum in which we find ourselves is the fuzzing of the line between wants and needs. This has bee successfully carried out over that last fifty or sixty year period you have highlighted.

posted on Jan, 29 2020 @ 08:31 AM
a reply to: TerryMcGuire

I feel like as long as we can recognize these consequences and teach our kids how to avoid the trap is the best we can do. The system Changes one person at a time.

posted on Jan, 29 2020 @ 12:05 PM
a reply to: worldstarcountry
Yep, that's true ''grass roots''

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