Here's what kills me...isn't it ironic when one of these threads comes up, posters come out of the woodwork to whine about all the political threads,
but yet these SAME posters are nowhere to be found on the plethora of other non-political threads here on ATS???
Can anyone say...HYPOCRISY????
I speak from experience too, as I post many, many, threads about non-political things. In fact, most of my OP's are non-political, but I see
virtually NONE of the people whining on this thread posting on those threads! Okay, so they don't like my OP's (whatever), but I see the same damn
thing on other non-political threads. Further, there are hundreds of OP's here every week about things OTHER than political, but where are these
posters who complain??? **crickets**
Soooooo...I can only draw one conclusion from this; the posters whining really just want to whine about something, to opine about the 'old days' and
to lament they have nothing to offer. That they've been lost in the past. Whhaaaaa!
Secondly, it doesn't take much of a rocket surgeon to see that many of the so called 'conspiracy' theories of old have been debunked so many times
they've worn out the word "debunk". In the modern age of the Interwebz, traditional UFO, bigfoot and so many other conspiracy theories are
scientifically debunked in minutes, not weeks like 15 years ago. CCTV cameras abound, smart phones are everywhere and people are using them! The
conspiracies of old are dead, like a wooden stake through a vampire's heart! Wake Up!! The new "conspiracy" is government!! The new "conspiracies"
ARE politic! AND...those same CCTV cameras, media, smart phones and all other forms of media PROVE it (not debunk it).
So, if you can't get with the times, if you can't accept the the WORLD, then maybe it's YOU who is the problem...and NOT everyone else
Lastly, you want to know what I'm sick of??? I am sick and tired of hearing all the whining posts about ...
"what happened to the old ATS, whaaaa,
it's all politics now!" THAT, is what I'm sick of!
Get with the times, Baby! This IS the new conspiracy!
edit on 1/25/2020 by Flyingclaydisk because: (no reason given)