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Coronavirus isolated from humans - patent - US7220852

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posted on Jan, 25 2020 @ 08:59 PM

originally posted by: CrazeeWorld777
a reply to: IrateCanadian

I really hope this virus wasn't created in a Lab but animals are being blamed instead.

Can you imagine if the Chinese Government came out and said 'Its one of our viruses created in a Lab'. They would never admit to such a thing.

"Created in a lab" has many, many possible pathways but *most* people immediately jump to the "it's a weapon!" roadway, which truthfully is one of the primary reasons there is no honesty or accountability when dealing with governments handling these viruses and subsequent "oopsies" where the disease slips past the goalie. A basic fact here, labs study viruses in large part to develop vaccines and treatments against them. The trouble with viruses is they mutate based off of those same efforts to combat them, producing viral strains that are either more infectious, have more serious impacts, or both. Short of ceasing research into viruses, nothing is going to completely prevent these types of accidents. Now, that's not to say the risks can't be mitigated. A great start to mitigating risks would be not putting the labs in the middle of dense populations of civilians in the first place.

I've said in another thread that I think it is too coincidental that this started in mainland China's only city with a bsl-4 lab. I don't buy the wet market source... but I also don't think China released this pox intentionally on the world. It's possible, but not as likely as it simply getting out of the lab via an accident and China's government scrambling to blame anyone but themselves because they know the "weaponized" accusations would quickly follow any confirmation it came from their lab.
edit on 25-1-2020 by burdman30ott6 because: (no reason given)

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