posted on Mar, 10 2005 @ 03:58 AM
Hey Boondog Here:
I am from Manchester, in fact thats not quite true I live near Disley which is on the Stockport side of things but spend a lot of time in Salford /Old
Trafford (the mighty red's !) and Sale; where I Play and Coach Hockey (it's not for Girl's).
Ive been a member here almost a year - I mostly just read threads, I dont post that often as most posts that i read get wierd and not really my thang!
- Reptile overlords and time travelling people who speak aliens in another relm who carry words of warning for all of mankind?
Lake Vostok - Sub-glacial life forms and how NASA/JPL/Bristol University intend to pierce the Ice Cap.
Rendlesham Forrest Incedent - once spoke top Nick Pope on Talk Radio about this.
Any thing to do with Science and Physics. is my second most hit page after this Site of course
We should organise a meet, discuss - plan a time table for world domination and then go out on the Razz! I can help coordinate such a thing if it was
to be considered.
Anyway I have rambled on enough so i will be signing off, for now!
Best Regards