I could be totally wrong about this theory, but I have gathered a few clues that I'd like to share with you. Might not be true, but then again...
I watched a YouTube clip today, that was posted back in 2016, featuring futurist and author Dr. Peter W. Singer. He was a guest speaker at an AFRL
Inspire event. Dr. Singer wrote the book,
Ghost Fleet; a book on how the next World War could be fought.
At this lecture, Dr. Singer discusses how future wars will be fought in space, as well as in the air and at sea, using high tech weaponry, including
autonomous technology.
At the 2:15 mark in the video below, Singer talks about robotic drones flying "wingman"
alongside fighter jets and their pilots. At the 12:57 mark, he talks about autonomous
military drones that can land and take off from aircraft carriers. Dr. Singer once again mentions autonomous drone weapon systems, as well as stealth
battleships, at the 24:08 mark.
Check out the photo below, showing the USAF Mako combat drone, which can
maneuver at forces that could kill a human pilot. It's powered by a conventional engine, but notice the L-shaped appendage on it's belly? It
reminds me of the two L-shaped appendages that was seen on the "Tic Tac" UFO, as was described by Cmdr. David Fravor.
All this talk about "autonomous" drones, made me think about the USAF Vanguard Program that I read about in an article back in November.
The “Science and Technology Strategy: Strengthening USAF Science and Technology for 2030 and Beyond” document — released in April —
emphasized the development of transformational technologies in the areas of: global persistent awareness; resilient information sharing; rapid,
effective decision-making; complexity, unpredictability and mass; and speed and reach of disruption and lethality.
Under those focus areas are a handful of vanguard programs that could yield revolutionary capabilities, said Gen. Arnold Bunch
Jr., commander of Air Force Materiel Command.
Back in April 2019, AFRL Commander, Major General William Cooley, talks about the Air Force Science and Technology Strategy. He mentions the
Vanguard Programs at the 6:19 mark in the video clip shown below.
The technologies that the Major General lists, doesn't specifically mention drone-type aircraft, but it does refer to technologies of
"unpredictability and mass; and speed and reach of disruption and lethality."
Could Major General William Cooley be referring to the "demonstrations and experimentation" that had already been performed in a "relevant
environment," back in November 2004, when the "Tic Tac" UFO was first sighted?
Was Major General William Cooley "fired" four days ago, because he mistakenly leaked too much information on a highly advanced, USAF "black" project
back in April 2019?
The head of the Air Force Research Lab at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, is under investigation after misconduct allegations were
made against him and has been removed from his position.
Gen. Arnold Bunch, head of Air Force Materiel Command, relieved Maj. Gen. William Cooley from his post Wednesday "due to a loss of confidence in
his ability to lead," the command said in a release, adding that the move is related to the ongoing investigation.
As most of us already know, the USS Nimitz "Tic Tac" UFO encounter happened in November 2004, about 100 miles off the coast of San Diego, near San
Clemente Island.
Chad Underwood, the pilot of the F/A-18 Super Hornet that recorded the "Tic Tac” UFO, even mentions about test projects from Edwards AFB, in an
interview back in December 2019.
The interesting thing was, normally, if you see something out in the middle of the ocean that’s a test project, we would get debriefed on
it, one-on-one, in a dark room. Whether it’s from the folks at Edwards test site or something like that. “Hey, yes, we were testing a project.
This is what you saw.” Without going into great detail, it will be like, “Yes. This is project ‘Umptysquat’” and, basically, “This is what
you saw. Don’t talk about it.” That never happened, which leads me to think that it was not a government project
Was this a preplanned drill that was agreed upon between the USAF and US Navy, to see how military personnel would respond to this type of technology?
Was this a "demonstration in a relevant environment" that Major General William Cooley talked about in the 2019 video clip?
edit on
1/19/2020 by shawmanfromny because: (no reason given)
Well if the "Tic Tac" was a USAF drone they have somewhat rewritten the manual on thermodynamics given the acrobatics and flight characteristics the
thing seemingly performed.
Most of this can be achieved with a minimum number of new discoveries / inventions.
Neutering gravity is just an advanced material science. We have the tech to pull it off, all we need is the primary discovery.
Reaction-less Drive is another that changes everything all by itself. Imagine a fighter that can lurk underwater or travel into orbit.
One more is needed and that is energy production. The reaction-less Drive still needs power but lately, DJT has been talking about abundant energy
just around the corner which would indicate that that one is solved.
This is not that far in front of where we think we are today.
not saying the capabilities witnessed here are necessarily beyond the scope of human accomplishment, but a jump of that magnitude in one go? yeah not
gonna happen sorry. we would at the very least see partial applications of the concepts behind it as we scaled up our understanding.
What you're talking about is like if the Wright brothers came right out with an F22 or whatever on their first flight.
Only even more so, because at least you can study birds and the ways they use lift and thrust and so on, there's nothing in our world to derive
instanteous acceleration and so on.
Whatever we see or think we see in public view they have tech 25 or more years ahead in Black projects. Maybe some they had 20 yrs ago and we're just
starting to see signs of it coming to light... drip, drip, mixed with disinfo to keep us guessing. I'm betting we'll see alot more given Trump's Space
Force is now funded.
I agree that the idea of humans being able to reverse engineer an alien craft, would be like giving Galileo a cell phone and telling him to "reverse
engineer" it.
However, I'm smart enough not to totally discount anything, until it's proven to be 100% false. You have to remember that secret, black op
technologies that the DOD and Military possess, are probably 20 to 50 years ahead of consumer technology.
i'm perfectly willing to believe black projects are more advanced than anything available in civilian spheres, but not to that degree. We've seen, for
example, various spy planes coming out into public and they've all been far better than anything civilian but not exactly on another paradigm entirely
in this sort of vein.
tl;dr i believe the military is selfish and inward facing and quite evil, but i don't believe they're capable of superhuman feats of either brainpower
or secrecy.
originally posted by: continuousThunder
i'm gonna rate this implausible to laughable.
not saying the capabilities witnessed here are necessarily beyond the scope of human accomplishment, but a jump of that magnitude in one go? yeah not
gonna happen sorry. we would at the very least see partial applications of the concepts behind it as we scaled up our understanding.
What you're talking about is like if the Wright brothers came right out with an F22 or whatever on their first flight.
Only even more so, because at least you can study birds and the ways they use lift and thrust and so on, there's nothing in our world to derive
instanteous acceleration and so on.
I agree with this 100 percent.
Funny when we finally get some decent footage of an alien craft the naysayers claim it to be secret human black projects.
The problem with this is that we have been seeing these things and taking pictures of these things since at least the mid 1940s....you know, before
even the micro processor was invented.
There is no way you could convince me that we have antigravity, anti-inertia unmanned self flying drones that could fly at 10,000 plus miles per hour,
literally turn on a dime at that speed with no fins or wings and no visible means of propulsion today....let alone in the 1940's.
I swear one of these could land on some people's front lawn and out walk a little gray alien and they would still remain unconvinced....
I think that it is very plausible.
My brother and I have discussed this also, It Belonging to U.S.
He is a retired Navy guy that was Stationed in that Area. Admits to Seeing Lots of Cool Things that He Still Cant talk about.
Your post really put the Pieces together.
Thanks for the hard work and links! Bedtime Reading :
So what about all the other ones that people have seen and taken pictures of since the 1940s? Do you suppose we invented antigravity, anti-inertia
self flying machines that could fly 10,000 plus MPH back in the 1940s?
Right. You see, he is comparing an L shaped appendage located on a real picture of one of our drones to a supposed appendage on a fake picture....and
then claiming that there is possibly a connection....a connection to a fake picture?
I don't think we have the technology still to do what these things do. Biggest issue - propulsion. That's huge - the biggest hurdle to next level
flight. You go from jet propulsion to.. what exactly? You can't just take that leap.. drone jet propulsion to something that literally no country has
done, or at least has proof of doing. A single angled bit off an aircraft doesn't mean much unfortunately.
Also I still firmly don't believe that our military would test black projects live, against human pilots and troops. What is the point? Why risk very
expensive tech and human lives? There are testing grounds for these sorts of things, far away from prying eyes, and risk. Also keep in mind they saw a
swarm of these things. Were they really testing swarms of these drones? I doubt it.