a reply to:
This is why I have an issue with the "If you're doing nothing wrong, you have nothing to fear." way of thinking.
It's simply that such systems are open to abuse. People can, will and have used such things to make people a criminal if it suits them and they're
You have to be 110% sure a service is secure and protected from abuse. Like how facebook originally was selling peoples data, photos etc to companies,
then people were seeing their faces showing up on 'meet singles in your area' ads and more, making FB billions in the process.
We need to protect the naive too. Sad fact is much of this kind of thing exists and happens because the majority of the people using these platforms
are completely clueless about what they are actually signing up for.
They don't read the TOS, The EULA's etc. Technically it is on them to do so but the fact is people are 'TL;DR' and don't want to wade through 30 pages
of terms to find the single sentence buried in the document that says by clicking 'agree' they've just sold their first born child.
The majority of folks want simple. Click a button or two and be done. Even reading a single paragraph ToS is too much work for them.
The companies know this too and this is why it happens.
Need to close the loop holes. Things should be 'opt in' by default not 'opt out'. And government and proper regulation is the way to do it.
People complaining to government, actually making the effort is why you can now easily get a copy of and download all the information companies like
Facebook have on you. People might laugh at European nations and places like Australia and how we do things, but we tend to look after our citizens
and their rights as 'consumers'.
I quote 'consumers', as many who use facebook just don't realise they're not customers, they're not the user, they are the product being sold.
So the only solution is educate people who don't want to be educated or let the government take care of it like we pay them to do.
But the government will only do something about it if we tell them it's a problem.
People complain these days about how something sucks, and the government sucks for not doing their job. Cannot make them see it's because of
complaining officially to the government or relevant authorities they just get on Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, ATS, and such and to whine and bitch.
Government isn't your facebook friend, they don't subscribe to Paul Joseph Watsons Yioutube channel.
If you want them to change the laws or shut down companies that not in the tax paying public best interest. If you want your privacy back you have to
get off your ass and meet them in person, and write emails and letters. Make your feelings very clear to them.
Get others to join you and help. Go to the media.
This is why you hear nothing but SJW, Antifa, Left/Right, Politically correct from a overly vocal minority of humans.
Because as I've said before around here, SQUEAKY WHEEL GETS THE GREASE.
Get off the net and go direct your anger, frustration or disappointment where it needs to be directed people.
This tech is a double edged sword. Misused it's a potentially bad authoritarian tool and abuse against peoples rights to privacy. Used correctly it
could help reduce REAL crime as long as it is only used to investigate crimes and not to monitor people 24/7 because 'every ones a potential
I mean there are plenty of stories out there of young NSA/CIA types going through the everyday American's photos looking for nudes just for sh*ts and
giggles. Hardly what one would say is using the tech for fighting terrorism.
But it happens because we allow it to. That simple. Billions of us, thousands of them.
If we all stood up and together and said "Hey we don't want this technology" and won't take no for an answer, it would not be an issue.
But we won't. The same way we keep electing the same idiots over and over instead of telling the lot of them to piss off.
Just blows my mind this species will make wonderful scientific tools, then find ways to make life worse instead of better with it.
Why aren't we better than this?
I'll never understand most humans need to screw each other over instead of getting along and doing right by each other.
Somethings gotta change. But it won't until we make it change.
edit on 24-1-2020 by AtomicKangaroo because: (no reason given)