Another thread sparked my interest in sharing this story. For the sake of not derailing that thread, I decided it deserved its own discussion. Not to
mention the fact that, ATS is a little short on these bad boys the last few days. 😄
The title speaks for itself. So let’s get to the details.
This was 10 years ago this month. I was at a shamanistic retreat. The purpose for the retreat is healing. The ceremonies are performed on both nights,
of the two night ordeal. This event transpired on the second nights ceremony.
The ceremonies Always take place after dark. In a very dark room, only lit with one candlelight. At the beginning, the shaman blesses each individual,
through different methods. The second part of the ceremony is when he begins performing incantations (harmonic chanting).
Keep in mind, you are told not to speak during the ceremony. You cannot break the incantations. If you speak, you whisper. And you are only are able
to speak to the shaman or a facilitator (usually one or two people). You cannot carry convo with someone next to you.
In this particular experience. There were 20 of us that were at the event. In a room in a cabin that was about 30 x 20 feet. In the middle of nowhere,
in the high desert. Everyone, along with the shaman, are seated or laying down. The shaman is always seated criss cross apple sauce.
Additionally, the shaman uses tools of sorts, for this healing journey. One of those being Mapacho tobacco cigars. That are always kept lit during the
ceremonies. We will see the purpose of this later.
To the meat shall we! So.... we are about 2.5 hours in, of a 6 hour ceremony. The shaman is seated and very softly, singing his incantations. The room
is silent otherwise. Only the flicker of one candle producing any light. Everyone is in somewhat of a trance as it being 2+ hours into the
All of the sudden, the Shaman shoots up from his seat (No one is supposed to move this fast in a ceremony, you do not want to disrupt others. Yet here
is the shaman doing it himself) with his Mapacho cigar in hand.
The shaman B-lines to a 65 year old man sitting 5 people in front of him to his right. He brings the cigar to his mouth and sucks in an enormous
amount of smoke. Then he expels the smoke in massive calculated breaths on the man. He repeated this action 4-5 times.
Then, he quietly goes and sits back down, restarting his incantations, as if nothing had happened.
Within literally 3 minutes of that, one of the only two facilitators (whom had taken part in hundreds of ceremonies and was the person that organized
the entire event), whom was also sitting directly to the right of the shaman, started Screaming and freaking out. “Get away from me” she was
screaming. Over and over. The shaman (whom was sitting 1 foot from her) ever so calmly, just kept repeating to her “It’s okay“, and said other
mild thing to calm her down, that I can’t remember 10 years later. It was very subtle.
This episode lasted about 20 minutes. With the facilitator calming and then re-igniting on and off. The Shaman finally brought the facilitator in
front of him and did a personal incantation included with Mapacho tobacco for her. It finally ended.... or did it?
Within 10 minutes of that, I personally had moved on from the experience. Immersed in the ceremony and incantations. Laying down on my back, just
looking at the ceiling.
All the sudden, I see a very dark black mass hover over me near the ceiling (about 8 feet high). It has a very large mid section, with short stumpy
arms and legs. As well as a head, that was also blacked out.
This was not my first ceremony. I educated myself on what could transpire. So I did mantras and rituals of my own, before the ceremony even began, for
the sake of protection from negative spirits. So as this ‘thing’ is hovering over me, I felt no fear. Yet, I could feel it’s disgusting
consciousness AND physically see it with my freaking eyes open!
Without speaking out loud, in my head telepathically, I said to the spirit “identify yourself”. Immediately, the blacked out head turned into the
most menacing demon type face (I hate using biblical terms) you could imagine.
My instant response back to the entity was “You’re not welcome here, leave”. Right as I project that response, the entity starts gradually
hovering away. Then floated out of the building.
I never saw or felt anything that made me believe the entity hung around after that. The shaman healed another afflicted soul. We ended the ceremony.
Then sang next to the fire sharing our tales of the experience until 5 am.
I’ll never forget that night. Spirits are real. Unfortunately, many that affect our realm, are terrible beings.
edit on 14-1-2020 by KKLOCO
because: (no reason given)