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I Don't Know What to Do

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posted on Jan, 14 2020 @ 12:56 PM
Sleep apnea ?

posted on Jan, 14 2020 @ 01:48 PM
I'm afraid Jesus too is likely a fictional concept created by the Roman's to gaslight the Jews as they were expecting their messiah at the time. As I've said, humanity's co-creative conciousness gives the Jesus power. So in essence, it is not Jesus that they fear but the power of your unwavering faith in him. Faith, is what protects you. Not what you have faith in.

As for "feeding the bears" I honestly haven't dabbled in the occult for some time. I suppose I had been in a low place for some time though nothing seems to happen during those times. It's when I make a concerted effort to pull myself out that they show up to pull me back down...

Yes they feed on fear. Though if they can't get that out of you they find other devious methods. In my case: Sleep deprivation. The most debilitating of all. For me anyway.

I have practiced astral projection actually around the time of the ouija board incidents. I nearly achieved it one night, felt absolutely euphoric like I was going super saiyans then I heard a power surge and thought "you did it! You did it! Open your eyes you're out!". I opened my eyes then heard the power surge back on. All the clocks were flashing in my apartment... Almost as if my experience caused the power to go out for about 3 seconds.

I've been seeking a shaman for some time though those I've found aren't interested in seeing me or aren't currently practicing.

posted on Jan, 14 2020 @ 02:11 PM
a reply to: EndofSaturn
There are distinct passages in the Bible that address participating in witchcraft and sorcery. You really f##### up playing around with all of the supernatural occult practices you mention.
The next episode you experience, if you can bring it forward while experiencing these unconscious demonic intrusions, Tell these entities, "get thee behind me Satan" and persist in saying that. They come to you in a dream and you have to expel them in your dream.

PS: Demons are Satan's foot soldiers but only Jesus Christ has the full authority over them to cast them out.
edit on 14-1-2020 by CharlesT because: (no reason given)

edit on 14-1-2020 by CharlesT because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 14 2020 @ 02:24 PM
According to Hasbro, players take turns asking questions and then "wait to see what the planchette spells out" for them.
It is recommended for players over the age of eight

You should play cluedo or monopoly instead.

posted on Jan, 14 2020 @ 02:25 PM
a reply to: EndofSaturn

Popular culture tends to point to alcoholism and drug abuse as solutions to drowning out stimuli from otherworldly entities. Try keeping some moonshine around and have two to three good gulps before bed. Maybe try some medication like C20H25N3O also if you can, it tends to restore balance to the brain after a single use .

posted on Jan, 14 2020 @ 02:38 PM
a reply to: EndofSaturn

I've had life long experience with shadow people- not sure if that is what you're experiencing but probably close enough for my advice. These beings feed off of energy, especially negative energy. I have found that the key is to starve them out. Keep your fear and anxiety to a minimum, don't acknowledge them, ignore them, don't speak about them. Stuff in your house moves around? Ignore it! Something dark and menacing walking across the room? Ignore it! Waking up to strange noises or creepy feelings in the night? Ignore it and take a sleeping pill. The less energy you give the less energy they have to bother you.

posted on Jan, 14 2020 @ 02:41 PM
What kinds of technology is near you when you sleep?

Do you sleep near a device connected to WiFi or 5g (or even 4, 3g)? Smart tv in your room? Etc?

Is there a pattern to when you wake up? Same timeframe?

The sleep apnea thing is a possibility, but just to offer some kind of random insight from a stranger that may or may not be relevant, I have become aware of an increase in disturbances like this in people who normally do not have disturbances. It seems that whatever is occurring transcends the differences amongst people. Increasing sleep apnea? What could cause that?

I’m leaning toward it being tech related myself.

I could be wrong, but I didn’t see it mentioned, and it’s something to think about.

I sincerely hope that you find some relief, either way.

posted on Jan, 14 2020 @ 02:48 PM
glad that I am a Taurus, year-of-rat, element & branch is wood/Earth

I get 'grounded' very easily with Nature,,, surf fishing, barefoot hikes, taking naps in the bright sunlight...
try stuff like gardening/ soil mixing, bush pruning in a swim-suit in summer, getting charged up with nature works

dwelling on woo-woo is a shortcut path to psychosis
take it from a maintained Schizo, w/o RXs

posted on Jan, 14 2020 @ 02:53 PM
a reply to: EndofSaturn

Remember the story of Rumpelstiltskin?

Take it if it's worth anything to ya'.

Also you may want to cut down on compound carbohydrates in your diet, or increase them.

The thoughts you decide to entertain are your own.
Give it a name and invalidate it from your memory.

Hope that helps!

posted on Jan, 14 2020 @ 03:51 PM
a reply to: EndofSaturn

A TRUE shaman, can expel these entities. I’ve personally witnessed it on multiple occasions. I was fortunate enough to do the sessions with an incredibly well known shaman.

Where do you live?


Additionally, do you have any items in your house that these entities could be clinging to? Antiques, anything related to the occult, ect.

The venerated Shaman I know, lives in upstate New York now. He does travel around though. He won’t come to your house (too busy for that). But you can come see him. PM me, I’m pretty sure I know how to help you.
edit on 14-1-2020 by KKLOCO because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 14 2020 @ 05:08 PM
a reply to: EndofSaturn

Originally posted by EndofSaturn
As for my past experiences, it will take a long time to explain everything as it goes back well into my early childhood and even my family.

This looks like something much deeper, especially if it’s been affecting you since your younger days and your family…

Originally posted by EndofSaturn
I will tell my full story of what I have experienced throughout my life at some point in another thread.

That would be a great idea; it would be good to get a bit more background info as this clearly isn’t just some isolated incident...

As for Advice…the best thing I can think of is to try and remove any fear. So whether it’s something physical, psychological or some negative entity that’s causing the problem...keeping yourself relaxed and in a positive mindset is an important thing to do…

Listening to music is a good way to relax…ideally something soothing and uplifting...

- JC

posted on Jan, 14 2020 @ 06:06 PM
it sounds like you are having the beginning of an astral projection maybe. I've be astral projecting for years, and hundreds of times i've felt things you are describing.

Is it like sleep paralysis you are feeling and then waking up out of it scared?

posted on Jan, 14 2020 @ 10:02 PM
I posted this in another thread but it is definitely the most relevant story I have, and it also occurred when I was getting deep into occult stuff. I had this entity that I thought was helping me into the next stages of consciousness - similar to what you were trying to do with the astral projection. One day when the entity made its presence known (auditory noises and feelings in my heart), I simply asked it "Do you know Jesus"? I heard it coughing for about 5 seconds and then I never felt it or heard from it again.

It works. Jesus is the King of the Spirit/Mental world.

posted on Jan, 14 2020 @ 11:56 PM
Didn’t even bother to read...

There is no Jesus... there is no hell...

But you are accountable for your actions. It is not instant karma... but it also kinda is!! (Weird how Universe is!!)

But also... we are cut out of knowing. So don’t take it personally!

posted on Jan, 15 2020 @ 05:00 AM
While I can’t comment on the occult aspect of it, this really sounds like something I suffered from a few years ago.

I had thyroid cancer and my first symptoms were adrenaline fueled panic attacks and disassociation. At night, they were the worst; I was jolted awake and felt like I was attacked and frightened. This was worse before I knew what was happening, of course. Hyperthyroidism causes your mind and body to race. I saw zombies in the mirror and my face melting. After having surgery, those symptoms went away immediately. I’ve been cancer free for 4 years and I’ve never felt better. But, those adrenaline attacks nearly ruined my life.

posted on Jan, 15 2020 @ 10:11 AM
a reply to: Malraux

Yes I've seen many shadow people over the years since the board. Many different shapes. I'll wake up in the middle of the night to them standing over my bed. Haven't seen one for a while. Though something else happened last night.

I got up to use the washroom. When I came back I laid down and was just thinking about random stuff. I heard a crack across the room near the foot of my bed almost like the sound of the house shifting. Though when I shifted my eyes towards it this little black thing about the size of a golf ball whizzed past my ceiling fan. I rarely have any visual experiences when I'm wide awake. I wasn't alarmed; more fascinated than anything. No weird attacks this time luckily.

As for technology I keep my 4g phone next to my bed as it plays water sounds to help me sleep but I keep it in airplane mode. Also my home is situated in a near perfect dead zone so I need to use wifi calling in order to use my phone.

KKLOCO, Thank you. I'll send you a message.

As for it affecting my family, it's not the same thing. They lived in multiple haunted houses with high activity. The thing around me was brought on by my own actions years ago. At least I'm pretty sure.

No it's not sleep paralysis. I wake up for no reason and will feel like something just rushed at me, sending my heart into fight or flight causing me to scramble to turn the lamp on. Then it takes a while for the adrenaline to subside. Sometimes it happens multiple times right before I doze off.

Jesus... I hope I'm not getting thyroid cancer. I do feel a bit of pain in my neck under my jaw from time to time...

posted on Jan, 15 2020 @ 09:24 PM
such a liar. a reply to: EndofSaturn

edit on 15-1-2020 by DaveLaUrA because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 16 2020 @ 10:14 AM

originally posted by: midicon
a reply to: EndofSaturn

Sounds like you are suffering from an over active imagination and panic attacks. Perhaps some counselling to deal with the anxiety and dropping all the Ouija board nonsense would help. Try and find some new interests that don't involve the supernatural and grow up!

Exactly... I'd start with some Lithium Orotate...

posted on Jan, 16 2020 @ 12:35 PM

originally posted by: GeauxHomeYoureDrunk
a reply to: EndofSaturn

I've had life long experience with shadow people- not sure if that is what you're experiencing but probably close enough for my advice. These beings feed off of energy, especially negative energy. I have found that the key is to starve them out. Keep your fear and anxiety to a minimum, don't acknowledge them, ignore them, don't speak about them. Stuff in your house moves around? Ignore it! Something dark and menacing walking across the room? Ignore it! Waking up to strange noises or creepy feelings in the night? Ignore it and take a sleeping pill. The less energy you give the less energy they have to bother you.

Yes I was thinking something on similar lines. Prana energies can become imbalanced through negative thinking which can quickly esculate down a slippery slope. Stop embracing negativity. Slowly breath positive energy into you body and feel it empower you.

posted on Jan, 16 2020 @ 04:25 PM
a reply to: EndofSaturn

It sounds like some of what you are experiencing is called Sleep Paralysis. I know it can be terrifying.
It seems to me that there really is "something there" sometimes, not just a case of anxiety. If you look into other peoples experiences with Sleep Paralysis you will see many common details repeated.

I wish you best of luck


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