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Fears Of Sanders Win Growing Among Democratic Establishment

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posted on Jan, 8 2020 @ 09:38 AM
"DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) — Increasingly alarmed that Bernie Sanders could become their party's presidential nominee, establishment-minded Democrats are warning primary voters that the self-described democratic socialist would struggle to defeat President Donald Trump and hurt the party's chances in premier House, Senate and governors' races."

Fears Of Sanders Win Growing Among Democratic Establishment

I disagree with this sentiment. I don't think the Democrats can win by being Republican Lite. Go BIG or go home is what I say!

posted on Jan, 8 2020 @ 09:39 AM

originally posted by: dfnj2015
I disagree with this sentiment. I don't think the Democrats can win by being Republican Lite. Go BIG or go home is what I say!

I 100% agree with their assessment. Most Americans are centrist and not far left or right wing wacknuts.

posted on Jan, 8 2020 @ 09:44 AM
I used to like Bernie, but he has gone too far left now. The Democrats should be worried that they do not have a sane candidate running for president, Bernie is probably the sanest of the bunch even with his problems. I think Bernie should give up, his health is not that great anymore. I do not think anyone should even be considering Biden, apparently he is close to as corrupt as Hillary was.

+7 more 
posted on Jan, 8 2020 @ 09:47 AM

originally posted by: rickymouse
I used to like Bernie, but he has gone too far left now.

Now? Him being a lifelong socialist wasn't enough prior to this?

posted on Jan, 8 2020 @ 09:50 AM
I like communists, I think they are great.

posted on Jan, 8 2020 @ 09:56 AM
I'm certain when Bernie show his tax plan, and how much money will be ripped out of pay stubs it will go over with loud applause. Probably carry him off the debate stage like Rudy.

posted on Jan, 8 2020 @ 09:59 AM

originally posted by: AugustusMasonicus

originally posted by: rickymouse
I used to like Bernie, but he has gone too far left now.

Now? Him being a lifelong socialist wasn't enough prior to this?

Before he was socialist, but now he is saying he is going to push change, that could get ugly if the far left progressives start protesting to force their agenda on Congress.

posted on Jan, 8 2020 @ 10:18 AM
a reply to: dfnj2015

I will never want a person to run my country that never held a job until 40, especially when that job is/was a government job.

Sounds like Dems arent 100% foolish

posted on Jan, 8 2020 @ 10:22 AM
Why would anyone vote for Sanders?
He will be 79 at the time of the election.

I would never vote for someone that I didn't feel could go two terms and Sanders is way to old.

posted on Jan, 8 2020 @ 10:28 AM

originally posted by: rickymouse
Before he was socialist, but now he is saying he is going to push change, that could get ugly if the far left progressives start protesting to force their agenda on Congress.

He is and always has been a far-left Progressive.

posted on Jan, 8 2020 @ 10:32 AM
a reply to: dfnj2015

I still think trump won because the bernie bros switched sides after the dnc shut him down. A protest vote.

If their smart the dnc will get out of his way this time.

posted on Jan, 8 2020 @ 10:41 AM
I hope the Dems go they will lose big. Po

a reply to: dfnj2015

posted on Jan, 8 2020 @ 10:47 AM
a reply to: dfnj2015

Funny how these champagne/limousine socialists will accept donations from billionaires like Tom Steyer (I'm talking about AOC in this case), but then talk about how the billionaires are the problem and advocating for wealth re-distribution.

Funny how Bernie Sanders' and the likes want to advocate for Medicare for All, yet have not ever had to experience such a medical system (lucky for Bernie after his somewhat recent heart attack as well).

HILARIOUS to me how so many millennials and anti-Capitalism proponents want to advocate for socialist policies, but have not studied the effects of such political systems in history (or choose to deny, or simply say "that wasn't real socialism")

Bernie Sanders would ruin the free markets in many industries if his policies went into effect. He and his camp do not propose economically FEASIBLE solutions, just promises of handouts that they could not back up.

posted on Jan, 8 2020 @ 10:49 AM

originally posted by: scraedtosleep
a reply to: dfnj2015

I still think trump won because the bernie bros switched sides after the dnc shut him down. A protest vote.

If their smart the dnc will get out of his way this time.

Ha ha! Yeah, all the snowflake leftists voted for "literally Hitler" because the dnc hurt their feelings.


posted on Jan, 8 2020 @ 10:57 AM
Well, I've just had the odds in and it's evens that a certain Ms Clinton will jump in at the last minute.

posted on Jan, 8 2020 @ 11:28 AM
Democrats shouldn’t be afraid of the person they duly elect in their primary. Rigging their primary is what killed them in 2016. The Dems should try being more democratic and accept the results of their constituency.

posted on Jan, 8 2020 @ 11:28 AM

originally posted by: lakenheath24
I hope the Dems go they will lose big. Po
a reply to: dfnj2015

I'm alright with Dems losing big this way. I'd rather have a clear alternative to the 30 years of right wing madness we've had.

posted on Jan, 8 2020 @ 11:36 AM
a reply to: dfnj2015

I switched from R to D in 16 to vote for Bernie. To a large degree that was to vote against the Clinton Machine.
This year as I have not switched back to R, I will not vote for Bernie. I don't think he will accept the nomination. I think he is smart enough to understand that he would have a hard time beating Trump.

We know that in 16 he ended up giving full support to Clinton, this I think was his sense that Trump was a major threat to the nation. I don't think this has changed. To him, Trump must be defeated and that he is not the one to do it. I see him once again, somewhere down the line, endorsing another candidate who he believes can and will win the votes of enough centerests of both parties to put Trump out of office. I watch for him to endorse Gabbard, likely in or around the time of the convention.

posted on Jan, 8 2020 @ 11:42 AM

originally posted by: dfnj2015

originally posted by: lakenheath24
I hope the Dems go they will lose big. Po
a reply to: dfnj2015

I'm alright with Dems losing big this way. I'd rather have a clear alternative to the 30 years of right wing madness we've had.

Obama was right wIng?

posted on Jan, 8 2020 @ 11:43 AM

originally posted by: dfnj2015
"DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) — Increasingly alarmed that Bernie Sanders could become their party's presidential nominee, establishment-minded Democrats are warning primary voters that the self-described democratic socialist would struggle to defeat President Donald Trump and hurt the party's chances in premier House, Senate and governors' races."

Fears Of Sanders Win Growing Among Democratic Establishment

I disagree with this sentiment. I don't think the Democrats can win by being Republican Lite. Go BIG or go home is what I say!

In 2016, I was a union electrician, most of my brothers and sisters would talk about Senator Sanders....when by themselves and myself, they confided that they were voting for President Trump. Now, they are blatantly saying they are voting for President Trump....he has got the economy going so well that there is more work than members to do it.

I say go Senator Sanders, the GOP will crush him.

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