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posted on Jan, 10 2020 @ 04:39 AM

originally posted by: MamaJ
a reply to: WanderingMrM
There is a collective body of Christ and then there is a collective body of Anti Christ. You can tell who they are by their fruit by their consciousness. One will have the Christ consciousness of love and life and of course you will notice who are in the body of the Anti Christ will be all about their love for death and destruction of life.
His body will rise and the darkness will be overcome by the light.

Maybe Christ consciousness or salvation through Christ is an individual thing, a breaking away from the collective consciousness.

If technology keeps people distracted we will lose the willpower to fight and break free from technology merging with human consciousness and be in a heap of trouble.

I now think I was mistaken when saying we are surrendering our free-will but its more we lose the will to fight if we keep surrendering our minds to the distractions of this world.

I don't know much and am here to learn so I can make the final breakthrough but it seems to me that there are those who play the middle to keep the balance and they dont desire for every soul to really be free. So if these kind of people get personal on here that is ok. I have an eternal amount of fight left in me, and God will have the final say.

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