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Cheep tests for being secretly microchipped

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posted on Jan, 4 2020 @ 01:44 PM
The rumors of people being unwillingly microchipped are nothing new. It is what started the tin foil hats to help shield from the effects of secretive ET and government forces. With this technology now many decades old since it first started and 5G emerging for full spectrum dominance, what is really going on?

Dr. Katherine Horton is one at the forefront with the legal battles currently going on. She has spent the past few years going through the courts, building witnesses of other claimants and gathering expert evidence. Her case is against MI5, MI6 and GCHQ with NATO and USA involvement for genocide and crimes against humanity through the use of targeted, directed energy weapons.

Katherine has suffered a great deal of discomfort, pain and torture being subject to directed EM fields and has amassed a large body of scientific evidence to support her claims over the years. From her investigations into this abuse, she has discovered being unwillingly microchipped and puts it down to her time studying at Cambridge when the implants too place.

While some of the tests for microchips can get expensive with bug trackers and other imaging techniques, there are two test currently available that are relatively cheep to perform. The first test is with an ultraviolet torch and looking at the pupils of the eye. If a light green color shows up it means the back of the retina has been microchipped and sees everything you do.

The second test is using a small Neodymium magnet and slowly checking your body with it. The polarity of the magnet does make a difference so flip it around the other way if not finding anything. When the magnet is directly over one of the chips it will hold in place and you will notice a small force on the magnet. This only works with microchips that are close to the skin.

If you do perform these test and find something you are not alone. Katherine's latest video does outline her latest experience at the high court. She is still continuing to fight and is worth looking into to make some sense of it all. There are grave concerns for all of humanity if this technology and capability is left unchecked.

Court Hearing Report! (Stop007)

posted on Jan, 4 2020 @ 01:53 PM
Personally I always go for the anal probe and genetic harvesting!

posted on Jan, 4 2020 @ 01:55 PM
a reply to: kwakakev

Just put yourself in a big microwave for a minute.

Problem solved, problem staying solved.

posted on Jan, 4 2020 @ 01:57 PM
a reply to: kwakakev

Didn't watch the video but if there are chips I would think they wouldn't be magnetic just because why? and MRI would rip them out. Right?

Cool though either way.

Just thought any chip that is suppose to be secretive would blend in somehow to avoid detection.

posted on Jan, 4 2020 @ 02:26 PM
a reply to: watchandwait410

Didn't watch the video but if there are chips I would think they wouldn't be magnetic just because why? and MRI would rip them out. Right?

I don't know. If the chip was made out of metal and MRI machine would rip it out of your head. These chips have a magnetic polarity, so only one side of the magnet it attracted while the other side is repulsed. I don't know what effect this would have in an MRI.

I do know I am getting a magnetic sticking to my head in the same spots Dr Horton is. Hmmm...

posted on Jan, 4 2020 @ 02:26 PM
double post
edit on 4-1-2020 by kwakakev because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 4 2020 @ 02:29 PM
Believe me. When they get to the point to where they are ready to start forcing people to take chips and so forth, they're not going to need to sneak and do it. You will know they're doing it and they will not give you a choice. Just like you practically cannot live without a smartphone (and it's getting harder and harder to do all the time).

The real "conspiracies" in these types of things are baby steps. Most people completely miss that one thing leads to another and step one is the step before step two and step 1,000 is connected directly to every other step before it (and often was the intended destination all along). People live day by day. Most people don't look back to 1987 (or whatever random year) and ask themselves if someone had a clearcut idea of what they wanted to accomplish all along.

At any rate, the public is so soft at this point that TPTB can do pretty much anything and people will hardly notice or care. They don't have to be sneaky. Or, I should say that they don't need to be stealthy any more than it takes to plant a seed and count on the guy who saw them plant it will forget all about it in a week. So in 20 years when there's a tree that is generating some kind of conflict, no one is going to ask who planted that tree. They're going to be stuck in the present (the present that exists in the future when it's not a seed anymore).

edit on 4-1-2020 by BrianFlanders because: (no reason given)

edit on 4-1-2020 by BrianFlanders because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 4 2020 @ 02:36 PM
a reply to: kwakakev

UV rays may lead to macular degeneration, a leading cause of vision loss. UV rays, especially UV-B rays, may also cause some kinds of cataracts. A cataract is a clouding of the eye's natural lens.

posted on Jan, 4 2020 @ 03:41 PM

originally posted by: kwakakev
a reply to: watchandwait410

Didn't watch the video but if there are chips I would think they wouldn't be magnetic just because why? and MRI would rip them out. Right?

I don't know. If the chip was made out of metal and MRI machine would rip it out of your head. These chips have a magnetic polarity, so only one side of the magnet it attracted while the other side is repulsed. I don't know what effect this would have in an MRI.

I do know I am getting a magnetic sticking to my head in the same spots Dr Horton is. Hmmm...

Getting ready for an MRI on my legs and lower back walking down the ramp, MRI tech asks

” any metal in your body?”

ME: “no, not that I know of”

TECH: “do you know if you have
Any implants?”looking up at me briefly

ME: “you mean like, alien implants?”a bit shocked I asked “have you found any during MRI?!”looking at her as we walked.

TECH: (looking up a bit but not directly at me with look of, ‘I can’t say yes or no’ and an awkward silence followed.

posted on Jan, 4 2020 @ 06:22 PM

originally posted by: BrianFlanders
Believe me. When they get to the point to where they are ready to start forcing people to take chips and so forth, they're not going to need to sneak and do it. You will know they're doing it and they will not give you a choice. Just like you practically cannot live without a smartphone (and it's getting harder and harder to do all the time).

The real "conspiracies" in these types of things are baby steps. Most people completely miss that one thing leads to another and step one is the step before step two and step 1,000 is connected directly to every other step before it (and often was the intended destination all along). People live day by day. Most people don't look back to 1987 (or whatever random year) and ask themselves if someone had a clearcut idea of what they wanted to accomplish all along.

At any rate, the public is so soft at this point that TPTB can do pretty much anything and people will hardly notice or care. They don't have to be sneaky. Or, I should say that they don't need to be stealthy any more than it takes to plant a seed and count on the guy who saw them plant it will forget all about it in a week. So in 20 years when there's a tree that is generating some kind of conflict, no one is going to ask who planted that tree. They're going to be stuck in the present (the present that exists in the future when it's not a seed anymore).

Exactly! Slow-boiling the frog kinda thing.

But there is always hope ... A star from me.

posted on Jan, 4 2020 @ 08:19 PM
Well, I went and got a UV light and found a small green fluorescent circle sitting in the middle of the pupils. It looks to be about 3-4 mm behind the surface of the eye. Had a look around the internet for what this is about. Not everyone has it and becomes more common with age. It is due to a build up of fluorescent compounds is the best explanation found outside of this thread.

First-Aid for Victims

In reviewing some of the details put together by Dr. Katherine Horton, not all implants will be detected by an MRI due to some masking techniques. A Xray is the preferred method for picking up implants in the head.

With the green eyes in a UV or black light, sounds like there could be 10's millions people affected, if not more. Some reports in the UFO and ET literature do support these conclusions. Maybe there are different conditions and causes for the green eyes?

The magnet sticking to different spots on the body is a strange one. I can gently feel the attractive and repulsive forces as moving the magnet around. The forces are strong enough to hold the magnet when in the right spot. I am just like WTF on this one. This is the kind of thing I never expected to see, let along experience when waking up this morning. Does this mean I am part cyborg? I don't know.

posted on Jan, 4 2020 @ 11:43 PM
I ran one of these over the back of my neck and I blacked out for an hour then woke up in a pile of falafel speaking Farsi.

Does that mean anything?

posted on Jan, 5 2020 @ 01:32 AM
a reply to: underwerks

Sounds like a very vivid dream to wake up to your food talking to you. Audio and visual hallucinations are a potential side effect when someone or something starts putting advanced technology in your head.

posted on Jan, 6 2020 @ 03:02 AM
Why Do Magnets Stick To This Woman?

In this 8 min interview Sid Goldberg speaks with Kate, who also has magnets sticking to certain parts of the body and demonstrates this. Kate does attribute this to an abduction experience by the gray aliens. Upon realizing this magnetic anomaly it did give her some relief as verification of the abduction(s).

Sid Goldberg also talks about anther case in which an x-ray was taken and a change in density was found as these magnetic sites in the body. An extraction of the object was performed and had the appearance of a metallic object. Upon initial testing there where no metallic compounds found.

There is a common trend with the locations of the magnetic areas on the body: forehead, nose, neck, behind ear, lower back.

posted on Jan, 6 2020 @ 10:16 PM
There is a very simple way to detect both magnetic and technological devices implanted, and, you probably already own the required device.

Most modern smart phones (Apple/Samsung/ etc.) contain a component known as a "magnetometer". This device, with an appropriate App can detect any magnetic material, ,or, anything generating a magnetic field, such as technology.

This sensor also operates on 3 axis so; it could also be used to track UFO's (as it were), again with an appropriate App.

posted on Feb, 1 2020 @ 03:07 AM

originally posted by: BrianFlanders
Believe me. When they get to the point to where they are ready to start forcing people to take chips and so forth, they're not going to need to sneak and do it. You will know they're doing it and they will not give you a choice. Just like you practically cannot live without a smartphone (and it's getting harder and harder to do all the time).

The real "conspiracies" in these types of things are baby steps. Most people completely miss that one thing leads to another and step one is the step before step two and step 1,000 is connected directly to every other step before it (and often was the intended destination all along). People live day by day. Most people don't look back to 1987 (or whatever random year) and ask themselves if someone had a clearcut idea of what they wanted to accomplish all along.

At any rate, the public is so soft at this point that TPTB can do pretty much anything and people will hardly notice or care. They don't have to be sneaky. Or, I should say that they don't need to be stealthy any more than it takes to plant a seed and count on the guy who saw them plant it will forget all about it in a week. So in 20 years when there's a tree that is generating some kind of conflict, no one is going to ask who planted that tree. They're going to be stuck in the present (the present that exists in the future when it's not a seed anymore).

But the chip won't need to be forced on people. It will be like smartphones, which people want to have, nobody forces them to have one. But everyone has one, because they choose to have one, for various reasons.

Everyone will want to get chipped, for various reasons, also.

But the difference will be that you HAVE to get chipped, and if you refuse, you are a criminal, and will go to prison for your crime, or perhaps be killed, as an outlaw!

The chip will brand everyone on Earth, as 'cattle'.

And round up the rogue cattle, who aren't yet branded, and they have one more chance - a choice between prison/death, or getting the chip, and live in 'freedom', once again!

'Freedom' will be having the chip, for sure.

Money is already chipped, on our credit/debit cards. We don't carry cash anymore, or much less than before. It's not a big step for people getting money from personal chips, eventually, and if you have a credit card chip, you'll pay much less interest than non-chipped credit cards... it's your choice!

Many more benefits are possible with chip implants, of course, perhaps car/home insurance costs less if you're chipped.

A chip identifies you are NOT a terrorist, so you better get one, to be safe.... from Homeland Security!

It is almost endless, really.

If you think it's bad now, it's a picnic compared to what lies ahead in the future.....sad, indeed.

posted on Feb, 1 2020 @ 03:16 AM
a reply to: kwakakev

So she has a chip in her forehead, and one in her nose?

Where exactly is the one in her forehead? Like there’s skin, skull, goopy brain stuff, brain. Unless they’ve drilled into her skull, you can’t hide a chip there, unless it’s ridiculously thin and small. And if there’s one there, why another one in her nose?

posted on Feb, 1 2020 @ 03:51 AM
Chips less than 0.3 mm thickness wouldn't be detected under a forehead....if one was to be implanted, that is.

As for the specific issue you are referring to, I simply haven't looked into it, sorry to say.
edit on 1-2-2020 by turbonium1 because: (no reason given)


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