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J.K. Rowling Is Taking Heat From the LGBT Left. The Reason Should Concern Us All.

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posted on Jan, 7 2020 @ 07:42 AM
a reply to: Bluntone22

Nah X Class solar flare, once we take out the internet the trolls and village idiots will go back to living under bridges
in their villages unable to connect with each other , it will all collapse

posted on Jan, 7 2020 @ 07:44 AM
a reply to: dfnj2015

So intersex is just a black hole in medical biology is it ?

or is intersex actual reality that we have documented and explained , I think its the latter
and you are wrong, there are more than two sexes

posted on Jan, 7 2020 @ 07:50 AM

originally posted by: sapien82
a reply to: dfnj2015

So intersex is just a black hole in medical biology is it ?

or is intersex actual reality that we have documented and explained , I think its the latter
and you are wrong, there are more than two sexes

No, there are 2 sexes. And there are a host of medical deformities such as hermaphrodism. And then there are a host of mental disorders. Among humans, that is. We aren't talking about frogs and nematodes.

There is nothing wrong with having maladies and malformations. But the fact is...they are rare and represent a diagnosis. You don't diagnose a healthy specimen. You diagnose disorders.

posted on Jan, 7 2020 @ 08:07 AM
Let me tell you, as someone who really doesn't like having a "group identity" i get no shortage of entertainment at the marvel of groupthink.

The same group that accuses conservatives for not accepting global warming and accuses them of science denial also denies science with this whole sex/gender thing.

it makes me kind of sad that psychology (a pseudo science that is tasked with doing no harm, and therefore must find a way to accept whatever it takes to prevent psychological stress) is held up as "science", when its a liberal art rife with p-hacking scandals in its research.

posted on Jan, 7 2020 @ 08:17 AM
a reply to: sapien82

Might as well classify every chromosomal defect and abormality as a different species of human then if we're calling every re-arrangement of sex chromosome as an entirely different sex even though they're just a defect or abnormality that don't normally happen.

I would also point out that in many cases, these individuals are not the ones who are the activists themselves. Instead, their medical conditions are being used as a shield for the rest who are otherwise chromosomally normal to hide behind.

posted on Jan, 7 2020 @ 08:30 AM

originally posted by: MonkeyFishFrog
Let's not forget that there are people that exist on this planet (and forum) that are intersex. Legitimately destroys the male/female binary discourse right out of the water.

Except that it doesn't.

Intersex people quite simply are people who suffer from a birth defect, nothing more, nothing less.

They should be treated as just that - regular people who happen to have a birth defect. They should not be demonized or dehumanized - but at the same time, and more importantly to this conversation, not politicized to push a radical insane agenda to destroy the entire culture of humanity.

posted on Jan, 7 2020 @ 08:41 AM
a reply to: tanstaafl

There are people who are born with 6 fingers on each hand. That isn't a new type of human. Its a human with a genetic deviation. Of course, if there is natural selection pressure to have that deviation begin to gain a foothold within our species it would be an evolution.

With sex, there isn't much pressure from natural selection as by nature creating off spring to hand off genetic material is difficult.

When the discussion was about validation of worth, i fully supported it. All humans have worth, all humans are worthy (based on their own actions). As you mention, the political pressure is where that support ceases. One would think that discrimination laws would allow for the outliers. Rather than creating new legislation requiring the needless addition of bathrooms to accommodate, etc. Most places I work with, for example, have just started having multiple single use, unisex restrooms. It allows privacy, and whomever needs to use it can feel free to do so with feeling out of place or ostracized. A bit more expensive on the buildout side, but it seems to be a reasonable accommodation that has multiple benefits beyond accommodating.

posted on Jan, 7 2020 @ 08:44 AM
a reply to: bigfatfurrytexan

according to the medical community intersex is still a classification of the sex of a person
if they are born with that birth defect . They are neither male or female in the classical sense
so they are intersex , which is neither male or female meaning we have a third classification.

posted on Jan, 7 2020 @ 08:51 AM
a reply to: ketsuko

in a paper I posted a while back it states that due to the Ca2+ homeostasis system there are the same number of genders as there are humans on earth

2 sexes multiple genders - how to explain

and because of this there is no need to categorise genders as they are all equal
the same as it would be for these genders we see from LGBT
there is no need to specify or categorise

we are all human , no need for all the identity parade and politics
we all belong to the largest majority group we know of
yet somehow we are all still divided

that is more crazy , than believing some people feel like they are the opposite sex from which they are born

we are so happy and eager to see our differences in some form of 1 up man (person) ship , yet ignore our similarities

edit on 7-1-2020 by sapien82 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 7 2020 @ 08:58 AM
a reply to: sapien82

How about two biological sexes, and a bunch of individuals?

posted on Jan, 7 2020 @ 09:01 AM

originally posted by: bigfatfurrytexan
a reply to: tanstaafl
One would think that discrimination laws would allow for the outliers. Rather than creating new legislation requiring the needless addition of bathrooms to accommodate, etc. Most places I work with, for example, have just started having multiple single use, unisex restrooms. It allows privacy, and whomever needs to use it can feel free to do so with feeling out of place or ostracized. A bit more expensive on the buildout side, but it seems to be a reasonable accommodation that has multiple benefits beyond accommodating.

Yeah, if I ran a brick and mortar business that is precisely what I would have done - actually, even without a law requiring it, because it just kind of makes sense to me.

posted on Jan, 7 2020 @ 09:02 AM
a reply to: sapien82

Its a defect that is diagnosed.

In your link below, the title of the paper is: Only two sex forms but multiple gender variants: How to explain?

Only 2 sex forms. That is the evidence you have brought to bear on this discussion.

It goes on to say:

Are sex and gender interchangeable terms? In classical biology, both are sometimes but not always used on an equal basis for some groups of animals. However, for our own species the Homo sapiens, they are not.

You know why homo sapiens are excluded from biological classifications in this way? Because psychologist have an edict of doing no harm, and it is less harmful to make people feel validated by creating convoluted language. Its solely because of our self awareness.

This has nothing to do with supremacy or anything like you are trying to assert. It matters. If you are a doctor trying to diagnose someones ailment, treatment and diagnostics rely on your sex. Its a real world measurement.

posted on Jan, 7 2020 @ 09:07 AM

originally posted by: sapien82
a reply to: bigfatfurrytexan
They are neither male or female in the classical sense so they are intersex , which is neither male or female meaning we have a third classification.

Fine... that third classification being 'person with birth defect involving sexual organs/genetics'.

Personally, I think it is obvious when you really look at the big picture, that the increase of these birth defects is due to the incredible number of chemicals, many of which are endocrine disruptors, that we are all exposed to on a daily basis, in our food, water, and even innocent seeming things in our environment like thermal paper receipts like you get from almost any store you might buy something from.

posted on Jan, 7 2020 @ 09:56 AM
a reply to: tanstaafl

during my studies on the physiotoxicology part when learning about birth defects the majority of the big ones are all a result of human interaction with man made waste

wouldnt surprise me in the slightest if these are somehow the result of our own interference with our biology

posted on Jan, 7 2020 @ 10:08 AM
a reply to: bigfatfurrytexan

I wasnt referencing that in order to imply supremacy , I was using it to state that , there is absolutely no point in categorising them as they are equal anyway and it seems like a waste of ones time to classify 7.6 billion genders

I am of the position that our equalities and our differences can be resolved by the simple fact we are all human.
and therefore it is an exercise in futility to use biology to create division among our species

posted on Jan, 7 2020 @ 10:34 AM

originally posted by: sapien82
a reply to: bigfatfurrytexan

I wasnt referencing that in order to imply supremacy , I was using it to state that , there is absolutely no point in categorising them as they are equal anyway and it seems like a waste of ones time to classify 7.6 billion genders

I am of the position that our equalities and our differences can be resolved by the simple fact we are all human.
and therefore it is an exercise in futility to use biology to create division among our species

As a doctor, diagnostics and treatment depend on sex. When trying to unravel human cultural progression, understanding roles of humans by sex allows a clearer picture. There are myriad reasons why sex matters, and why we bother to classify it. As we see with current events and the world of matters.

Not that it should matter in how people are treated. But to ignore the differences is fool hardy.

posted on Jan, 7 2020 @ 10:58 AM
Next trip shopping look for something different than Womens or Mens department. Take as long as you want.

posted on Jan, 7 2020 @ 12:06 PM
a reply to: bigfatfurrytexan

its our differences that make us unique in the population and its our differences which we should celebrate not ignore just as we celebrate our equality and similarities , yet somehow we have used our differences to divide each other.

which is just madness and absolute ignorance in my opinion.

Going back to the OP , we have some how came to a point where society no longer is happy with the classical scientific definitions of human populations. Its like we are blending peoples feelings of their identity as objective biological evidence which is different from say someone who acutally has a birth defect and is intersex and its causing more division by those who adhere to the classical definitions due to the their world view of objective empirical evidence and those who adhere to the view that their biology which is a subjective state of consciousness should be regarded as obective to all.

However those who simply identify as various genders dont exhibit the same behaviours as those who have gender dysmorphia where their brains have been show to reflect the brains of their desired sex as opposed to their natal sex.
So it seems there are people who dont have any gender based biological phenomenon affects who will identify as different sex or gender , then people who identify as their natal sex and those who do suffer a gender based biological phenomenon.

These lines are being mixed and crossed and its a minefield of confusion for people with so many words and descriptions and politics its a mish mash of everything really and its becoming convoluted for me at least.
I follow the science because It shows me whats going on, where as the human cultural part of it is far more confusing with all these groups and it is so easy to cause offense when discussing these subjects due to the social stigma attached for those who suffer.

after reading a lot of those journals on gender dysphoria i realise that there is definitely something going on with their biology which is completely different from someone who doesnt suffer gender dysphoria and they simply choose to identify whatever they want.

I think that sometimes appears as though its hindering the scientific community from making progress in this field of study because it can often limit their research simply by asking questions then feeling a backlash from specific groups who take offense at their results often from groups who arent even in the category of people who have gender dysphoria.

this is due to the titles of "defect" that scientific community will attach to certain things, hence the reclassification of Gender dysphoria from a disorder of the mind to a "biological phenomenon" the social stigma creates an environment which can impede scientific progress simply by the use of scientific language.

of course there are those in the scientific community who make mistakes and act in their own interests and can often lead to scandals but those people often arent decent human beings and use science for their own agendas.

Just some of my thoughts on it , I always appreciate the discussion on this subject and there are far more knowledgeable people on ATS on the subject than me and I always enjoy their comments.


posted on Jan, 9 2020 @ 10:35 AM
My goodness, what a clickbaity title. "You won't believe what this author said! The left hate her!"
And what anticlimactic and meaningless content. We should be concerned because some random author of children's stories said something about a 3rd person who said something about nonbinary individuals?

No, sorry, this doesn't concern me at all. The world has many more pressing matters to be concerned about. Why on earth should I care about what someone else thinks about what someone else thinks about what someone thinks about the UK government's plans?
edit on 9-1-2020 by babloyi because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 14 2020 @ 06:21 AM

originally posted by: ChaoticOrder
a reply to: dfnj2015

Shemales are still biological men, a DNA test will always show that. There is a genetic mutation which can result in a person being born with both genitalia, that is the closest things to a 3rd gender. Personally I don't really see much issue with letting a male call themselves a female if they are quite feminine, what annoys me is when bulked up hairy idiots try to play into it.

It seems to me we need to create some clear separations between biological gender and self-assigned gender. It's fine if they want to identify as another gender but they need to realize they are still biologically a certain gender, and that's very important information when it comes to things like medical records, otherwise they simply cannot receive the most appropriate treatment.

I can shake your hand for each word I just read now. My opinion this is the only option to cope with all this stuff right now. Of course now we are talking about democratic states. Some crazy countries in Eastern Europe, Asia etc will go their own way and see no reason why we should try to change their mind. I am sure we should care more about ourselves than some 3rd world states

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